Camp Jam rocks local teens

Wed, 07/25/2007 - 9:24am
By: The Citizen

Camp Jam rocks local teens Shown from left are: keyboardist Jeff Bowman of Atlanta, bass guitarist Carl Eifert, guitarist Niles Goodfellow, drummer Robert Eifert and vocalist C.J. Williams- who also plays drums- all of Peachtree City. Photo/Special.

Four young rockers from Peachtree City joined with a keyboardist from Atlanta and enjoyed a week at the Atlanta-based rock and roll day camp known as Camp Jam.

The five youths' band was called "Regret Nothing" and they performed the musically-difficult "Break On Through" by The Doors at the camp's Friday night concert. The summer camp is for youth aged 11-17 and was founded by .38 Special guitarist Jeff Carlisi.

Camp Jam features instrument specific instruction on guitar, bass, keyboard, drums and vocals, all using top-of-the-line equipment.

The rock campers practice all week for the Friday concert and they also receive special enrichment courses from Carlisi and other professional big-time rockers, such as Jim Peterik of Survivor.

They also get access to other music business professionals, such as songwriters and the artists and repertoire professionals who place new talent with record labels.

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