Happy Fathers' Day, Citizen Bloggers!

For a long time, I thought that women had been blessed with an incredible gift. After all, they get as close as a mortal can get to being God in the creation of life. But, recently, I also concluded that men are similarly blessed.

When we say The Lord's Prayer, we begin with "Our Father, who are in Heaven". Earthly fathers are God's spokesmen here on earth. Although I doubt that many people stop to think of fatherhood that way, what an awesome duty it truly is. And, handled properly, earthly fathers can help their children to establish a deep, meaningful relationship with their Heavenly Father.

Now, I'm sure that there are those who will say, "what about fathers who aren't Christian?" They aren't left out of this analysis, at all. Their contribution may be different but, like Christian dads, they pass along the example of being a man, a husband, a father, a son and a neighbor. The overwhelming task is being a good example of all of those.

So, Happy Fathers' Day, Citizen Bloggers!

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