Whitewater assistant principal arrested for golf cart DUI

Tue, 06/12/2007 - 10:57am
By: John Munford

An assistant principal at Whitewater High School was arrested early Sunday morning and charged with DUI while driving a golf cart, police said.

According to an incident report from the Peachtree City Police Department, Mary A. Pina, 50, of Tangley Trail was initially stopped on Stevens Entry near Morgans Turn for driving the golf cart on the road instead of an nearby path, which would be a violation of city ordinance.

The report indicated that the officer smelled alcohol coming from Pina, who admitted to having been drinking. A portable breath test on Pina registered at .135 blood alcohol content, but she refused to take a breath test on the department’s desktop machine, which is specially calibrated for more accurate results than the portable testers.

The legal limit in Georgia for DUI is .08 BAC. Any motorist whose test shows a result at or above that mark can be charged with driving under the influence.

In addition to being arrested and jailed on the DUI charge, Pina was also cited for violating the city ordinance for driving on the street instead of the cart path.

The Fayette County School System is aware of the incident and will wait to see what happens in court before making any decisions in the matter, said spokesperson Melinda Berry Dreisbach.

There has been no change in Pina’s employment status, Berry Dreisbach said Tuesday morning.


[Editor's note; The following email was received Tuesday afternoon following the posting of the story above:]

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter in response to the front page article regarding the incident involving the assistant principal at Whitewater. I understand the paper has a responsibility to publish the news but it is also responsible for gathering ALL the facts. No matter how small the pancake, there are always two sides and I want the public to hear ours.

My wife is a beautiful person! She is extremely smart. As a matter of fact, she has carried a 4.0 her entire academic career, has her masters and is currently working on her specialist and doctorate degree. She has done a remarkable job as an administrator. She has the respect and admiration of the students and faculty at Whitewater.

I bet if you stopped and ask any person associated with the school, they will tell you she is a hard worker, extremely fair and has done wonderful things for the school. As smart as she is, we all sometimes make mistakes.

My wife decided to go see some friends at a local restaurant. We always take the golf cart when we go out to conserve gas. We go to restaurants, grocery store, ice cream place, etc.

From 8:15-12:30 she consumed three glasses of wine. To some that may be three too many and I understand your position but over 4 hours, I personally did not think it was too much.

At the end of the evening, my wife started home and she stopped by Kroger. Well, this Kroger was closed so she decided to go under the tunnel to the convenience store.

Well, my wife is really not good on the golf cart paths on the other side of town and she could not find the path which is located between the offices on Stevens Entry. The only way she knew how to get back to the tunnel was to follow the golf cart path until she reached Bridle Path.

My wife WAS on the golf cart path but she crossed over the residential street because she thought Bridle Path was the next street. The officer coming towards her thought she was driving on the street the entire time and that was not the case. The officer turned around and pulled her over.

My wife explained to the officer that she was trying to get back to the tunnel and the only way she knew how was to go all the way down to Bridle Path.

The officer asked my wife where she was coming from and being the honest person she told her from “—- ——- restaurant” (I think it is only fair to leave the restaurant’s name out).

The officer proceeded to ask if she has been drinking. My wife responded by telling the officer that she had 3 glasses of wine. The officer asked her to get out of the golf cart and perform the sobriety tests.

My wife did EVERYTHING the officer asked her to do. One test in particular was quit challenging. She had to hold her leg up and and count to 25 via one thousand and one one thousand and two, etc.

I try that now and I make it to 17 before I lose my balance.

Anyway my wife made it to 13 and she put her foot down and the officer told her not to put her foot on the ground.

She followed instructions and completed the task. My wife NEVER refused to take the breathalyzer test at any time. She asked the officer could she call me because she was very upset and did not know what to do. The officer took that as a no.

I will not sit here and bad-mouth the police because they have a job to do and for the most part I think they do a very good job.

Could it have been handled better? I think so. Because of my wife’s honesty this makes the front page.

