F’ville PD encourages safe shopping

Tue, 12/05/2006 - 4:38pm
By: John Munford

Fayetteville police are urging holiday shoppers to use extra caution to avoid becoming a victim of theft and other crime.

Police suggest shoppers should lock their vehicles and close the windows and leave packages and other valuables out of sight. Also, shoppers should particularly keep an eye on their purse, wallet and checkbook while shopping and stay alert to surroundings, police said.

Shoppers should also be on the lookout for people attempting to create a distraction, as thieves sometimes work in pairs, with one asking for help such as reading a label or retrieving items off shelves while the other commits the theft, police said.

Police also urge shoppers to be alert to any activity near their cars and to report any suspicious activity immediately.

To help prevent identity fraud, shoppers should also be careful to double check they get back their credit card and driver’s license from the sales clerk; and if the credit card becomes lost, stolen or misused alert the credit card issuer immediately.

Shoppers should also try to shop during the day whenever possible and if shopping at night to go with a friend or family member.

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