It’s time for immigration reform

Tue, 05/22/2007 - 4:39pm
By: Letters to the ...

I consider myself a true American, born and raised in the United States with family that has served in her military, spilled blood and even died in a foreign country fighting in a world war. Even though I did not serve in the military I signed up for the draft as required. If called to duty, I would have served. However, I choose to go to work on the civilian side and start a family.

When I was a young boy, I remember driving down country roads here in Georgia and Tennessee. I remember churches that were either wood-sided, painted white or brick, having crosses or high steeples on their roofs. I remember names on these churches such as, Antioch, Ebenezer and Rock Creek to name a few. Others by the name of Tabernacle of God and Way of the Cross. I mostly remember people of white or black skin. Nothing more.

Honestly, before I noticed the influx of Hispanics in this country I noticed a change in the landscape. The demographics of communities changed and new people moved in. I begin to see those white and brick churches close or relocate. I begin to witness different people reopen these old churches with church names and signs changed with a language I could not speak or read. This included the building of newer churches or mosques with a design style I have never seen except on television. This was the first time I really thought about the changes coming to America.

I never really thought much about people from Mexico or any other Hispanic-speaking country. I would normally see them in Mexican restaurants, doing minor jobs or see them on television when they would cover an issue/article concerning migrant workers.

Today, I truly believe we are facing nothing more than an invasion from a foreign country. Right now it is not a military invasion; it is an invasion by a country’s people. A country that is unable to provide jobs or other necessities of life that America offers.

Who can blame them, if they are unemployed at home and they know that employment is just across the border? It’s a known fact that the United States is not guarding or protecting its border properly along the Mexican Border. If we had an accurate count, I believe the numbers would be staggering.

Do I have a problem with people who truly want a better life for themselves and their families?

No. However, I do believe people from other countries should come to our country using the legal process. I believe people that wish to live in America, who want to live as Americans and those who wish to become American citizens should assimilate the American culture and lifestyle.

If they wish to live and work here, learn to speak English. We should not have to endure a language barrier and companies should not have to pay additional cost to print their labels or directions in two languages on their products. They moved to our country, we did not move to their country.

I said the word assimilate above. It bothers me when I see these people living and working in this country and they hang the Mexican flag from their house and place Mexican flag tags on their cars and adorn their windows in Spanish writing and logos. People that are here for the money only and people that still support their Mexican government.

I have no problem with someone who enters by legal process, wishes to better his/her life and their family and truly wishes to live the American way of life. Someone who will pay their fair share of taxes, does not take advantage of any loopholes and supports our country in time of need.

What will America be like in 20, 30 or 50 years? What changes do you think will take place in this country if we continue the present-day course? Think about all the possibilities and even think about a possible war on our own soil.

When I hear the phrase, “the silent majority,” I believe I am a member of that group. I am a registered voter and I vote during elections. I am one of many that voted you into office. However, I do not go to the streets to protest; I stay at work in order to pay my bills. I do not stand on street corners with signs and megaphones, as I feel I will be labeled a racist or some title a group of people or the media will crown me with.

I believe in the following:

We should protect our borders and stop illegal immigration, by state or federal authorities, by whatever means it takes. If we can help guard the border between North and South Korea we should be able to guard our own borders. During time of peace I believe we should utilize our military to guard our borders. After all, we should maintain a military ground force. During times of peace we should maintain a well-trained fast mobilization ground force. Members of the military (infantry divisions) should serve a certain amount of time performing border patrol as part of their service.

I have heard we cannot use the military for civil issues. I am not educated on this matter, but I believe when our borders are being crossed illegally by people of another nation we are in fact being invaded. What’s to keep out the terrorist and factions that wish to do us harm? Citizens of other nations should only enter our country at designated locations. They should be processed and we should know who is coming into our country.

I do not believe we should give amnesty or give instant legal status to illegal immigrants. They should be processed including background checks. Yes, this will be a long process.

I am not educated on the current law, but I do not feel comfortable giving voting rights to anyone that is not a U.S. citizen.

Healthcare should not be provided for free to anyone that is not a citizen or legal immigrant. Healthcare cost is out of control and a contribution to that is due to a law that states no one can be turned down for medical treatment at hospital emergency facilities.

If they are illegal, they need to be given emergency medical treatment if needed and then deported. If the are here to work they should be tracked and some type payment for services rendered needs to be collected if possible. If they do not want to pay their bills or pay taxes, they face deportation.

We are dealing with two separate countries with two separate historical backgrounds and culture.

Mexico is basically a country molded by Spain and its culture and religion. America is a country molded by English (European) culture and religion.

Must we Americans (those born in America and those who truly wish to live as Americans) lose our identity, our culture or main religion to allow people from other countries to settle in our land and change our ways of life? No group of people should be given special privileges or receive special treatment over other U.S. citizens.

Do not forget the American people, do not forget about the people who were born and raised right here on this soil and those people who have immigrated to this country legally and in their hearts truly wish to become American people, to assimilate the American culture and the American way of life.

D.W. Jones

Sharpsburg, Ga.

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