Logsdon a wimp to Lenox

Tue, 11/22/2005 - 4:44pm
By: Letters to the ...

Bob Lenox was a dog that had a lot of fight in him. I read the stuff about Harold [Logsdon] in hiding and waiting for the December election. He has this image as a puny, almost anemic figure.

Is Harold so faint-hearted that he could be corruptible? I don’t go for the guys that cower at the thought of telling people what’s on their mind. It looks like he’s hiding something.

When Lenox was mayor he took a few ill-advised actions; no one’s perfect. But one thing that you can say about the man is he never ran away from a contest on the issues. He would go toe-to-toe with anyone on an issue.

Fred Brown had limited abilities and played the town brute role to get his way. Lenox, on the other hand, had a brain in his head and knew how to use it.

People give Bob Lenox a lot of grief because he’s a wealthy entrepreneur, but isn’t that what our capitalist society is all about? If he’s driving a nicer car and lives in a bigger house, it’s because he earned it.

When Lenox clashes with Steve Brown on an issue I read the newspaper with great intent. In that case you’ve got two bright guys going at one another for what they believe in and that’s the beauty of our free society. If you do that in China or Iraq, you end up buried in a hole somewhere in the countryside.

Harold doesn’t live up to Lenox’s stature. I’m certain that Lenox would have showed up for the debate ready to compete.

If Harold is elected, is he going to wimp out and concede everything to Fayette County and Coweta County? Harold keeps talking about leadership but he has yet to live up to it. I would rather have Bob Lenox than Harold.

Barb Kelley
b_klly (at) yahoo.com

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