I wish The Citizen would have contacted us and heard our version. After hearing both sides I believe the article would have at least been fair.

My wife is heartbroken, ashamed and embarrassed. I feel for her and I tell her that this could have happened to anybody.

WE DO NOT condone drinking and driving at all and the lesson here is one drink is too many if you decide to drive. It does not matter if you are driving a car or a golf cart.

Please do not throw stones because we all live in glass houses and this could have happened to anybody. We will ride out the storm but I truly hope that The Citizen will publish the outcome of this case on the front page like you publish this incident on the front page. I love my wife dearly and she truly is a remarkable woman!

Respectfully yours,
David A. Pina

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Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 8:50pm.

You are clearly taking a point of view consistent with a more liberal than conservative viewpoint. With all due respect, it's basmati that is being consistent - it's HIS point of view and he managed to express it without any personal derogatory or judgmental diatribe (which should tell you it was a comfortable position for him and non-emotive).

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Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 9:28pm.

Rumors are NOT admissible in court; even prior confirmed offenses are often not admissible.

"Non-emotive" -- That's me! Laughing out loud

"without any personal derogatory or judgmental diatribe" -- If that's an accusation, then please be specific. I am "dense," you know. Laughing out loud

Hopefully, we're entertaining Basmati so much that it's keeping him from making any more "Pinocchio" posts! Laughing out loud

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 9:33pm.

... is simply that. I am sure you confuse them with 'accusations' as Gump has. I am equally sure neither of you has ever repeated one. Oh, I am also sure that you are both in the education field, one public and one private. But then again, without specific information, dates, times, places, to put out for all to see that is just a rumor.

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Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 9:44pm.

I said that it's a temptation for ALL of us to repeat rumors. That doesn't alleviate the harm that they can do.

"I am also sure that you are both in the education field." -- Just a rumor! Laughing out loud

Are you really SURE?

Hint: You'd probably never guess what my degree's in. Laughing out loud

I'm determined to finish my book, & I have a movie date later. "Ghouls" keep late hours! Laughing out loud

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 12:28pm.

You have some great points. YOU might get hit next, hope not.
They probably don't think my opinion is worth a flip.

Tug Smiling

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 7:05pm.

Hopefully, the heat of summer will melt this avalanche! The trouble with avalanches is that they grow bigger and bigger and affect more and more people. Smiling

Rumors need to be verified; and then, if true, action needs to be taken. If this really is a long-time problem, then someone should have already done something about it, or at least tried. It's too easy to sling mud (and who isn't guilty of this at least once in his life). These accusations should be brought forth to the proper authorities because, if true, Mrs. Pina should definitely lose her job and teaching license. There may not be enough evidence for criminal charges, though, or for taking away her license. I've read about schools just moving "problem" teachers (with sexual abuse accusations -- in Reader's Digest & elsewhere) to another district, or the teachers going out of state and no one being willing to let the hiring school know about the behavior because of fear of a law suit. And kids are victimized again.

I wonder if John Mark Karr (JonBenét Ramsey case) is still in Georgia and if he's "teaching"? **No, I'm not in any way linking this with Mrs. Pina.**


Hatred is blind, anger is foolhardy, and he who pours out vengeance risks having to drink a bitter draft. ~ Alexandre Dumas from The Count of Monte-Cristo (A lesson ALL of us should heed.) Smiling

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 8:22pm.

I believe if the employee is convicted, they should be fired immediately.

I value Tug's opinion greatly. I also refuse to compromise on poor Mary Ann Pina the victim. I think the week in a stockade would have been appropriate. Of course, SOME would feel it was cruel and unusual and that it hurt her 'self esteem'.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 8:16pm.

You can discuss her DUI arrest all you want, since that's a matter of record, but accusing an educator of sexual impropriety with her students is just about the worst accusation you can level at any educator. It's a cheap shot of the worst kind. By labeling your accusations as "not like John Mark Karr", you are trying to avoid any personal responsibility for backing up your accusations with evidence. Since you are accusing Mrs. Pina of a felony, you should be willing to back those accusations up with real evidence--names, dates, and places. Otherwise, this is just character assassination, conducted from behind your anonymous net name, while her name is in the papers and in your accusation.

