TDK bridge

What is Mr. Logsdon thinking? Certainly a
3,000 home community with attendent amen-ities is going to bring more traffic into
Fayette Co. Look at what has happened to
the South end of the county. 74S. to 85S.
is so congested that traffic comes to a snail's pace from about 3:30pm until well
after 6pm. 4 laneing of 74S should have taken place before Starr's Mill school complex was opened. Now, short-sighted,
Mr. Logsdon doesn't want a 4 lane bridge,
that will, obviously, be needed in the not
too distant future. The south end of Fayette has become a MIXED use community,ie. industry, recreation, school,residential,commercial and farmland. What a boondoggle and it's going to get worse with the opening of TDK
into Coweta. The powers that be ok'ed this
project, but don't seem to be ready for the inevitable. Over population, unpreparedness.

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