Tax increases make reader ‘sick’

Tue, 08/07/2007 - 4:08pm
By: Letters to the ...

After reading The Citizen (Aug. 1, 2007) I immediately took sick. Yes, sick at local government.

We pay them good money to find solutions to our problems and their only answer is raise taxes. We could put a group of monkeys on these boards and councils and come out with the same answer for bananas a day.

Any fool can drive down the streets in Fayetteville, county and the city, and see houses by the hundreds for sale and no buyers. This should tell you that values have not increased but have in fact decreased, so how does that add up to an increase in taxes?

To add insult to injury now the Fayette County Commission is going out of town for their retreat. It may be the same money (which I doubt) but nevertheless they are taking the money out of town.

Just to make my point clear, as a citizen of this county, I feel none of us are being represented by our elected officials. Their only concern is to “grow government” and they have no concern about the hard-working taxpayers of this county.

If growth is causing this increase in taxes, I say stop the growth; we can’t stand anymore.

If you really want to mess up a good place to live, just get some more politicians involved and before you know it you will be moving out of town just for peace of mind and to have enough money left to eat.

I would suggest all local officials read my comments because I feel lots of other people feel the same as I do.

So if you are not too busy packing your bags for that much needed “retreat” to Callaway Gardens (can we all come since we are paying for the trip?) stop and think a minute about how we, the citizens of this county feel about things.

Short answer is this: We don’t want any more taxes regardless of the problem or project. Now you have it in writing from one little citizen and I would hope that others would write and let you know just how they feel.

Have a very nice day because you certainly have screwed up my day.

John C. Scott

Fayetteville, Ga.

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