Whitewater baseball supports local families during holidays

Tue, 12/19/2006 - 1:08pm
By: The Citizen

Baseball santa

The Whitewater High School Varsity Baseball team recently held their third annual Baseball Santa.

Each year the Wildcat Baseball teams support local Fayette County families that need assistance for Christmas. This year they bought toys, clothes, gift cards and some badly needed furniture.

“The players and their parents buy the gifts but the boys do the wrapping. The moms help with the wrapping but the boys do most of the work,” said Head Coach Frank Dixon. “The players and their familes sponsor this program and each year we seem to do better than the previous year. Having the opportunity to help others that need our help is a great life lesson. My goal is to keep Baseball Santa going even after I have retired from teaching and coaching. I cannot thank the players and their families enough for the support they give to this annual event.”

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