Saying "if true" doesn't make it any less of an accusation. Unless you can back it up with facts, you should withdraw the accusation.

By the way - who brought sex in to this discussion? No one ever accused anyone- rumor or otherwise of any sexual impropriety. You introduced the topic Denise.

Also, how do you know whether anyone has brought any allegations to the attention of the school board?

Are you ASSUMING Denise?

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Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 9:06pm.

Maybe you've inhaled too much of Basmati's Lysol! Laughing out loud

Are you still on pain pills? As your future wife, I feel that I need to know? Laughing out loud

Have a good night, Friend! Sleep well!

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 9:19pm.

The only difference is I didn't title it Character assassination

It was a cut and paste from your boy Gump. How did you like it? Was it too Accusatory? Condescending? Combative? Arrogant?

I only have one wife, she agrees with me, she's a conservative like me. We do have one disagreement on this issue - she agrees with Tug that she should be fired and I don't.

No pain pills - just a dyed in the wool conservatives with some very well connected sources for 'rumors'.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 9:37pm.

I'm not that "dense" not to recognize a cut-and-paste! Even Bamati would not accuse me of that! Laughing out loud

The difference is -- I'm not ready to fight you over it! Smiling

I can understand that you took the comment "character assassination" personally. Would someone else take anything that you have said personally also? Smiling

"your boy Gump" -- Maybe I'm his girl? Laughing out loud

I've never told my age, and he does have grandkids (I think).

Again, I repeat: your "very well connected sources" need to go to the school board.

Back to my book!

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 10:34pm.

Denise - don't make assumptions. I am closing the chapter on this topic. She got drunk and got caught. I couldn't care less. I just don't think she, at 50, has the judgment she should and Tug is probably right - she should be fired if found guilty.

Of course, they could fail to prove the case, she could move, and then it would all be rumor in the future. ________________________________________________________________________
Ground Zero - What Radical Islam Wants for You and Your Family

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 10:49pm.

Assumptions -- Aren't we all guilty? I think that's it's called being human.

I do hope that the school board (again, if that's the proper authority) has been notified. If there's a cover-up, please let us know. Public pressure can effect change.

Don't think that a DUI conviction can be hidden as rumor. Hopefully, a background check is done on all teachers.

Back to my reading, friend! Smiling

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 10:52pm.

Flight to Vegas - see you in about a week. We have a date with a guy in Nevada - there - start a rumor.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 9:39am.

I'm no relation to Mrs. Pina, except that I'm a teacher and I know how devastating such a rumor would be to me. Other than that, you don't have a "need to know" any more about me.

Speaking of rumors, what's this I hear about you and Enigma? He sure does jump to your defense in a hurry. Of course I have no personal knowledge of your relationship.

See how easy it is!

PS- If it's not already clear from the context, there is NO rumor about you and Enigma, but if I had your mindset, I could always start one--it's just that easy, and MUCH harder to disprove than it is to start.
Ridicule is the last resort for a bankrupt point of view.

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 6:20pm.

Do yourself a favor and keep me out of your blogs.

Ground Zero - What Radical Islam Wants for You and Your Family

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 10:04am.

Which rumor GUMP? You are the typical do as I say not as I do hypocrite. Do you know the difference in STARTING a rumor - making it up - and hearing it and reporting it as such - a rumor? Maybe you don;t - forget the question 'GUMP'.

You don't need to know anything about me either so why the hypocritical remark that I 'hide', 'GUMP'? Are you hiding too? Of course not - that's just a part of your judgmental hypocrisy.

So, you 'claim' to be a teacher? How sad.

If that is true, and I cannot substantiate that personally, and will therefore consider it a 'rumor', the mere fact that you are so quick to defend a drunk driver who is lying about how many drinks she had scares me. What school are you allegedly at GUMP?

