Booth PTO hosts Partners in Education luncheon

Tue, 04/17/2007 - 3:05pm
By: The Citizen

On Feb. 28, the J.C. Booth Middle School Parent/Teacher Organization and Fayette County Chamber of Commerce sponsored a lunch for the Booth Partners in Education.  

"Our goal was to gather the Partners in Education in an informal setting to share with them what J.C. Booth is all about," said Cathy Nelmes, who co-led this event with local Chamber representative, Frank Harris from Visual Impact Printing. Approximately 18 Partners in Education business representatives attended the lunch, and enjoyed a musical selection performed by the Booth Mixed Chorus.

The luncheon was prepared by the Booth PTO Executive Board and presentations were given by Harris and Booth principal Ted Lombard. The PTO Board hopes to make this an annual event. "We want to make it very easy for local businesses to partner with J.C. Booth," said PTO president, Angela Newton.

The purpose of the Partners in Education program is to provide an avenue for businesses to form partnerships with Fayette County schools and educational programs. Anyone interested in joining the Partners in Education program can contact Ed Steil, Fayette County Board of Education, at 770-460-3990 or Joyce Gaglione, Fayette County Chamber of Commerce, at 770-461-9983.

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