Nativity drama starts Friday

Tue, 12/12/2006 - 4:10pm
By: The Citizen

Christmas festivities get off to a start Dec. 15 and 16 at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Sharpsburg with the annual presentation of The Nativity, to be held on the parish property at 4046 Lower Fayetteville Rd., just off Ga. Hwy. 154, with performances beginning at 7 p.m. Covered seating will be provided.

Live music plus guitar will be offered and the voices of “10 Little Angels,” a group of 6-, 7-, and 8-year-olds from the community, will be featured.

A special feature this year will be the “Waves of Grace” liturgical dancers, an ecumenical group recently formed on the south side for special worship services and events.

There is no charge and refreshments will be served following the production. Parking is available.

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