Perhaps we will see you on the front page next, GUMP?

By the way, does Enigma know about you and McDonoughdog? I see he likes to defend you...to 'cover your rear' if you will.

Just to make sure you do not change the subject, we are talking about a drunk driver, that teaches kids and supervises teachers (like you allege to be - again- that's just a rumor) that is lying to all of us and her husband and the police, about how much she had to drink, and you are defending her and attacking me.

Too bad GUMP. I would think a true professional, if indeed it is your profession, would be more concerned about her than me.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 9:00pm.

I've shared a whole lot more of my real life on this site than you have, and I've been honest throughout, perhaps too honest. For one thing, that's my real picture. What do you look like? We know next to nothing about you, except that you are a classless mudslinger.

Enigma has an excellent idea. I will no longer mention Enigma in any of my posts. I'll gladly offer you the same deal. Of course that should be a two-way street. What do you say?

Ridicule is the last resort for a bankrupt point of view.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 10:07pm.

Well, well little Ms. 'Gump' is using her 'teacher' tone. Poor lady thinks we are all children. Didn't Enigma ask you to stop using his name in your silly little blogs? Poor angry 'GUMP' can't follow directions I see.

If you had been around the boards a little more, or had the mental capacity to recall our past discussions, you would know more about me than you should. (Although all you really NEED to know is that I find you annoying, petty, defensive and obnoxious.) I hope that picture is from 1970ish. (Try contrasting your pants and shirts, lose the gut, and lose the hat - tight clothes 'GUMP', went out with those glasses you have on.)

Regardless, to get back on point, I have discussed some of my military deployments in great detail - some with you. Some of those deployments were quite unique and could only apply to a few veterans.

So, tell 'us' more 'GUMP'. Which school do you work at 'GUMP'? I feel sure I know your bosses since I play golf and sometimes work with them. (Another fact I have spoken about previously.) Do you work for Greg and Ms. Pina? Maybe Ted? Oatha? Lewis? Charles? Sandra? Audrey? Lynn? Who is your principal 'GUMP'? Maybe you are buddies with CW and Sam? John and Fred? Come on 'GUMP', tell me more about you, where you work, and where you can be found. Tell the whole board 'GUMP'. Tell us all who you are so we will know who is calling me 'classless mudslinger' and other baseless accusations. Tell us about your kids and your husband. Open up your life on the web sunshine. Come on!

Your comment that "We know next to nothing about you, except that you are a classless mudslinger" brings four questions to mind: 1) Who is 'We'? 2)Who could possibly care what a boy named 'GUMP' thinks? 3)What example can you give me of 'mudslinging'? 4) Do you too have a DUI? That would explain your misguided anger wouldn't it?

After all, GUMP, you are clearly at minimum a hypocrite. Your blog says:""We know next to nothing about you, except that you are a classless mudslinger" and then you end your posting with: "Ridicule is the last resort for a bankrupt point of view.

I guess you are Chapter Seven, belly up, dead broke little lady.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 10:05am.

....about my clothing being a little out of date. I never was very concerned with trends in men's clothing fashions. Most of the guys who deployed with me felt the same way. I'm surprised you are so conscious of how I'm dressed in that picture. Maybe I should borrow your copy of GQ magazine. Never mind, I still don't care. Those clothes were just fine for hiking the Alps.

You can continue your strategy of personal attacks in lieu of intelligent discussion, but it sounds like "charlie sierra" to me, so I'm not going to bother to respond anymore.
Ridicule is the last resort for a bankrupt point of view.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 12:44pm.

As I told you at Thursday's meeting - I am a proponent of letting the reader decide who is what. I have gumpy under control. By the way, I have started a new thread regarding what the crux of this discussion was prior to 'distractionists' like 'GUMP' took the topic and discounted it, twisted it, and hijacked it through diversionary tactics. Please feel free to chime in on what should be done when public employees in the school system break laws.

