A boy and his duck

John Hatcher's picture

As we ministers walk through our parish lives, sometimes we run into something that just takes our breath, stirs us to a new God consciousness, and leaves us feeling blessed that we were called into such a life work.

Such was my opportunity this past week as I visited a family in our church. During the visit I got into a conversation with the 18-year-old son, Andre’. Since we were outside, he was accompanied by his new friend of the past year — a duck.

The story: last year as a flock of ducks took leave from his family’s backyard with its small lake, Andre’ noticed a small duckling abandoned or forgotten by the rest of the flock. Andre’ adopted him and gave him a name, Sunshine.

Well, Sunshine and Andre’ became fast friends. Andre’, too, became his mama and daddy. The kid didn’t know how to paddle and make his way in the water. So, Daddy took him to the bathtub and showed him how to use his webbed feet to advantage. The kid didn’t know how to fly. So, Daddy took him into his arms and cast him up into the air time and time again until Sunshine caught on how to spread his wings and catch the air and fly.

It went on and on. Now, Sunshine is just a part of the family. Although real Mama and Grandmamma put their collective feet down about inviting Sunshine into the house. There’s apparently one thing Daddy has not been able to teach Sunshine and there is no such thing as Duck Depends.

Such relationship exists between teacher and student (in this case, man and duck) that during last Friday’s fast and furious storm, Sunshine desperately duck-walked up the incline from the lake to the house into the safe cover of his teacher. Sunshine had never seen such a storm, but he knew the security of his daddy.

Now, someone else has entered the picture just when dad and kid begin to enjoy their relationship. It’s a she-duck. She flew in with a crowd the other day, but she didn’t leave. She was smitten by Sunshine. Now as Andre’ stands on the hill overlooking the lake, he sees Sunshine’s new love.

When I was there the other day, I saw her making her way gracefully across the lake. But where was Sunshine? Right there with Dad, singing and making melody in his heart to his dad. It will be a tough nest to empty, this one.

What a good story! Not, a man and his dog. But a man and his duck.

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