Bush commutes Scooter's sentence.

Mixer's picture

Scooter Libby's sentence for lying to a grand jury is commuted by Bush.

He will now serve probation in lieu of jail time.

I think it certainly took Bush long enough. I wish he would have done it on day one to make a point.

Libby still faces 2 years probation, millions in legal fees, over 250k in fines, and a criminal record.

Scooter should have been pardoned if you ask me.

Maybe he is trying to win back the conservatives? Typical half stepping by Bush. Luke warm - yuk.

And Richard Armitage got what? Oh yea, NOTHING!

Now what?

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Submitted by Davids mom on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 3:08pm.

Thanks. Not hard to do when one realizes that there are others in the discussion that have similar opinions - and have no fear in expressing their opinions. I enjoy reading your contributions.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 1:15pm.

Your kind found out what "facts" are in the last election, and will find out the rest of them next time!

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 8:35am.

Just when was our country "enjoying world-wide respect"? Please back that up with facts.

Was it when the oil-for-food and other U.N. scandals were occurring? Stopping those lucrative scams did seem to put countries like France in a sour mood. They just aren't happy unless they are stealing food from children's mouths.

Are Americans better off than they were a year ago?

"no citizens sleeping under bridges" -- Are you sure that they are CITIZENS?

Are they drunks? Dope addicts? If so, they enjoy the "Outdoor Life"!

"no home foreclosures" -- Did they buy more expensive homes than they could afford? Did they spend too much on luxuries so that there was not enough left over for the house payment? Did they rack up lots of credit card debt with high interest? Did they not budget well? Some people just do not make good financial decisions.

Utopia doesn't exist! Jesus said that we would have the poor with us always. Give to private charities; they do a lot more for "the poor" than government and a lot more efficiently, too.

I'd be a lot better off if Social Security had been privatized and tax rates lowered. Will you vote for candidates that will get these accomplished? Thanks!

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 1:25pm.

I'm not going to try and claim that it was all Clinton's doing, but we had much better "world-wide respect" before 9/11 and in the aftermath of 9/11 than we do now. When we attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan, we had world-wide support for that action, including large-scale troop deployments from our allies into the war. Even the moderate Arab nations supported our action, even though it was politically damaging to them to do so. You want a fact; here's a fact--we were granted multiple new bases in Oman to support that war, including the one I was based at, in Thumrait.

Previously, I mentioned flying air defense over Washington DC on the day after 9/11. We continued to fly 24/7 over DC for almost a year after that, and it was sapping our operational readiness, so NATO sent approximately 180 flyers to augment our flying operation for about six months, so our AWACS crews could deploy to the war in Afghanistan. How ironic that during those months we often had a German or Dutch AWACS crew directing the air defense of our nation's capitol! This was a sacrifice on the parts of those NATO crews and their families, but they did it to show solidarity with us in our time of need. My point is that we had universal support and admiration from other countries during that time, and Bush has squandered most of it since then. Not much NATO support in Iraq, is there?
The real truth is simple--it's lies that are complicated.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 9:30pm.

Hillary wouldn't have to worry about being "raped in prison" either.

Although there's little doubt prison is where Hillary belongs, I can't think of anyone that could be that intoxicated and yet still able to preform.

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 9:41pm.

You made me laugh so hard my beer came out of my nose!


bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 10:25pm.

I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.

I laughed just as hard while writing it.

I've known some famous/infamous drunks in my time, Hollywood types, bikers and politicians, but nobody was ever that unlucky.

Just the thought of Hilary in such a "compromising position" is enough to make me puke.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 10:58am.

Wow! So much for the jury system and the court of law. But your dancing, Denise, isn't nearly as magnificent as Tony Snow's, as he currently tap dances his way through the White House briefing. Is the rule of law finally dead in this country? Are federal sentencing guidlelines which the President mandates be followed now suddenly excessive? Are conservatives on the side of prosecuters are "sleezy" defense lawyers now? I know that there are many men in jail who didn't really mean to lie. Just ask them. The conservative principles are changing faster than I can track them. Denise, you will refute this by saying democrats are flip flopping shape shifters as well, which will prove the point that there is no difference between the parties after all. All outrage situational, opinions poll guided, principles based on constituents and their funding/desires.

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 07/08/2007 - 6:17am.

“So much for” the Constitution that permits presidential pardons and commutations!

Article II, Section 2:
The President ... shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

Alexander Hamilton supported this strategy in Federalist 74, writing, “It is not to be doubted, that a single man of prudence and good sense is better fitted, in delicate conjunctures, to balance the motives which may plead for and against the remission of the punishment, than any numerous body whatever.”

A proposal introduced by Connecticut's Roger Sherman to make Presidential pardons subject to the consent of the Senate was considered but quickly rejected by the Convention (the Senate was deemed to be powerful enough already). So was Luther Martin's suggestion of confining pardons to convicted persons only; the Framers concluded that pre-conviction pardons might be useful to further national interests.

With the single exception of impeachment, then, the pardon power emerged from Philadelphia as exclusive, broad, and unfettered by the regular checks and balances of the governmental structure.


William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England (4:397—402) (1769)

This is indeed one of the great advantages of monarchy in general, above any other form of government; that there is a magistrate, who has it in his power to extend mercy, wherever he thinks it is deserved: holding a court of equity in his own breast, to soften the rigour of the general law, in such criminal cases as merit an exemption from punishment.

Pardons (according to some theorists) should be excluded in a perfect legislation, where punishments are mild but certain: for that the clemency of the prince seems a tacit disapprobation of the laws.

But the exclusion of pardons must necessarily introduce a very dangerous power in the judge or jury, that of construing the criminal law by the spirit instead of the letter; or else it must be holden, what no man will seriously avow, that the situation and circumstances of the offender (though they alter not the essence of the crime) ought to make no distinction in the punishment….


See my post "DO THE CLINTONS NOW SUPPORT JAIL TIME FOR PERJURERS?" for Bush's record on pardons.

“prosecuters are ‘sleezy’ defense lawyers” – No, just “sleezy” PROSECUTORS! Laughing out loud But they are both lawyers; so it’s redundant! Would you like to borrow my lawyer joke books? Laughing out loud

“Are federal sentencing guidlelines which the President mandates be followed now suddenly excessive?” – Were the guidelines based on an actual crime having been committed that the accused lied about?

As far as my belief in the “rule of law,” please remember my previous posts (that have been severely criticized Laughing out loud ) in which I do not condone lying (a faulty memory or even remembering something differently from another person does not equate to lying). Did Libby have trouble remembering what the meaning of “is” is? Or the meaning of “alone”? Did he state on TV, “I did NOT . . .”?


David Limbaugh sums up my beliefs very well in his column
“Libby's Clemency Justified, Unlike Many Clinton Pardons” (July 6, 2007).

I understand the angst of certain rule of law proponents upset by President Bush's commutation of Scooter Libby's conviction. But most of the people outraged by it have no credibility, since they were utterly indifferent to the Clintons' habitual mockery of the rule of law and prolific and shady abuse of the pardon power during their co-presidency.

As the president clearly has the constitutional authority to pardon or commute sentences for almost any reason, the issue isn't one of authority, but propriety.

As a rule of law conservative I don't take lightly such executive interventions in the judicial process, believing our judicial system depends on the integrity of our jury system and the impartial administration of justice.

I understand that it might appear like cronyism for the president, after the justice system has taken its course to convict and sentence a member of his administration, to reduce the sentence, especially given the president's affirmations of confidence in the special prosecutor handling the case.