Gump, you can stay here and make yourself look 'Gumpish'. I already told you once before that I would not chat with you. Memory is the basis for intelligence and perhaps that's why you have forgotten. The means you, and 'thebeaver' (because of his racist rants) are the only two bloggers I will not communicate with. Worth noting is that I have never spoken to, or been spoken to, by thebeaver. That makes you the only blogger here I refuse to speak with due to your behavior. Congratulations and good bye.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 11:57am.

“Speaking of rumors, what's this I hear about you and Enigma? He sure does jump to your defense in a hurry.”
Hey Forest- you violated you own agreement twice in one sentence. Are you retarded?

Since you seem to like the attention – read your asinine, hypocritical comments silently, while I read them aloud:

“By labeling your accusations as "rumor", you are trying to avoid any personal responsibility for backing up your accusations with evidence.” (really? What are YOU doing Forest?)

”Ridicule is the last resort for a bankrupt point of view.”

“It's a cheap shot of the worst kind.”

”Ridicule is the last resort for a bankrupt point of view.”

“this is just character assassination, conducted from behind your anonymous net name, while her name is in the papers and in your accusation.”

”Ridicule is the last resort for a bankrupt point of view.”

“Calling it a "rumor you heard" doesn't make it any less of an accusation”.

”Ridicule is the last resort for a bankrupt point of view.”

“I've shared a whole lot more of my real life on this site than you have, and I've been honest throughout, perhaps too honest.”

”Ridicule is the last resort for a bankrupt point of view.”

“We know next to nothing about you, except that you are a classless mudslinger.”

“…personal attacks in lieu of intelligent discussion”

“… Other than that, you don't have a "need to know" any more about me.”

“Speaking of rumors, what's this I hear about you and Enigma? He sure does jump to your defense in a hurry.”

“For one thing, that's my real picture. What do you look like?”

Okay – enough of your hypocrisy. Let’s talk integrity. Are you gay ‘GUMP’? Why do you insist on fixating on Mixer or me? Why do you care what the men look like on here? Why won’t you answer any of Mixer’s questions or do what you were told to do and leave me out of your blogs?

Are you typical of what the teachers in this county are like now?
Nasty self –righteous temperament, hypocritical, defender of drunk drivers, attacks fine upstanding members of the community, slander them openly. Have you ever – even once- read a harsh word from Mixer to other bloggers? Find it- produce it. You have called him some pretty ugly names Forest. Step up. He is perhaps the most civil of all the bloggers I have seen on here. You have insulted him previously, you have challenged his military record and held your own up as some sort of ‘exceptional’ accomplishment, and now you have, yet again, insulted him and included me in the diatribe.

I’ll be your huckleberry ‘GUMP’.

I love a good roll in the mud with a self righteous dolt like you. I know you were canned up in an AWACS and it gave you a God Complex. I know your type well. When Mixer, me and the few others here that were Combat Controllers were on the ground, little gayboys like you were wearing starched fatigues and pretending you were actually engaged. You give veterans a bad name ‘Gump’. You put the ‘don’t tell’ in ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’. I think the most logical explanation for your attack on Mixer (and me by suggesting I have an unnatural relationship with him) is that you are just some latently gay male teacher who has unnatural thoughts of his students and drinks too much and you are simply projecting Ms. Pina’s troubles as your own (potential) problems.

I don’t think you are mentally stable enough to deal with kids every day. Is this what you do to them when they stand up against law breaking adults? What subject are you ‘teaching’? What age kids are you destroying with your diatribe and visceral dislike for those who dare speak out against the government indoctrination of public school. How many PTC police officers do you bash every day in your classes who arrest drunks that wander the streets after midnight? You are some ambassador for the school system ‘GUMP’. Even your moniker exudes ignorance. You attack the public in your spare time and defend your government school at all costs – especially when you can promote and defend a criminal adult employee as a negative role model.

