PTC resident nominated for homecoming court

Tue, 11/28/2006 - 5:30pm
By: The Citizen

Jessica Merrick

Peachtree City native Jessica Merrick was recently nominated to Florida State University’s 2006 Homecoming Court. Merrick is one of six individuals to be appointed to the court as Homecoming Princess. Merrick was selected by a panel of her peers and other members of the FSU community on Sept. 29. Candidates had to meet university requirements including amount of course hours earned and grades. School spirit, leadership, academic excellence and service to the community were also taken into consideration.

“The Homecoming Court is made of students that personify FSU. All of the candidates have selflessly given themselves to the university and represent the people that have supported them during their time here,” said Kristin Macak, a student panelist.

An international affairs major, Merrick has also found time to be an active participant on campus. She is a member of Chi Omega sorority and the World Affairs Program, a student-run academic organization promoting the awareness of the global community. Furthermore, Merrick is the President of the Mortar Board, a national honor society for college seniors who excel in scholarship, leadership and service.

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