That said, I still believe Scooter Libby is a worthy candidate for clemency and even pardon. This case has never been about Libby. He has merely been the scapegoat for the Bush-hating left, which has been lusting to criminalize the administration over the president's fraudulently alleged misrepresentations about Iraqi WMD.

Thus, when the news broke that someone had leaked the identity of Joe Wilson's allegedly, but doubtfully covert CIA spouse, Valerie Plame, liberals immediately adopted the irreversible assumption that the "leak" was orchestrated by the administration and implemented by one or more of its key players.

But we know beyond any doubt that Richard Armitage, not Libby, was the leaker. Since Libby had committed no "underlying" crime, he had no motive to commit perjury. He had nothing to cover up.

Nevertheless, Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald was able to secure a perjury conviction against Libby based on inconsistent statements he made involving conversations he'd had. Others also caught in inconsistent statements were not only not charged with perjury, but lavished with praise by the mainstream media.

Libby represents the liberals' pound of flesh for Bush's mythical WMD lies. Driven by the very sordid type of revenge motive they falsely projected onto the administration, they scapegoated Libby. To this day, these liberals don't care about perjury -- they nearly glorified it during the Clinton years. This is still about the leak. Yet there was no administration leak.

If I were Bush, I would pardon Libby because I don't believe he is guilty and I don't believe he should have to shoulder the punishment for the liberals' fabricated Bush-lied "crime." I believe that at worst, Libby's memory is fallible, like all the rest of us. If I believed he actually lied deliberately to the court -- I wouldn't favor clemency.

But think about this. By commuting Libby's sentence, or pardoning him, Bush is hurting himself in order to grant mercy to someone else. Regardless of conservative support for leniency, history books will doubtlessly record this as a cloud on Bush's integrity.

The Clintons, by contrast, abused the pardon power to help themselves, their family, friends and contributors. Their use of the power differed in kind rather than degree with Bush's.

We've recently been reminded of the rash of Clinton pardons at the close of their second term in exchange for political contributions and other self-serving reasons. But even before that black mark on America's presidential history, I chronicled in my first book Clinton's abuse of the power to pardon FALN terrorists to boost Hillary's popularity with Puerto Rican voters in her New York Senate race.

He did so, even though the Justice Department's recently released Five-Year Interagency Counterterrorism and Technology Crime Plan concluded the release of FALN members would heighten the risk of domestic terrorism. He did so, despite the opposition of the FBI, the Bureau of Prisons and various United States attorneys. He did so despite the fact that between 1974 and 1983, FALN bombed more than 130 American military, business, and political "targets," the most devastating of which killed four and injured more than 60 in lower Manhattan in 1975.

Scooter Libby represents a threat to no one. Yet the liberals who are squealing the loudest about Libby are the very ones who pooh poohed Clinton's abuses and ignored his FALN and other indisputably improper pardons.

For all the talk about Bush violating procedure by granting clemency before Libby formally requested it, the Clintons set the precedent on that practice as well, proceeding with the FALN pardons before they were requested. And if you needed further proof, the Clintons' pardons were politically motivated, understand that they even took the unprecedented action of recruiting people like Jimmy Carter to lobby them for the pardons.

Two wrongs don't make a right. But I truly don't believe Libby's clemency is wrong or selfishly motivated. There is no question that many of the Clintons' were.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 2:56pm.


Neil Ainley (guilty plea),
Roger Altman (resigned under cloud),
Les Aspin (resigned in disgust),
Bruce Babbitt (IC investigation),
Zoe Baird (nomination failed),
Robert Bennett (co-defendant in sexual harassment suit),
Ronald H. Blackley (convicted - Espy),
Herby Branscum (mistrial),
Michael A. Brown (convicted),
Michael's dad Ron Brown (died under investigation),
Jorge Cabrera (convicted),
Pierre Chambrin (WH chef, fired & bribed $37k to keep quiet),
Gin F. J. Chen (5th plea),
Ming Chen (fled country),
Yi Chu (5th plea - granted immunity),
Yue Chu (5th plea - granted immunity),
Johnny Chung (guilty plea),
Henry Cisneros (indicted),
Arthur Coia (under investigation),
Gilbert Colon (5th plea),
Bettie Currie (subpoenaed),
Billy Dale (persecuted by Clintons, acquitted),
Michael deVegter (indicted),
Richard Douglas (guilty plea - Espy),
Mike Espy (indicted),
Eugene Fitzhugh (guilty plea),
Dr. Henry Foster Jr. (nomination failed),
Manlin Foung (5th plea - granted immunity),
Yogesh Ghandi (5th plea),
Lani Guinier (nomination failed),
David Hale (guilty plea),
John Haley (indicted-fraud),
Jean Hanson (resigned under cloud),
Alexis Herman (under investigation),
Philip B. Heymann (resigned in disgust),
Nolanda S. Hill (indicted - singing),
Robert Hill (mistrial),
Man Ho (5th plea - granted immunity),
Maria Hsia (indicted),
Jie Su Hsiao (5th plea),
Judy Hsu (5th plea),
Jen Chin Hsueh (5th plea),
Hueutsan Huang (5th plea - granted immunity),
Jane Huang (5th plea),
John Huang (5th plea),
Zie Pan Huang (5th plea - granted immunity),
Webster Hubbell (convicted),
Steven Hwang (5th plea),
Woody Hwang (5th plea),
Harold Ickes (under IC investigation),
Charles Intriago (5th plea),
Bin Yueh Jeng (5th plea),
Mark Jimenez (5th plea),
Linda Jones (guilty plea - Cisneros),
Pauline Kanchanalak (fled country),
Duangnet Kronenberg (5th plea),
Larry Kuca (guilty plea),
Joseph Landon (5th plea - granted immunity),
Nathan Landow (under IC investigation),
Dan Lasater (convicted),
Kent Law (granted immunity),
John H.K. Lee (fled country),
Na-chi "Nancy" Lee (5th plea - granted immunity),
Siuw Moi Lian (5th plea - granted immunity),
Hsiu Chu Lin (5th plea),
Mike Lin (5th plea),
Bruce Lindsey (unindicted co-conspirator),
Craig Livingstone (resigned under cloud),
Nora and Gene Lum (guilty pleas),
daughter Trisha Lum (guilty plea),
Felix Ma (fled country),
William Marks (guilty plea),
Charles Matthews (guilty plea),
Terence McAuliffe (guilty plea),
James McDougal (convicted, died in prison),
Susan McDougal (convicted),
Mark Middleton (5th plea),
Dick Morris (resigned under cloud),
Jere Nash (guilty plea - Teamsters),
Tom Nastos (under investigation),
Bernard Nussbaum (IC investigation),
Seow Fong Ooi (5th plea),
Robert Palmer (guilty plea),
Antonio Pan (fled country),
Larry Patterson (co-defendant),
Federico Pena, Roger Perry,
Charles Ruff (under investigation),
Archie Schaffer (indicted - Tyson),
Agus Setiawan (fled country),
Jou Sheng (5th plea),
Hsin Chen Shih (5th plea),
Man Ya Shih (5th plea - granted immunity),
Ted Sieong (fled country),
Smith Barney Inc. ($1M civil fine - Espy),
Stephen Smith (guilty plea),
Jane Dewi Tahir (5th plea),
Roger Tamraz (fugitive - Lebanese embezzlement),
Subandi Tanuwidjaja (fled country),
Dewi Tirto (fled country),
Susan Thomases (under IC investigation),
Charlie Trie (indicted),
Linda Tripp, Hsiu Luan Tseng (5th plea),
Jim Guy Tucker (convicted),
Tyson Foods Inc. (guilty plea - Espy),
Chris Wade (guilty plea),
Chi Rung Wang (5th plea),
David Wang (5th plea - granted immunity),
Seth Ward (under IC investigation),
David Watson (fired),
Clifton Wharton (resigned in disgust),
Jack L. Williams (convicted - Tyson),
Maggie Williams (under IC investigation),
Arief Wiriandinata (fled country),
Soraya Wiriadinata (fled country),
Larry Wong (5th plea - granted immunity),
Michael Woo (under investigation),
Irene Wu (5th plea - granted immunity),
Shu Jen Wu (5th plea - granted immunity),
Eric Wynn (convicted),
Yumei Yang (5th plea),
Keshi Zhan (5th plea - granted immunity).