I find you disgusting and worthless. Stop using my name in your blogs ‘GUMP’, otherwise. This exchange will escalate and deteriorate further. Now you have been personally attacked you idiot. You have chosen to do that to me when you insinuated that Mixer and I were gay. You have insulted Mixer and me but have failed to comment on the topic of this thread- your cohort- your drunk driving - cohort - so- what about about it GUMP, care to comment on the topic or do you just want to keep being a hypocritical, personally insulting, self-righteous jerk?

Ground Zero - What Radical Islam Wants for You and Your Family

Submitted by wildcat on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 10:58am.

I guess it was just a matter of time before you slipped back into your old writing style. It's so easy to get your goat. You're actually quite amusing.

Submitted by onlyrealcat on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 1:15pm.

we protect our own an we stick together. I am with the wildcat. Mrs pina should be let go! the only reason they got her is because she is married to a black man. this is all rasism!

The only real cat in town

Enigma's picture
Submitted by Enigma on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 4:19pm.

dollaradayandfound's son?

Ground Zero - What Radical Islam Wants for You and Your Family

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 2:29pm.

I have one question to ask you. (if you don't mind) Smiling
Are you a WHS student?

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 1:22pm.

Tell me how they could tell her husbands race from a drivers license, does she have it tattooed on her forehead, and did she teach you to spell?

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 2:33pm.

Husbands race from her DL? That was a good one. Smiling

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 12:45pm.

I was gone a whole week ... whoopie. Anyway, aren't you from Whitewater? Tell us what you think about all of this DUI stuff from your school administrator.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 9:43am.

That and slinging mindless accusations at folks.

Gump, you make a great point that went right over their heads.

Submitted by JoAnn on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 5:16pm.

I want to go to her house for a party. DUI's are terrible. Especially in a 2 to 4 thousand pound vehicle. On a golf cart? Please. Maybe PTC police sould go to the local golf club. I will bet they are more than the legal limit and they are on golf carts. Then they DRIVE home in a vehicle.

Submitted by emory1 on Thu, 06/14/2007 - 9:59am.

xvalleygirl999: "DUI's are terrible. Especially in a 2 to 4 thousand pound vehicle. On a golf cart? Please."

I am very offended by your insinuation that driving a golf cart drunk is not dangerous. Golf carts can be VERY dangerous. I am 21 years old (and I know the dangers of drinking and driving...yes even a golf) and have lived in Peachtree City since I was 5 years old. At the age of 6, I was run over by a golf cart (not by a drunk driver) and seriously injured. These injuries that I sustained still affect me sometimes. There were other instances when I was nearly run over by a golf cart as a child while I was riding my bike because people were not paying attention and going to fast, and these people were sober (I assume).

Who knows the potential danger that could be caused by condoning drunk driving on golf carts. Golf carts can be extremely dangerous, and driving drunk on them just magnifies this danger. As a form of transportation that is highly accessible to teenagers, it is very irresponsible of anyone, let alone a high school administrator, to drive drunk on a golf cart in the first place. What's worse is the attempt to justify it and explain it away instead of taking responsibility for it.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 9:47am.

I think people are quite naive when it comes to the dangers of golf carts interacting with concrete, asphalt, cars, and pedestrians. They were, after all, designed to be used on golf courses.

Peachtree City has had two fatalities in the last year and a multitude of serious (life flighted) injuries. Not all of the injuries and fatalities were golf cart drivers. At least one fatality was the result of a collision between a pedestrian on a bicycle and a golf cart. There are several injuries of operators as well.

Golf cart drivers have impacted car drivers as well. I am thankful Ms. Pina did not have that opportunity Sunday morning. Imagine a young or somewhat inexperienced driver having to quickly and unexpectedly avoid the drunk administrator, Ms. Pina, driving her golf cart in the street, late Saturday night. We have all seen the frequent accidents created by over-correction. We just read about one last week on Peachtree Parkway just prior to Ms. Pina's arrest for drunk driving.

