Reader objects to slam of non-religious people

Tue, 01/02/2007 - 6:28pm
By: Letters to the ...

I must take exception to William Murchison’s opinion article in the Dec. 22 Peachtree Citizen. In the article, he offers the old chestnut about ACLU lawyers wanting to “muzzle Christian expression at Christmas” by fighting against public Nativity scenes.

So, how many lawsuits have you heard about recently against public Nativity scenes? I haven’t heard of any.

And, of course, any church, business or private property can have a Nativity scene if the owner wants it. The ACLU only goes after government-sponsored Nativity scenes, because it then is a government endorsement of a particular religion, which is not permitted.

Murchison shows his disdain for non-religious people, saying “In the secular doctrine of man alone, bereft of God, there is neither warmth nor richness nor comfort — just terrible coldness.”

What religious baloney! I know many non-religious people, and they are just as warm, pleasant and comforting as anyone else. They still give gifts to their children at Christmas time, visit with friends and relatives, and enjoy holiday parties like anyone else.

Murchison talks about “the real stuff”: angels, a talking snake in a garden and “a stable...where lies none other than the Son of God.” Any other view is just a “creepy creed of a creepy age.”

Well, Mr. Murchison, it is not just “politically correct” to respect another person’s right to believe as he or she chooses about religion. It is the civil thing to do. And it’s the Christian thing to do, too.

Happy holidays.

Steve Yothment
Peachtree City, Ga.

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