1. Benjamin Berger
2. Ronald Henderson Blackley
3. Bert Wayne Bolan
4. Gloria Libia Camargo
5. Charles F. Campbell
6. David Ronald Chandler
7. Lau Ching Chin
8. Donald R. Clark
9. Loreta De-Ann Coffman
10. Derrick Curry
11. Velinda Desalus
12. Jacob Elbaum
13. Linda Sue Evans
14. Loretta Sharon Fish
15. Antoinette M. Frink
16. David Goldstein
17. Gerard A. Greenfield
18. Jodie E. Israel
19. Kimberly Johnson
20. Billy Thornton Langston Jr.
21. Belinda Lynn Lumpkin
22. Peter MacDonald - President of the Navajo Nation
23. Kellie Ann Mann
24. Peter Ninemire
25. Hugh Ricardo Padmore
26. Arnold Paul Prosperi
27. Melvin J. Reynolds - Democratic Congressman from Illinois - bank fraud and obstruction of justice
28. Pedro Miguel Riveiro
29. Dorothy Rivers - lead official in Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, plead guilty to theft of 1.2 million dollars in federal grant money
30. Susan Rosenberg
31. Kalmen Stern
32. Cory Stringfellow
33. Carlos Anibal Vignali - convicted of cocaine trafficking
34. Thomas Wilson Waddell III
35. Harvey Weinig
36. Kim Allen Willis
37. Kimba Smith
38. Antonio Camacho Negron - FALN militant


1. Verla Jean Allen (1990 false statements to an agency of the United States)
2. Nicholas M. Altiere (1983 importation of cocaine)
3. Bernice Ruth Altschul (1992 money laundering conspiracy)
4. Joe Anderson Jr. (1988 income tax evasion)
5. William Sterling Anderson (1987 defraudment of a financial institution, false statements to a financial institution, wire fraud)
6. Mansour Azizkhani (1984 false statements in bank loan applications)
7. Cleveland Victor Babin Jr. (1987 using the U.S. mail service to defraud)
8. Chris Harmon Bagley (1989 conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine)
9. Scott Lynn Bane (Unlawful distribution of marijuana)
10. Thomas Cleveland Barber (Issuing worthless checks)
11. Peggy Ann Bargon (Violation of the Lacey Act, violation of the Bald Eagle Protection Act)
12. David Roscoe Blampied (possess with intent to distribute cocaine)
13. William Arthur Borders Jr. (Conspiracy to corruptly solicit and accept money in return for influencing the official acts of a federal district court judge (Alcee L. Hastings), and to defraud the United States in connection with the performance of lawful government functions; corruptly influencing, obstructing, impeding and endeavoring to influence, obstruct and impede the due administration of justice, and aiding and abetting therein; traveling interstate with intent to commit bribery)
14. Arthur David Borel (Odometer Rollback)
15. Douglas Chrles Borel (Odometer Rollback)
16. George Thomas Brabham (Making a false statement or report to a federally insured bank)
17. Almon Glenn Braswell (1983 mail fraud and perjury)
18. Leonard Browder (Illegal dispensing of controlled substance and Medicaid fraud)
19. David Steven Brown (Securities fraud and mail fraud)
20. Delores Caroylene Burleson, aka Delores Cox Burleson (Possession of Marijuana)
21. John H. Bustamante (wire fraud)
22. Mary Louise Campbell
23. Eloida Candelaria
24. Dennis Sobrevinas Capili
25. Donna Denise Chambers
26. Douglas Eugene Chapman
27. Ronald Keith Chapman
28. Francisco Larois Chavez
29. Henry Cisneros (former HUD Secretary)
30. Roger Clinton, Jr. (half-brother of President Bill Clinton)
31. Stuart Harris Cohn
32. David Marc Cooper
33. Ernest Harley Cox Jr.
34. John F. Cross Jr.
35. Reickey Lee Cunningham
36. Richard Anthony De Labio
37. John Deutch (former Director of Central Intelligence Agency)
38. Richard Douglas
39. Edward Reynolds Downe
40. Marvin Dean Dudley
41. Larry Lee Duncan
42. Robert Clinton Fain
43. Marcos Arcenio Fernandez
44. Alvarez Ferrouillet
45. William Dennis Fugazy
46. Lloyd Reid George
47. Louis Goldstein
48. Rubye Lee Gordon
49. Pincus Green
50. Robert Ivey Hamner
51. Samuel Price Handley
52. Woodie Randolph Handley
53. Jay Houston Harmon
54. Rick Hendrick
55. John Hummingson
56. David S. Herdlinger
57. Debi Rae Huckleberry
58. Warren C. Hultgren Jr.
59. Donald Ray James
60. Stanley Pruet Jobe
61. Ruben H. Johnson
62. Linda Jones
63. James Howard Lake
64. June Louise Lewis
65. Salim Bonnor Lewis
66. John Leighton Lodwick
67. Hildebrando Lopez
68. Jose Julio Luaces
69. James Timothy Maness
70. James Lowell Manning, (1982, aiding and assisting in the preparation of a false corporate income tax return)
71. John Robert Martin
72. Frank Ayala Martinez
73. Silvia Leticia Beltran Martinez
74. John Francis McCormick
75. Susan H. McDougal
76. Howard Mechanic
77. Brook K. Mitchell Sr.
78. Samuel Loring Morison
79. Charles Wilfred Morgan III
80. Richard Anthony Nazzaro
81. Charlene Ann Nosenko
82. Vernon Raymond Obermeier
83. Miguelina Ogalde
84. David C. Owen
85. Robert W. Palmer
86. Kelli Anne Perhosky
87. Richard H. Pezzopane
88. Orville Rex Phillips
89. Vinson Stewart Poling Jr.
90. Norman Lyle Prouse
91. Willie H.H. Pruitt Jr.[1]
92. Danny Martin Pursley Sr.
93. Charles D. Ravenel
94. William Clyde Ray
95. Alfredo Luna Regalado
96. Ildefonso Reynes Ricafort
97. Marc Rich - tax evasion fugitive
98. Howard Winfield Riddle
99. Richard Wilson Riley Jr.
100. Samuel Lee Robbins
101. Joel Gonzales Rodriguez
102. Michael James Rogers
103. Anna Louise Ross
104. Dan Rostenkowski - Former Democratic Congressman convicted in the Congressional Post Office Scandal
105. Gerald Glen Rust
106. Jerri Ann Rust
107. Bettye June Rutherford
108. Gregory Lee Sands
109. Adolph Schwimmer
110. Albert A. Seretti Jr.
111. Patricia Campbell Hearst Shaw
112. Dennis Joseph Smith
113. Gerald Owen Smith
114. Stephen A. Smith
115. Jimmie Lee Speake
116. Charles Bernard Stewart
117. Marlena Francisca Stewart-Rollins
118. Fife Symington III - former Arizona governor
119. Richard Lee Tannehill
120. Nicholas C. Tenaglia
121. Gary Allen Thomas
122. Larry Weldon Todd
123. Olga C. Trevino
124. Ignatious Vamvouklis
125. Patricia A. Van De Weerd
126. Christopher V. Wade
127. Bill Wayne Warmath
128. Jack Kenneth Watson
129. Donna Lynn Webb
130. Donald William Wells
131. Robert H. Wendt
132. Jack L. Williams
133. Kavin Arthur Williams
134. Robert Michael Williams
135. Jimmie Lee Wilson
136. Thelma Louise Wingate
137. Mitchell Couey Wood
138. Warren Stannard Wood
139. Dewey Worthey
140. Rick Allen Yale
141. Joseph A. Yasak
142. William Stanley Yingling
143. Phillip David Young
144. Keith Sanders
145. Darren Muci
146. John Scott (not a full pardon)
147. Anthony M Pilla