I have also seen what happens when pedestrians are stuck by golf carts. My father had knee replacement surgery when he was struck by a golf cart two years ago and the doctor that performed the surgery, in PTC, said that golf carts were the number one source of trauma and injuries that he treated. A former neighbor's son just last year had a large section of his leg literally torn off when his golf cart flipped on the cart path.

Xvalleygirl99 showed her ignorance at least twice in her blog. First by saying she wanted to 'party' with Ms. Pina, (prior to the 'rumor' being repeated by me that she has the reputation of partying) and again when she discounted the seriousness of DUI, golf cart or otherwise.

Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope you have made a complete recovery.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 5:29pm.

Drunk country clubbers, y-knotters, Longhorners, Ruby Tuesdayers, and many others are ok on a golf cart.
Not a cop in sight for the last two hours before closing!

Submitted by helpful lawyer on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 3:40pm.

Under Official Code of Georgia Annotated section 40-5-67.1(b), this is the implied consent notice given to suspects age 21 or over:

"Georgia law requires you to submit to state administered chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances for the purpose of determining if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you refuse this testing, your Georgia driver's license or privilege to drive on the highways of this state will be suspended for a minimum period of one year. Your refusal to submit to the required testing may be offered into evidence against you at trial. If you submit to testing and the results indicate an alcohol concentration of 0.08 grams or more, your Georgia driver's license or privilege to drive on the highways of this state may be suspended for a minimum period of one year. After first submitting to the required state tests, you are entitled to additional chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances at your own expense and from qualified personnel of your own choosing. Will you submit to the state administered chemical tests of your (designate which tests) under the implied consent law?"

Notice the two choices: (1) your driver’s license WILL be suspended for at least one year if you refuse testing, or (2) your driver’s license MAY be suspended for at least one year if the results show an alcohol concentration of .08 grams or more.

I believe the better choice may be to say Yes and submit to the test. That would at least leave room for arguing later that the police equipment was defective, unreliable, or not properly operated. A really smart driver would ask to be taken to a medical facility that could draw a blood sample and perform the appropriate test for his benefit (but at his expense), as the law provides. Then his lawyer might have something to work with later.

It’s unfortunate that people have so little knowledge of their rights and know so poorly how to protect them. When a police officer asks for permission to search your car, I think the wise answer is NO. When a police officer wants a DUI test, I think the wise answer is YES.

Of course, I have not stated the obvious. Don’t drink and drive, and don’t let that guy with the Bud Light and the ax into your car!

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 7:40am.

It increases the length of time between the last drink and the actual test as the cops have to take you to a medical facility, get a nurse to draw the blood, etc.. For someone borderline DUI, it might save them from arrest. Most cops and medical people will also tell you that the blood test will read slightly lower than the breath test and is the most accurate form of testing.

With the way the law reads in GA, refusal of a test is actually slightly worse than flunking the test so you have nothing to gain and everything to lose from refusing the test.


Buckwheat Rules's picture
Submitted by Buckwheat Rules on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 1:50pm.

I'm so tired of the way our society handles DUI's these days. They've taken on the feel of a modern day "witch hunt" where the accused or offenders are publically dragged out into the streets and flogged in front of the villagers.

What ever happened to society in general showing some respect and civility for the accused (and embarassed) and just letting justice take place behind the scenes without having to pubically shout it from the rooftops for the world to hear that "so and so" just got a DUI?

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 8:48am.

Ever notice that there is always a group who defend anyone caught driving drunk as just a misfortune of getting caught?
Of course alcoholics aren't going to say, "hang em."

Submitted by Davids mom on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 7:23pm.

..drunk drivers have killed friends and family. Embarrass them! It may save a life! But let's use some common sense when driving the golf carts. They can be dangerous to the driver and passenger if not handled correctly. . .and one is not in control when one is drunk!

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 8:12pm.

Who I really am has nothing to do with written law.
That is why we are a country of laws and not of men.
Admit the guilt, pay the fine, apologize, and don't do it again.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 8:37pm.

I agree with you 100% dollar. How scary is that?

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 9:17pm.

