Logsdon still hasn’t answered e-mail

Tue, 11/29/2005 - 6:15pm
By: Letters to the ...

Unfortunately, mayoral candidate Harold Logsdon stuck tight to his refusal to debate Mayor Steve Brown. This is a shame, as there were plenty of citizens who braved the cold to hear what he had to say. Apparently, we were not important enough for Mr. Logsdon to bother with.

I had read several places that Logsdon will not take the time to answer questions from citizens, so I put it to the test. I e-mailed Mr. Logsdon on Oct. 14. Still no answer; nothing at all; still waiting. Harold, are you out there?

Since Mr. Logsdon does not have the common courtesy to respond to my query, I’ll just have to pose my questions in a different forum. So here goes:

1. What current city programs do you plan to cut in order to satisfy your campaign promises of a 5 percent tax cut, while increasing spending? (Police? Fire/EMS? Recreation? Public Works?) Certainly a financial wizard such as yourself knows that you can’t take in less and spend more without cutting something in between.

2. Who do you think will be the first citizen to jump on the obvious lawsuit against you and the city once you misappropriate our tax dollars by cutting the check to pay back the illegal [Development Authority] loan using taxpayer dollars? It’s quite obvious that if you pay back an illegal loan with our money, we’re going to get angry and strike back. We, the taxpayers, did not authorize this loan which was made to a separate entity; therefore, our tax dollars should not be inappropriately allocated to pay it back.

3. Why, I ask, would someone hire a campaign manager to acquire a $9,000/year part time mayoral position? Is Direct PAC paying his salary in the hopes that you will beat Mayor Brown and pay back the loan that carries their signatures?

4. Is your unwillingness to answer questions posed by the citizens of Peachtree City indicative of your standard business practices; is it your SOP? Are you too busy with your day job to care what we have to say, or do you not feel accountable to the citizens, only your financial backers? Is the open form of government we have enjoyed for the past four years going to be a thing of the past if you take office? Will the average citizen lose all rights to voice their opinions on government issues, again? Do you see yourself as being “above all that”?

5. Exactly what is your stand on providing programs for children, teens and families? There appears to be nothing at all concerning families in your campaign propaganda. Isn’t quality of life for our families the reason we live in Peachtree City in the first place? If you have no plans for programs for our children and families, does that also mean that you will discontinue those which are already in place? Perhaps this is where you intend to cut the budget to soften the shortfall you’re committing to with “lower taxes and more spending.”

Five questions should do it for now. Let’s see if you bother to answer these.

Kim Hamm
Peachtree City, Ga.

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