Submitted by Davids mom on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 1:59pm.

Dates tell us who the president was. A list like this can be attributed to almost every president. Nixon had the 'class' to resign - and Ford later 'pardoned' him. LATER! This was an act of 'up yours' to the American public.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 5:36pm.

Try that again - this time in English please.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 11:23pm.

I guess we won't have to suffer him as BUSH IV

The US Office of Thrift Supervision investigated the failure of Silverado and determined that Bush had engaged in numerous "breaches of his fiduciary duties involving multiple conflicts of interest." Although Bush was not indicted on criminal charges, a civil action was brought against him and the other Silverado directors by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; it was eventually settled out of court, with Bush paying $50,000 as part of the settlement, as reported in the Style section of the Washington Post [3].

from the suspect WIKIPEDIA

I think his defense (his mamma says) is he's dyslexikic.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 10:30am.

Is that all you have on him? He is certainly 'cleaner' than the Clintaxes.

Pardon him. Eye-wink

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 3:31pm.

Nice list. I found it too.

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 3:23pm.

It must be a list of the wascally wepublicans that the evil dearth Bush pardoned.


Stop Global Whining

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 9:45pm.

I hope we never need to re-institute this - ever.

Can you believe it's a general application available on the world wide web. I wonder how many maggots that act has pardoned. Not to mention it has killed the draft forever.

Why serve if drafted? You can just go to the soviet union, smoke dope (but don't inhale), become President, and 'smoke' cigars with the interns instead.

My gosh, if you fly jets in the National Guard instead of skipping out to a foreign country the same party that pardoned all the 'Real Draft Dodgers' calls you a draft dodger anyway.

So, if being a draft dodger is a bad thing, why pardon them and elect one President?

If it's not a bad thing, why do liberals constantly call Bush one like it's a slur?

Yet, if you go to Russia and protest, smoke a little dope, hey, it's a free pass. Go figure.

I am sooooo confused.


If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 10:21pm.

Please post. I have friends that were in 'Nam & wished they never went. They wonder why they went. There is no shame in having went. Clinton at least had the guts to write a letter saying why he didn't want to go. Unfortunately (or fortunately given the approval ratings) he didn't have a Daddy & Granddaddy that could git him in a Guard unit. To fly jets no less & do powder in Houston by nite. But you are right; No one invaded Texas while he was flying.
Wake-up duffass, most of the rest of the country has..ya'll elected the wrong Bush. That's why Daddy Bush broke down at Jeb's farewell. Hey, where is Neil? Why aren't there any Bush spawn in the service? The Twins, that good-lookin' nephew? Well, we know about one and drug testin'.
We who did not go and dissented have no shame. I am sorry for you but the saying, "My country right or wrong." is JUST that A SAYING.

& Daddy, you did what in the war?

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 9:56am.

I also spent time in the Philippines, Japan, and Crete. I have also been to most of these United States and was trained in Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, Nevada, Washington State and California.

I'm sure I left several out but you get the idea.

Anything else you want to know bladderq?

I'm third generation, all served with honor. None of us 'wrote a letter'. My family served in WWII, the Korean conflict, Two tours in Nam, a nifty little thing called 'Eagle Claw', The Gulf War, and countless military actions and exercises.

My kids don't ask what I did in the war, they know what each and every medal is for because they can read the 'citation to accompany' each award.

Have a good fourth of July bladderq. It's only a holiday because real men didn't write letters saying they were afraid to serve their country. Freedom isn't free and you can't buy it with a letter.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 7:28am.

If you were keeping up you would know where Mixer served. You condemn Bush for not going and congradulate Clinton for the same thing. How much guts does it take to write a letter? No matter how you look at it, Bush did more then Clinton.One other thing, till you join up, you can't critisize anyone else for not joining. Have your kids joined? I can see why you are afraid of the cops, you hypocrite, you believe there are laws for you and laws for the rest of the people as in: I almost stopped at that stop sign, the light was only red for a little while when I went through it. I don't know how he didn't see that ladder hanging out of my truck.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by thebiggun on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 8:47am.

Just think what this Wack Jobs kids are like. He is doing something illegal and you can bet the farm on it. The guilty dog barks the loudest and Bladderq is the biggest dog on the blogs.

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 10:08pm.

The hypocrisy of the left is boundless! The outcry on this whole Libby thing is astounding, but not the least bit surprising.


Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 4:06pm.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 6:35am.

A little late aren't you, Denise?

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 4:20am.

Extremely crude, aren’t you, Basmati?

[Lacking tact or taste or refinement; lacking in sophistication or subtlety; vulgar]

You do make me wonder if Freud really did understand leftist loonies.

Anal fixation that can lead to anal-retentive behaviors such as tidying and fastidiousness and stubbornness. Obsessive-compulsive disorders can occur (such as fixating on Christians), including those that lead to cruelty, extreme orderliness, or miserliness.

The Anal-Expulsive Personality is the opposite of the Anal-Retentive Personality and has a lack of self control and is prone to emotional outbursts and cruelty. The Anal-Expulsive Personality is generally messy, disorganized, and careless (a hippie, for example) and exhibits rebelliousness and liberal-mindedness.

Your puerile scatological fixation makes me wonder if you and your friends at
“Make You Think” [who have a gallery of pictures of dog feces (I assume) flagged with President Bush’s picture] suffer from coprophilia.

I’m glad that I’m not having BBQ at your house! Laughing out loud

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 8:19am.

Good Morning, Denise! I spent Independence Day watching fireworks down in Florida, thanks for asking! Guess I missed the Tarpgate imbroglio!

I'd ask you how you spent Independence Day, but I already know: you were here at 9 pm on July 4th, nitpicking my grammar and spelling and chastising me for using Wikipedia as a reference (what irony, coming from you!). What a sad, bitter, reclusive life you must lead, Denise.

(Although I understand why you wouldn't go out and watch fireworks...the faintest whiff of sulphur and brimstone from the exploding shells probably makes you homesick

Your attempts to play Junior Psychologist are always amusing, Denise, and I look forward to your next verbal encopresis.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 07/07/2007 - 5:10am.