Laughing out loud

Mixer, you must have typed $'s post . . . . it's so coherent and spelled correctly, too!

Who I really am has nothing to do with written law.
That is why we are a country of laws and not of men.
Admit the guilt, pay the fine, apologize, and don't do it again.

Good points, Dollar! Sounding like a conservative! How great is that!

Submitted by MIKEK on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 2:16pm.

Sure it's wrong to operate a vehicle while under the influence, but our wonderful police department has to get credit for something. The more arrests made for golf cart violations and the like give Chief Murray the fuel he needs to hire more and more policemen.
It seems that it takes at least two patrol cars to give a traffic citation and the entire patrol shift to investigate a fender bender. Has anyone at the Police Department made any headway on the drug issue that has not gone away? Are we any safer because of police presence on golf cart paths in general?
It would have been so easy and respectful to have made these charges and kept them confidential, but in our world we as public servants must continue to toot our horns else we go unnoticed.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 3:48pm.

I can't argue with you about the police everywhere demanding and providing all the publicity they can get for their work, they always give every cop unit within 100 miles some credit for an arrest when maybe the federals did most or all of the work; however, I can not agree with you about keeping DUI quiet. It is as serious a crime as many, many other items that are published every day.
This is especially true of officials. There was a time when no city or county official was even arrested, much less publicized.
This is a newspaper thing anyway, due to the county we live in, not the police.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 1:52pm.

But I agree....

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 11:56am.

Stay on the paths whenever possible, and off the streets, especially so called connector streets.

What would have a simple phone call have hurt? So and so needs a ride home...back in the day, that is what would have happened. I'm not so sure today's way is any better.

Submitted by Irish4 on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 10:36am.

I'm not supporting drinking and driving - yes we have laws and laws serve a purpose - to protect us - I do have an issue with the golf cart DUI's. Sorry it's a Florida thing. My issue is the fact that when the speed limit is posted for 35 MPH why people feel they can go 45 MPH - a law is a law - start publishing the names (front page) of all the speeders around town and maybe this will slow some of the irresponsible drivers down before they kill more people. Opps no money for the Cities, Judges and lawyers in speeding fines. How much revenue has been generated from DUI's - place the same punishments, fines and focus on speeders we will see windfall profits for the county and can pay for more police and fire protection without a tax increase.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 10:46am.

He was in his yard, on his mower, and was cited for an open container violation of some sort. Allegedly.

Now that's crazy. I LOVE to spread rumors! Eye-wink

In this case- the ONLY reason it is on the front page is because she is an assistant principal. Most DUIs do not go on the front page - as I am sure you know.

If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 11:17am.

He got a DUI on a lawn mower:) He was on the road though, not in his yard. I'm not sure if there is anywhere in the USA you can get arrested for open container in your own yard.

I've heard of people getting DUI's on John Deere tractors, Segway scooters, bicycles, about anything that can transport a person from point A to point B. Not surprisingly, these people tend to have to take alternative means of transportation like the family bulldozer because they lost their licenses due to too many DUI's.


Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 9:56am.

This is just a few I found when I googled 'DUI Lawnmower'.





Open container while mowing yard:


If WWII had been covered by the Modern Media: Great Video

Submitted by rick7069 on Fri, 06/15/2007 - 10:24am.

The legal limit at one time for dui was .12 and is now at .08. I do agree with this for cars or any vehicles on the road. On the road are 2000 lb. vehicles traveling at high rates of speed, mistakes are deadly quite ofter. However, after thinking about it, I believe the legal limit for a golf cart on a golf cart path is too low. The vehicles weigh much less and travel much slower. Not to say an accident couldn't be deadly, but the chances are greatly reduced. Perhaps, a legal limit more like .16 or .18 for any motorized vehicle off the main roads would be a more acceptable standard. I seriously doubt fatalities would drastically shoot up and, if they did, the law could always be changed back.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 11:08am.

I saw a push mower the other day with COLD BEVERAGE holder. Smiling

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