Hotel, building fees down in PTC

Thu, 02/22/2007 - 6:02pm
By: John Munford

Finance director: other revenues are up to cover deficits

Although Peachtree City’s hotel-motel tax and building permit revenues are down significantly, other fees and taxes are coming in ahead of projections to cover those deficits, City Finance Director Paul Salvatore told the City Council last week.

The building permit fees are down drastically, about $77,000 short from the projected figure about one-third of the way through this budget year, Salvatore said. The main reason due to the square footage of buildings, which is used to calculate the permit fee, being much smaller than in years past, Salvatore said.

Also, the city is not having as much activity in residential building either, he noted.

Although staff was aware that the city was nearing build-out, that talk had gone on for several years but the city’s building permit revenues remained robust, Salvatore noted. The shortfall, if it remains on target, will result in a $200,000 difference in what city staff projected versus the revenue coming in for the building fees, he noted.

“That’s if things don’t perk up,” Salvatore said.

The hotel-motel tax is down about $33,000 from projections, but that was partly due to one of the city’s conference centers being closed for a couple of weeks, Salvatore said.

The revenue matters will be discussed more in detail at the City Council’s annual retreat, set for March 2 and March 3 at the Wyndham Peachtree Conference Center.

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