Rotary hosts training today

Thu, 03/08/2007 - 4:54pm
By: The Citizen

The Rotary Club of Peachtree City is hosting the third annual Multi-District Presidential Training Seminar (PETS) at the Wyndham Conference Center on March 10th and 11th, 2007. PETS is a premier training event for Rotary leaders and the program provides information, inspiration and fellowship. It is structured to meet the needs of incoming club presidents, club president nominees, incoming assistant governors and governors nominees and other club officers.

Each year Rotary International leaders and other special guests are featured as keynote speakers to bring humor, challenges and inspiration to the Rotarians who are known for their motto of “Service Above Self.”

This year, Rotary International President Elect Wilfrid J. Wilkinson, of the Rotary Club of Trenton, Ontario, Canada, and his wife Joan, will visit PETS and a special dinner will be held in his honor. It is an extremely rare occasion that the International President Elect visits a local gathering and the Peachtree City Rotary Club and the Multi-District PETS Committee are delighted and honored with his presence. President Elect Wilkinson will address the group and it is expected that he will give an insight into his plans and expectations for his year as International President beginning July 1, 2007.

The two day seminar serves all the Rotary Clubs in the three Georgia Districts representing 200 clubs and over 13,000 members. There will be over 300 Rotarians visiting Peachtree City to participate in the training event including several representatives from the office of Rotary International located in Evanston, IL.

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