Fayetteville resident spends spring break studying in Italy

Tue, 03/13/2007 - 2:55pm
By: The Citizen

With college spring breaks in full swing, campuses across the country are abuzz with vacation plans. A group of Shorter College business majors, including Fayetteville native Lauren Huddleston, will use the week to study the international economy in Italy with Shorter business faculty member Melissa Hickman.

Fourteen Shorter students, some of whom have never even been on an airplane, will participate in this 10-day learning experience in Italy. In preparation for the trip, the group read and discussed their textbook titled “The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power and Politics of World Trade.”

While in Italy they will observe international business operations that impact each of them as business majors. For example, they will have the opportunity to tour the Pirelli tire operations in Italy after touring nearby Pirelli in Rome, Ga.

“As business professors we want Shorter’s students to see beyond Georgia and the United States,” explained Dr. Robert “Dub” Darville, dean of Shorter College’s School of Business Administration. “This trip is significant to business majors, especially those with an international interest. Although this is the first time we’ve done this, we hope it will become an annual trip.”      
The 2007 Italy trip is one example of Shorter College’s commitment to providing students with global experiences. The college currently offers three month-long international experiences: MAYTERM, the Asia Program and the Americas Program. In addition, the college has study-abroad affiliation agreements with more than 40 universities on six continents.

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