Here it is again

Dr. Knox Herndon's picture

Surely December is a strange time of the year! At our church we have a large outside trailer where we store all of our equipment for our church. It houses the riding lawnmowers, lawn signs for everything from turkey shoots, to an outdoor journey to Jerusalem signs, to journey to Bethlehem signs, Rodeo for Jesus signs, and of course, our Christmas outdoor manger figures.

At this time of the year, usually Tommy Duncan and I have to both lift the large door on the trailer, and then the youngest of the two (usually me) has to crawl over the lawn mowers and signs, to get to the Christmas decorations that my wife, Dee, has stored from the past Christmases. And aren’t they strange, these figures of Middle Eastern clothing, carrying gifts for the Baby Jesus? There are, of course, camels, sheep, cattle, shepherds, the parents, Mary and Joseph, and the manger crib with straw for the baby Jesus. This year, however, another member, Arlee Hartmann and I pulled the figures out of the trailer and placed them.

Here is another church phenomenon that takes place. It is called the “greening of the church.” This date is placed in our bulletin so that everyone who wishes to help, can come and decorate “Christ’s bride, the church.” It is a special time at the church when people all come together and give their “gift” to the Christ Child in their service in decorating our church. Once we extrapolate the figures from the storage, we lovingly and carefully place them down on the highway in front of our church sign. Usually this is a somewhat cold time of the year, and so we all went into our kitchen and warmed up some apple cider and stood around and talked and expressed our Christian love for one another and for the work that is ours.

Steven Carter who presently writes for “Christianity Today” magazine, and several years ago wrote a book called “Culture of Disbelief.” He discussed the three basic “philosophies” [meaning “the love of wisdom”] of (1) other worldly-centered philosophies; (2) earth-centered philosophies; and (3) man-centered philosophies.

The freedoms we enjoy, one of those being religious freedom, were hammered out, prayed about, and carried out throughout our history. Carter, like many before him, felt it is “healthy for humanity” to continue letting religionists and other “spiritual” thinkers to be allowed at “democracy’s debates.”

I have personally seen societies like the former divided Germany and North Korea shrivel up and starve its people spiritually and physically. Just look at the photo on the cover of National Geographic magazine depicting a photo from a satellite of the electric lights of North Korea. The lights are only on in North Korea in their capital city. May we never extinguish our “Christmas lights”!

For those out there who believe that this wonderful traditional, American Christmas is just a “holiday,” think again! This, the ACLU, or anybody will never take away, unless we let them. If our country is foolish enough to elect someone from the likes of the “New Democratic Party” that I see on the horizon, then there will certainly be attempts to abolish all this Christian heritage mentioned above. If, and when that happens, it will, in my opinion, be time for peaceful civil disobedience from the Christian communities nationwide. Too much blood and sacrifice has been shed to let a handful of people like the ACLU and other groups who hate our Christian American heritage, have their way with our religious freedoms. Be prepared to take your stand if and when it happens.

It is my prayer that none of this will happen because it flies into the Face of God Himself to let this happen. However, just be ready to be counted!

Merry Christmas! Say it publically, every chance you get!

(The church’s Web site is under construction temporarily and will be up and running again shortly.)

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