Three local Civil Air Patrol cadets promoted to captain

Wed, 08/22/2007 - 10:20am
By: The Citizen

Three local Civil Air Patrol cadets promoted to captain

The Peachtree City – Falcon Field Composite Squadron of the U.S. Civil Air Patrol recently promoted three cadets to the rank of Cadet Captain. Cadet Captain is the fourth highest rank possible as a CAP cadet. The young men have worked diligently to meet the rigorous aerospace education, leadership, and physical fitness requirements for this promotion. All three cadets have served in key leadership positions in the squadron and are well deserving of their promotion.

Cadet Captain Drew Clasen is the son of Greg and Kim Clasen of Fayetteville. Clasen is a student at Starr’s Mill High School and is the current squadron Cadet Commander. Cadet Captain Chris Murray is the son of Vincent Murray of Fayetteville and Kristina Thames of Union City. Murray is a student at Whitewater High School and the current squadron Deputy Cadet Commander. Cadet Captain Joel Powell is the son of Jason and Gloria Powell of Palmetto. Powell is a home school graduate and is the most recent past Cadet Commander.

The U.S. Civil Air Patrol is the official U.S. Air Force Auxiliary. CAP Cadet Programs offer youth ages 12-18 opportunities to develop leadership skills, investigate the fundamentals of aerospace science, acquire the habit of exercising regularly, solidify their character, and participate in exciting hands-on activities that prepare them to become responsible citizens. More information on the Civil Air Patrol and the Peachtree City – Falcon Field Composite Squadron can be found at

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