The fireworks at Disney World are extraordinary. You were a little late for Gay Days, though. Pleasure Island just wouldn’t be the same in July as it was in June when inundated by drag queens, fags, and “macho” homos with multiple body piercings. Not quite as good as being there, but pictures are available on the internet. “It is not too early to start planning for 2008” or for the “Gay” “Ladies” cruise coming up in January. Laughing out loud

Disney-MGM Studios 4th of July Fireworks Video


The 2007 pictures aren’t up yet at GayDays.com or GayDay.info, but here are a few from past events.

** WARNING ** The following pictures are objectionable; however, they are not from pornography sites. They are promotional photos for these events. If you were to go to Disney World during Gay Days, on a cruise during Gay Days, or attend a Gay Pride Parade, you would see similar sites but would not be forewarned of their graphic nature. Decide for yourself if these events are “family friendly.”

"Unsuspecting vacationers . . . may realize they aren't in Kansas anymore."

Gay Days 2007 Magazine (pdf) (Bananas seem to be a favorite prop. DELTA is a silver sponsor.)

Gay Days Cruise Humor

Gay Days Cruise Swimwear

Pleasure Island

Piercings & Swimsuits

Blue Pacifier – Nice hair!

Dykes & Fag in Feathers in Atlanta (in case you missed the recent parade)

Feathers & Butts

Feathers & Hats

“Rainbow” skirt, belt armbands, & white tee-shirt in Atlanta

“Nuts” tee-shirt

Purple feathers and Skirt

Pink Wig & “Princess” Dress (forgot to wax those arms – yuk!)

Jewelry & Rings (on fingers & elsewhere)

More Swimsuits


You do seem to fixate on my schedule. “Creepy,” especially from someone with your tendencies! Laughing out loud

The post was made at 8:51 p.m., well BEFORE the fireworks started. I could have typed the comments days before but not posted them until that moment in time. Your detective skills need honing, but keep trying! Laughing out loud


”Bas / MAV (Most Angry & Vicious) -- Credible?”

“nitpicking my grammar and spelling” – Please substantiate that prevarication. I did ask a question about your word choice so that I’d not be accused of misunderstanding you.

“chastising me for using Wikipedia as a reference” – Another prevarication (polite term for lying)! My actual statement: “You really should verify the sources used to make statements on Wikipedia.”

Linking to 3 more pictures of feces (animal or human?) from your friends at “Make You Think” (with a picture of the dog Brownie defecating on the home page) substantiates “crude” [lacking tact or taste or refinement; lacking in sophistication or subtlety; vulgar] as a description of your posts and your “anal fixation.” You make my point without my having to say a word.

(“Maxipad,” your "affectionate" name for a fellow blogger – Your attempt at toilet humor? )

My “verbal encopresis”?

Encopresis (nonretentive and retentive types) is defined as repeated involuntary defecation somewhere other than a toilet by a child age four or older. More boys than girls are affected.

About 80 to 95 percent of all cases are retentive encopresis. Children with this disorder have an underlying medical reason for soiling. Nonretentive encopresis, in which there is no physical condition that bars normal toileting behaviors, is a behavioral condition in which the child refuses to defecate in a toilet. Some children may use fecal incontinence to manipulate their parent or other adults. These children often have other serious behavioral problems (problems that can continue – and even compound – into adulthood) and should see a psychiatrist who can analyze the variables that characterize the encopresis and, hopefully, avert future problems.

Nonretentive encopresis may be a sign of oppositional defiant disorder, a recurring pattern of negative, hostile, disobedient, and defiant behavior in a child or adolescent.

Children with this disorder show their negative and defiant behaviors by being persistently stubborn and resisting directions.

They may be unwilling to compromise, give in, or negotiate with adults.

Patients may deliberately or persistently test limits, ignore orders, argue, and fail to accept blame for misdeeds.

Hostility is directed at adults or peers and is shown by verbal aggression or deliberately annoying others.

During the school years, patients may have low self-esteem, changing moods, and a low frustration-tolerance.

Patients may swear and use alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs at an early age.

Symptoms include a pattern of negative, hostile, and defiant behavior in a child who

• often loses his/her temper
• often argues with adults
• often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults' requests or rules
• often deliberately annoys people
• often blames others for his/her mistakes or misbehavior
• is often touchy or easily annoyed by others
• is often angry and resentful
• is often spiteful or vindictive
• misbehaves
• swears or uses obscene language
• has a low opinion of him/herself

Later in life, oppositional defiant disorder can develop into passive aggressive personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder.

Basmati, psychoanalyzing you isn't hard at all! Laughing out loud


From your past and present links to pictures of fire and your fixation on the fires of hell, are you letting us know that you’re also obsessed with fire?

Just a few examples from “Basmati Sings!”:

“Someday you'll drown, in a lake of fire”

“Your hatred and spew will always smolder”

“Remember that your true master will await
So please don't be late, when you go to hell.”

"You serve your true master well!" ("Excellent disinformation, Denise!")

Then there's your "'Burning Building' scenario revisited" post.

Starting in 1850, there have been many arguments as to the cause of pyromania. Whether the condition arises from mental illness or a moral deficiency has changed depending on the development of psychiatry and mental healthcare in general. Few scientifically rigorous studies have been done on the subject, but psychosocial hypotheses suggest pyromania may be a form of communication from those with few social skills, or an ungratified sexuality for which setting fires is a symbolic solution. There is tension or arousal prior to the act, and gratification or relief when it is over.

Pyromaniacs are known to have feelings of sadness and loneliness, followed by rage, which leads to the setting of fires as an outlet. The prognosis for treatment is generally fair to poor.


Just keep posting, Basmati. You’re letting all of us know who’s the real you.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Sat, 07/07/2007 - 5:39am.

Ooooh must've hit a nerve with Denise...she's fallen back on her old habit of implying people that disagree with her must somehow be gay. Denise serves Republican Jesus well.

What a sad bitter recluse Denise is.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 07/07/2007 - 6:01am.

I'm sure that if you're "gay," that you'd proudly proclaim it and march in those parades! I just wonder what you'd wear???? Laughing out loud

Just keep posting, Basmati. You’re letting all of us know who’s the real you.

Laughing out loud Surely am glad that I can't smell your posts. Laughing out loud


Out! Out! You demons of stupidity!

pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 2:36pm.

Mixer, this question is addressed to you: why do you call basmati your "favorite liberal" when she frequently makes very nasty personal attacks on us conservatives? Prime example above when she directly (or indirectly ...) compares Denise's opinions to excrement? (Just a sidenote...funny how Ms. Basmati can't keep away from excrement, bodily functions, etc. )

Notice she can't respond to arguments and just makes personal attacks?

She really said it best herself:

You don't agree with my opinion, so you resort to ad hominem attacks. -- Basmati

Thanks in advanced buddy for your answer. Smiling

Tell Senior El Presidente no to amnesty!

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 4:45pm.

Basmati - stop reading here.

Bas, I said stop! Dang he's persistent. Nosey too.

Okay, here it is.

I appreciate anyone who is good at what they do. I am a purest of sorts. There are only two things that I absolutely cannot tolerate - lying and hypocrisy.

Despite Basmati and me being complete and utter political opposites, we are both sincere in our beliefs and argue our points for the same reasons. We both think we are right about how to best solve perceived problems.

I think that deep down people want the same things. It's how to get them that differs so greatly. This 'seeking personal satisfaction' in life is true of the professions we choose, our religious beliefs, the cars we drive, the food we eat, the music we listen to, yet, we all differ in those regards. I cannot dislike someone who's preferences are different than mine.

