There’s more!

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Enoch lived thousands of years ago during a time when the knowledge of God was very limited. There were no churches, no bibles, no radios or other forms of media that we are blessed with today. No one in his day was born again because Jesus had yet to be raised from the dead, yet Genesis 5:24 tells us that he was famous for “walking with God.”

Hebrews 11:5 records that he pleased God because he walked by faith. Picture it in your mind. Enoch was working in the field one day, and he begins to think about God. He must have thought about how little revelation of God he had, and how much more there must be. He probably thought to himself, “There must be more to God than what I am experiencing.”

Whatever he did, somewhere he began to believe, and his faith set him on a journey of walking with God and experiencing what no one else had ever experienced. He began walking in a place with God that put him in the hall of fame of faith.

How did this happen? Believing that there’s more and pursuing it with hunger.

What about you? Are you happy with the knowledge, revelation and experiences you have had, or do you believe that there’s more to God than what you have experienced thus far?

The next verse in Hebrews 11 says that “he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Enoch was rewarded with a walk with God that no one knew about because he believed there was more and he diligently sought God.

God is no respecter of persons. If He did it for Enoch, He will do it for you, but you must first believe that no matter what you have, there’s more.

In Isaiah 45:15 we read that God is a God who hides himself. In other scriptures, like the one in Hebrews 11, He speaks of revealing Himself. Does God hide Himself, or does He reveal Himself?

Both! Think about people around you today. There are some who know God and have a deep revelation of Him. There are others who have no clue of His reality. Even among those who are Christians, there are those who know God more than others. Why is this? The reason is because God is hidden from us until we choose to believe. Once we believe in Jesus and accept Him as Lord, God reveals Himself to us as savior. Until then, He is hidden.

As we live as Christians, we must continually believe that there are dimensions of God ready to be revealed to those that believe there is more. Do you believe that God has more joy and peace for you than what you have ever experienced? Do you believe that He could intervene in your family and cause you to be closer and stronger than you have ever been? How about your church? Do you believe that there is more to God than the one or two hour service on Sunday where you sing a few songs, give an offering, hear a quick sermon and head to the restaurant?

If our God-experiences seem limited then one thing we cannot do is try to water God down to match our experiences. We must elevate our experiences to match His greatness. We must believe and cry out for more. God is much bigger than our Baptist, Methodist or Charismatic minds could ever conceive!

It doesn’t matter if you are 14 or 84, God wants to reveal to you dimensions of Himself and His power that no man has yet to see. The kingdom of God, as demonstrated in the life of Christ, is ready to be demonstrated again today. Jesus told us in John 14:12 that we would do the works that He did, and even greater. The church of Jesus should be seeing more of the miraculous power than we presently see.

We have a mandate to reach the nations of the earth with the gospel of the Kingdom of God. It must be done, not in word only, but in power. The apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 that “my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”

Let’s believe in that power and demonstration of the Spirit. Let’s pursue Him with hungry faith and show this world that Jesus is truly the same yesterday, today and forever.

Tell God that you believe and that you are ready for Him to usher you into MORE!

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