Focus group gets up and running

Mon, 11/21/2005 - 1:07pm
By: John Thompson

There’s a new focus on Tyrone.

The Tyrone town Council heard Thursday night that the the town’s new focus group, Tyrone Focus is now up and running.

Group facilitator Mark Darrow explained the group already has a Web page,, online and is getting ready to hold its first meeting in early December. The group was started in October to help the Town Council in making decisions about growth issues that are rapidly affecting the town.

“This will be a communication channel for the 5,600 residents in this town,” Darrow said.

Darrow explained several core members of the group were already in place and represented everybody from founding families of the town to one persons who had just moved to town within the last two weeks. One of the first issues the group is focusing on is the placement of the town’s new library.

Town Manager Barry Amos said he was just waiting on paperwork to arrive from the bond sale for the library, so time was of the essence in picking a final site.

According to the Web site, the mission statement of the new group is “to serve as the recognized, objective communications channel from the residential and business communities of Tyrone to the Town Council and administration.”

The statement also says the group is “to provide a continuous source of ideas, suggestions, solutions and options pertaining to the proposed Town Center plan and related town capital development projects, long and short term.”

Darrow said the announcements of all future meetings would be announced through the Web site and on the town’s information channel on the cable system.

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