Do I like it when basmati is 'nasty, mean or rude' to Denise - no. Does it really hurt her or is it 'violent' or harmful - no. Do I like it when Ann Coulter is 'nasty,mean and rude' - No - is it violent or harmful? No.

I guess I see basmati as a purest too. I know where he stands on (the vast majority of) issues because he is consistent. Do I agree with him about priorities, food, politics, or how best to achieve anything at all - probably not.

What I do realize is that he too is a man, a human being, he wants to be free, to be able to raise his children, to feel safe, to feel valued, to be respected and for his kids and grandkids to have a better life than he does/did.

Basmati is my favorite liberal because he a true blue, dyed in the wool, unabashed 'liberal' who argues his point genuinely and with conviction.

If I asked you who the most liberal person you have dealings with was - wouldn't you say Basmati?

I have just as much respect for the best dishwasher in America, who takes earnest pride in his/her work and works extremely hard to provide for themselves and their family as I do for the best lawyer in America who works every bit as hard for their client and the rule of law to provide for themselves and their family.

I do not believe that Basmati's core beliefs, if and when they appear hypocritical, are the same as a cognitive choice to be hypocritical.

Overtly being hypocritical would be despised by me (i.e., racism, sexism, faulting me for something he did not fault you for, etc.). Example: Just as you and I hit him with the hypocrisy of an argument by pointing out Clinton did it, bas hits us with the 'Clinton did it too' defense. You and I feel we have made a great point that in fact Clinton did do it. Basmati will concede the point by disregarding it and say 'in so many words, 'so what'? This is because his feeling is that it doesn't matter IF Clinton did it (situational ethics?) it is still wrong. He is correct in that regard.

Also, as a 'true liberal' he is able to see the flaws in conservatives better than we can see them ourselves, just as we can see the flaws in liberals they often cannot see. The wishy washy types ('moderates') cannot teach you anything about how liberals think or how conservatives think.

Example: I am a die hard conservative. That means I cannot be a racist, nor can I support that the government has any right to tell a man or a woman what they can and cannot do with their body. That is a positive conservative position. If you want to discuss situational ethics, or argue via the normative process, we can agree on abortion; however, I do not think the Republican platform should even mention abortion. So, to me a true conservative doesn't believe an abortion is the government's business. Of course, this flies in the face of the Republican party.

Religion is similar for me. I despise what both sides (the extremes) have done with the free exercise of religion in our country.

Anyway, Basmati, I predict, would be a great friend and loyal to a fault. It's just too bad bad he is always wrong when it comes to politics Eye-wink

I have friends who are quite liberal - we just don't talk politics.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 8:53am.

You are even a cooler dude than I first estimated. I wish we'd worked together. Serious butt could have been kicked. I just got back from the road and am catching up on things. You'll have to give me time to respond. But I may not respond at all, because your above post has laid the true issues out with a clarity not seen often.

ps. Who would ask YOU if YOU served? Must not be paying close attention I guess. Have a GREAT WEEKEND, bro

Kevin "Hack" King

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 9:06am.

And you thought I said too much about military service. By the way, found another guy from PTC that was involved in Operation Eagle Claw. Retired AF. How small is this world?

I love you but you are brutal sometimes. I hear the sarcasm in that 'close attention' remark.

Heading out today for Ohio - hopefully the last trip for a while. You guys can all pound on me while I am gone. I'll let Max, Denise, or some other 'poor misguided soul' fight all of you liberals while I am away.

I will be bringing Enigma back with me - "Katie bar the door".

We could very well get sidetracked.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 12:08pm.

I wonder if Libby is any kin to the Nixon Libby?

To begin with it is unfair to put anyone in jail or even try them for lying in court. In nearly every case in court where one side testifies under oath that something happened one way, and the other side, under oath, says, no it didn't, it happened this way, only one side is found guilty.
Mt question is: didn't the other side lie under oath?

What was needed to be known here was who outed a CIA agent. Libby did lie as to what he knew, but he didn't rat on the state department or Cheney. However, a man of principle would have resigned and gotten out of the mess when the outing first came up.

Whether you like Valerie Plame or not, she should have the same protection as James Bond until she is fired, and then even after that!

Who "they" didn't like was her husband who violated all republican rules (and democratic in all likelihood) by saying something the President said in a message to congress was wrong. Whoever told Bush to go ahead and say that when others had said "don't say it," should be the one penalized, unless of course it was Bush or Cheney! We went to war and made excuses for it that were untrue and we knew it was untrue. By we, I mean many in the administration.

It is not the first time that reasons have been concocted to start war since the real reasons won't fly. Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan come to mind, plus Teddy Roosevelt. Congress has a tendency to want to believe anything that the President tells them about starting wars. Too dangerous not to do so, since an election is always coming up. They should have gotten Ollie North to help them lie.
This reminds me of Chambliss and Isakson sponsoring and writing the dumb-ass immigration bill and fighting like mad for it until it was assured of defeat, and then changing their mind on the final defeating vote and voting against their own bill. Real profiles in courage. I hope you keep that in mind at the next two senatorial elections!

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 9:00am.

would like to ignore/expunge that part of our history, Berger style if necessary. That's why it's SOP for loony libs to start crying foul whenever anything from the Clinton administration is brought up.

Stop Global Whining

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 5:50pm.

Since we all know that the term 'misery index' was coined during the 'malaise' of the carter years, I will make this test a little harder.

Multiple Choice:

Black unemployment was lower under: A) Bush or B) Clinton?

The Stock Market was highest under: A) Bush or B) Clinton?

Interest Rates were lowest under: A) Bush or B) Clinton?

The United States National Debt, as a percentage of the GDP, was lower under A) Bush in 2004 or B) Clinton in 1994

The economy's growth rate has been better under Bush than the average of the 1980s and 1990s. A) True or B) False?

The current economic growth rate for 2006 is 3.5% The average economic growth rate for the 1990s under Clinton was 3.3% and this was during the irrational exuberance of the dotcom bubble. A) True or B) False?

Real After-Tax Income Has Risen 15.0 Percent Since January 2001. A) True or B) False?

The number of homeowners in the United States exceeded 73.4 million, the most ever (as of 2004). And for the first time, the majority of minority Americans owns their own homes. A) True or B) False?

Think carefully now, and good luck!

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Submitted by Davids mom on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 2:07pm.

. . .that's the trump card.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 5:41pm.

Are you talking about the civilians in the world trade center or the troops in the middle east?

So, the criteria for you is the President who has the least number of Americans that die while they are Presidents are the best and the one's who have the most die are the worst?

Do you actually think dead Americans are political 'cards'?

Bonus Information to ponder before responding:

Updated July 4, 2007. Total 3,852 (3,574 in Iraq, 264 in Afghanistan and 1 at Guantanamo of non-hostile cause):

Year 1 -- 582
Year 2 -- 958
Year 3 -- 904
Year 4 -- 953
Year 5 -- 455
If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 8:19pm.

Notice how he starts calling people who disagree with him insulting names? The real test will be where we are a year or so from now. All the loudly proclaimed false logic and statistics in the world will not change the reality of what is going on in Iraq and elsewhere. Reality trumps self-delusion every time. Not always right away, but it's already happening. Even conservative Republican leaders are turning away from this failing administration and its losing "strategy". I put "strategy" in quotation marks, because there WAS NO STRATEGY, just hubris and lies. I just hope we are able to fix this mess in time.
The real truth is simple--it's lies that are complicated.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 9:02pm.

Hi 'tighty whitey'! Name calling and insults? Only with you princess, you are the only gump here ... literally and figuratively.

