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I would venture to say that most Americans have memories that flood their minds at “Thanksgiving.” Like many of our “religious” holidays certain ideas come to mind during these seasons. Personally, I like “Thanksgiving” as well as Christmas because it is, for me, a time when it “turns my heart toward home.” In fact Dr. James Dobson made a film entitled “Turn Your Heart Toward Home” in which he reminisced the times he and his father would go out into the woods and hunt and be together. He mentioned that of all the accolades and awards and degrees he obtained, these memories remained at the forefront of his childhood..

My father never owned a gun or a fishing rod but I, like Dr. Dobson, remember as my fondest memories, Dad sitting in a cold duck blind at Fort Carson, Colorado with me while I scanned the horizon for un-suspecting ducks to venture my way. Dad was a pioneer in early Airborne Glider Units in WWII, and was highly decorated. He then answered his Nations’ call again, and went all through the War in Korea as many fathers did.

I watch TV where week after week people are portrayed with abusive and sick parents who cause much suffering on their young families, but it just wasn’t that way in our family. We had our ups and downs like any family but “thankful” we were. This was demonstrated in the prayers at our dinner table. It would have been unthinkable to eat a meal without thanking Almighty God for our “food, the hands that prepared it, the poor, our soldiers, our President and his family, and the cause of Christ and the Church.”

We all have our special memories of Thanksgiving but if you analyze it a bit, the turkey and the meal is far secondary to the event of stopping and turning toward heaven and thanking Almighty God for bringing the settlers and Pilgrims through the terribly hard times.

We have all read reports of the first Thanksgiving and some say that at the “first” Thanksgiving they distributed a few grains of parched corn to everyone to eat. It wasn’t until much later that they had the feast with the turkeys and all the wild game and much food that we celebrate today.

We must never forget it is not the “food” of Thanksgiving but the “spiritual food” thanks of Thanksgiving that is the issue. What ever you are the most thankful for this year, lift that up to God’s Throne of Grace this year and all year. God loves a “cheerful giver” and a “thankful thanker”

As you read this, my family and I will be in Enid Oklahoma visiting our daughter Nikki and her new husband Jeremy Campbell. Jeremy is in pilot training at Vance Air Force Base where Military families continue to train and serve for you and me. Always thank a Vet from all generations, for their continued service.

God Bless you this season and all year as you continue to be a “thanker.”

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