You're angry because you're still not up for the 'Million Dollar Bet' I see. Maybe you should just apologize and admit you were wrong then Gumpy. Grow a pair and admit when you are wrong. You can do it....come on!

Regardless, since you are already blogging off topic here on the thread I started, perhaps you will take the same three section test I gave Maximus and see how you do. I bet you fail it too.

I doubt you have the courage to do it ... but if you REALLY want the truth, you will indeed take the three mini-quizzes.

Try Me- Quiz One.

Try Me - Quiz Two.

Try Me - Quiz Three.

If you are up for the truth that is.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Wed, 07/04/2007 - 9:15pm.

You call ME "gurlyman", yet you are repeatedly drawn to my "tight pants". You really need to get over this strange fascination. Those were Dockers, and not especially tight. Also, it seems you missed a post of mine where I apologized for the bad timing of my remark with your mother's passing. I also admitted that I have no idea if eggbeater was real or your creation, so I'm certainly not taking you up on your bet. Move on!

On a more serious note, in a year from now, one of us will be looking totally stupid. I say that this adventure in Iraq was a huge mistake and will not get any better. By this time next year, I predict that the Republican party will come to its senses and call for a staged withdrawal. Actually, I expect that to happen later this year. Attacking Iraq had nothing to do with the war on terror, and you will come to realize that, eventually. Otherwise, I'll be the one who looks stupid a year from now. Care to wager a bet on that??
The real truth is simple--it's lies that are complicated.

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 8:09am.

Mixer, here's a wager that we can actually make, unlike your "million dollar challenge". If our war in Iraq turns out to have been a good idea, I will change my name from "Gump" to "Dolt", or any similar derogatory name of your choice, as long as it is not obscene. If, on the other hand, the war in Iraq turns out to have been the huge mistake that I said it was, then you, Mixer, will change your net name to "Hilary". The decision point will be next July 4, or sooner if the outcome becomes glaringly obvious. We can put it to a vote of the regulars on this board.

Care to take me up on that?
The real truth is simple--it's lies that are complicated.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 8:14am.

You just apologize for lying about me being eggbeater instead.

I will take that bet. We will let the freely elected President of Iraq and the twenty million free Iraqis make the call.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 10:11am.

You just want to make the decision on who wins this bet by using your usual BS to say you won. You don't get to decide. I'm saying that we should let the folks on this website vote a year from now. Obviously the remaining Iraqis still alive a year from now will have much more important things on their minds than what you and I think. Like their survival, which will be very much in doubt, as it is today.

As for "eggbeater", I still think you pulled that rabbit out of your hat--I just can't prove it. There's a big difference between suspecting something and lying about it. Unlike you, I state my suspicions as my own; I don't try to hide behind some unidentified source.

So, folks, you heard Mixer say "I'll take that bet." Next year, or sooner, you will hear one of us eat our words. Talk is cheap, and reality will trump BS.
The real truth is simple--it's lies that are complicated.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 2:51pm.

No? Oh, you get to decide who thinks it's a good idea huh? You would rather have a local poll of bloggers speak than 20 million Iraqis? Ha!

Tell us all how you opposed the invasion of Iraq Gump. I would love to hear how you were the lone voice of reason.... come on, tell us about it you hypocrite. Tell us how while Bill, Hillary, and your liberal democrat friends were all calling for removal of Saddam you were saying 'No, no, no'!

You should read more GUMP. Start with this blog - the one I started - or another that contains factual information - and actually read. Work your way up to entire books. Then collect factual information. Reflect and draw a conclusion on your own. It's a very simple process. Denise, Max, Enigma and I are regularly guiding you lost liberals through the thought process. Go back and read and then research the facts if you wish.

You never post facts, haven't you noticed that? You have all this pie in the sky opinion based on limited liberal blogs and a biased media but with no facts to base your opinion on.

The best you can do is a 'poll' of others who cannot think for themselves. Your best argument is the asinine, 'But most people agree with me!". Try research, GUMP. Don't they teach you that in how to make bulletin board college classes? Don't you make the little kids you sit with do any research? Do little kids' teachers now accept opinions as fact for research?

Here is an example of your inability to reason: If I logged on as 'eggbeater' with the Pena blog, I would have already logged back on as 'eggbeater' saying what a moron you are and how I was indeed whoever 'eggbeater' claims to be, now wouldn't I? Yet, you don't even consider that now do you GUMP.

Gee GUMP, Maybe I am EmmyJune too since she agreed with 'eggbeater'. What do you think? Perhaps I am Maximus and Denise too...ever thought about that? Of course not. If you have ANY confidence in your lies and allegations that I am/was 'eggbeater', take the 'Million Dollar Challenge' bet.

You call yourself GUMP and you require that I define it for you. How embarrassing that must be for you. Now, in an effort to educate you further, I suggest you google 'Mixer', specifically "Frequency Mixer". Since I ASSUME you know I was a combat controller, maybe you can put two and two together and figure out where MY name came from... maybe.

In your spare time, please help me understand, again, the connection between an 'eggbeater' and Mixer. I am afraid my kitchen skills are as lacking as your ability to reason. I still think of 'Mixer' in terms of Electronics, whereas I see you think of the kitchen and kitchen appliances.

No wonder public schools get hammered so often with pitiful non-thinkers like you there.

By the way, do you say 'BS' to the little kids you spend so much time with when they prove you wrong too? Nice language princess.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 7:27pm.

‘cause Lou Dobbs and Hillary already told me, and Paul Krugman confirmed, how bad the economy is in this “war on the middle class”.

So, the answers are: B, B, B, B, False, False, False, and lastly, False - How could anyone afford a house in this dismal economy? Lou Dobbs also says that even if you could afford one, it’s going to get foreclosed on.


Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 8:25pm.

Turn off that National Progressive Rhetoric,NPR, close those lefty blogs, put down the Kool-aid and turn off the Clinton News Network.

Somehow, you missed every single one of them.

I'm shocked and saddened. I still have a great amount of confidence in you though Maximus.

Just as soon as I can get you to turn away from the Hussein Obama second year wonder and 'bumper sticker philosopher' or those 'Stand by my man' Hillderbeast ads long enough - we can get you back to the 'dark side'. Your assignment will be to read, take a critical thinking class, and then think and decide for yourself - without any liberal pundits providing your talking points.

Come back to the truth Max ... it's better here. Eye-wink

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 11:48am.

I find it absolutely laughable that right-wingers would compare our current dire straits to the positive results achieved by the Clinton administration. Name me one other 6-8 year period in US history in which our fortunes have declined this steeply. Perhaps the Great Depression. I'm particularly concerned with the decline in our military readiness and our image as a force for good in the world.

Meanwhile, Scooter's crime was not the outing of a CIA agent, it was participating in the resulting cover-up. I seriously doubt he did this on his own. We seem to be reliving the Nixon years and the erasing of the White House tapes. Remember Rose Mary Woods, Nixon's secretary? She claimed to have accidentally erased 18 minutes. Technical analysis of the tapes showed that the erasure was done in 5 separate segments, and could not have occurred as claimed. However, Rose Mary Woods was not charged. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watergate_tapes)

We will be doomed to keep repeating history until we learn from it.
The real truth is simple--it's lies that are complicated.

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 2:17pm.

You ask me to “name me one other 6-8 year period in US history in which our fortunes have declined this steeply. Perhaps the Great Depression.” I guess that keeps me from bringing up the lousy Carter years, LBJ, and FDR. We could discuss the feeble Wilson administration, but going back almost a hundred years…

To what “declining fortunes” are you referring? I’m not here to defend Bush, contrary to what you and bas and every other lefty thinks when someone agrees with a certain policy or action. But the economy is still great, and we still have the mightiest, by far, military in the world.

Live your own life, Gump. Don’t sit around wringing your hands and waiting for the government to make life perfect for you.
Stop Global Whining

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 5:11pm.

Name this:









Do you know what that is?

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 5:19pm.

It's the number of troops, ships, planes, etc. that Clinton added to the military in his build up for all the deployments he sent them on.?


Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 5:27pm.

I am so proud that you keep plugging away. Regardless, you missed this one. It's as plain as a stain on a blue dress! It's the cuts Clinton made to the United States Military. Boy, I wish we had that stuff now! We could destroy Iran, North Korea, protect the border and shorten equipment and troop rotations! Jeepers! Okay - I am going to give you one last try..... let me think of one... brb!

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 6:35pm.

Twenty twenty hindsight, my friend.

You may have forgotten, but back in the late eighties / early nineties we lost one of our major adversaries...the Soviet Union.

We'd invested decades of infrastructure to defeat the Soviet horde that was simply no longer needed. The American government, spurred by then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, decided to downsize the military.

Not in their wildest dreams did they imagine a President running amok and starting needless wars using outright lies and deception....no, back then a President was a man of honor and had the best interests of America in mind.

Then came Bush.

How naive we were in retrospect.

Now our military is engaged in a meat-grinding war of attrition and Bush could care less because he knows that 26% or so of America...including people just like you Mix!...will support him no matter what he does.

Jesus wept.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 7:17pm.

Average number of soldiers killed per year under the following administrations:

Clinton: 938
Bush : 789

Check Here for more information

1993 World Trade Center Bombing
1996 Khobar Towers Bombing
1998 Embassy Bombings
2000 USS Cole Bombing

Yep, ignoring Al Qaeda and the terrorists sure worked well didn't it?

We got a lovely little surprise in September 2001 for our efforts.

Black unemployment is lower under Bush than under Clinton and the stock market continues to break record highs.

The good old days indeed. If you are not a soldier or a black looking for a job maybe.

Well, I hear the interns faired quite well anyway.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 4:08pm.

Maximus, you're right about the Carter years. I'm not sure what you mean about FDR, but your overall point is well taken. Nevertheless, I think you have to admit that we have gone from a position of absolute supremacy as the single world superpower, both economically and militarily, at the end of 2002, to a position of declining international influence, decreased respect, and a weakened military at the present. We would be very hard pressed to go to war with Iran at the moment, unless we resorted to nuclear weapons. Iran knows this and is taking advantage of that weakness. Our troops are increasingly worn out with the heavy deployment rates. So is our equipment, from what I've read. Sure, our military is still the strongest in the world, but compare it to where we were in 2002.

Meanwhile, I'm certainly not sitting around and waiting for the government to wipe my rear for me. But I do believe in calling things the way they really are, not how I'd like them to be.
The real truth is simple--it's lies that are complicated.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 12:23pm.

Nixon's secretary holds the same position of plausible denial as do all staffers who hear terrible things, and would even be excused for handing a gun to another staffer to shoot someone. Not CIA agents however: they know nothing on anybody in power and are certainly expendable.
People like Libby are normally not brought to trial. Everyone expected the ones who dreamed the outing up to step forward and save him: that just does not happen anymore. However Libby will never have to worry about money, just his principles.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 10:21am.

Just like it's right-tard SOP to change the subject anytime something that reflects poorly on President Bunnypants is brought up.

Eight years of Peace and Prosperity under Bill Clinton, Max, no matter how hard you and your hate radio brethren try and spin it.

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 1:48pm.

Eight years of dismantling the military while practicing CNN diplomacy. Clinton sent troops to Somalia, Rwanda, Haiti, Macedonia, Bosnia, Kuwait, Ecuador, Liberia, East Timor, Albania, Gabon, the Congo, Sierra Leone, the Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and about twenty other countries while slashing the budget in no department except defense.

I guess you think the military should be used as social workers and little play toys for the leftist social engineers at the U.N. rather than to destroy our enemies.

We’ve been in an economic boom for 25 years with two minor recessions. One of which followed the stock market crash in 2000. Who was president then?


Stop Global Whining

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 6:29pm.

Hey Maxipad, refresh my memory...how many thousands of US troops died as a result of this "CNN Diplomacy"? You can round it up to the nearest thousand if you like.

And our military has done quite a job "destroying our enemies" under President Wartime Deserter's watch...why I suspect they'll be greeted as heroes and showered with rose petals any day now!

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 9:14pm.

Are you saying that any war where American troops die is not worth fighting? Are you saying that Clinton was a better Commander in Chief because he dismantled the military as opposed to using it to take out our enemies? You don’t think that the Islamic terrorists who want to kill every one of us have been hurt at all?

Refresh my memory on how many terrorist attacks we’ve suffered since 9/11 in the U.S. Apparently our military has done quite a good job of destroying our enemies. Though I admit, there are many more to kill.

Stop Global Whining

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 8:53am.

deleted duplicate

Submitted by KBETS on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 9:14pm.

All the current republicans should be impeached as far as Im concerned.How many laws must they break before the people in America wake up.GOOD IDEA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DragNet's picture
Submitted by DragNet on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 8:58pm.

Scooter's being pardoned, off the hook. 20 million illegal immigrants soon to be pardoned and granted citizenship, plus an additional 1 million+ per year coming freely into the U.S. seeking the presidential pardon. Great!

Making you think twice......

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 6:14pm.

Treason is when one gives aid to the enemy. Outing a spy is treason.
It takes two witnesses to say the deed was done.
I think Karl Rove and Dick Cheney could have served their nation by being those witnesses!
As to others involved like Novak and Armitage---put them on trial!
Impeach Bush is near.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 5:23pm.

I guess this should have been expected from a man who deserted his country in time of war.


Submitted by tonto707 on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 9:17am.

Are you saying Clinton was a deserter? I recall he 'detested the military" and participated in the burning of a U S flag when he was abroad.

I guess this should have been expected from a man who deserted his country in time of war.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 10:22am.

Nice try to change the subject, Dances-with-falsehoods.

Didn't work.

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 2:23pm.

It looked like you were referring to the draft-dodgin', America-bashing Clinton. Weren't you?

Stop Global Whining

RetiredArmyMAJ's picture
Submitted by RetiredArmyMAJ on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 5:33pm.

For all the criminals he pardoned! Hillary got alot of campaign dollars and his library got built.

Fighting for truth, justice and the American way, while ignoring the ignorant!

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 6:19pm.

The commutation of Libby's sentence of jail time will hold him out of jail until the pardon comes in January 2009.
Meanwhile much cash will flow to the Libby household to tide them over.
There was no uranium furnished by Arica to Itaq! One doesn't out a spy to make a payback for static!

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 5:35pm.

Zero to Clinton in ten minutes flat. Impressive.

Submitted by thebeaver on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 6:20am.

That's right, Rice boy. Because when anyone thinks of the word "criminal" (or "communist"), the first thing that pops into mind is "Clinton"

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Tue, 07/03/2007 - 6:32am.

I'm sure "commie" is the first thing that comes into mind when you and your fellow Klan boys think of Clinton.

Me? The first words that come to my mind when I think of our greatest living former president (William Jefferson Clinton) are "Eight Years Of Peace And Prosperity"

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