IMPACT 360 hosts inaugural class

Tue, 11/28/2006 - 5:12pm
By: The Citizen

Eighteen students from nine states and one foreign country have embarked on a journey called IMPACT 360 that not only will prepare them for college, but also will equip them to develop a biblical worldview that could change their life and the lives of those around them.

Zach Fallon, of Peachtree City, is one of the students selected to participate in this nine month program.

“I want to find out in more detail what God’s plans are for my life - where I’m going to go to school, what I’m going to study,” said Mark Heath, an IMPACT 360 student from North Charleston, S.C. “And I want to learn a lot - I think it will be a good learning experience with other believers. I think there is a lot of knowledge to gain.”

IMPACT 360 founders John and Trudy Cathy White hope Heath and his 17 classmates will do just that – live and learn as they coexist in an intentional community that promotes service, leadership, spiritual formation, practical vocational experience and missions in action around the world.

“Many of our Christian high school graduates are just not ready for college,” said Larry Cox, IMPACT 360 director. “They feel pressured by parents and peers to go to a particular school and declare a major, and then their faith is challenged. They are not prepared to explain their faith, much less defend it.”

“IMPACT 360 will equip servant leaders in the emerging generation to live Christ-focused lives, to be grounded in the biblical Christian worldview and to impact our culture in the marketplace.”

The program title, “IMPACT 360,” reflects the holistic vision of Lifeshape Foundation: to revolutionize leaders of the emerging generation to break the cycle of spiritual poverty. Lifeshape intends to IMPACT students’ core values in every aspect – or 360 degrees – of their lives. Just as college prepares students for a career, IMPACT 360 prepares students for life with a biblical worldview, calling and life skills.

“The ‘360’ part of our name shows … that we will educate students holistically with respect to our core values of ‘know, be, and live,’” said John Basie, the program’s Associate Director for Academics.

In addition, the program provides training through a Student Life program where students will learn life skills such as managing time, developing and managing a personal budget, planning meals and more. The total IMPACT 360 program costs $19,500, scholarships are available based on merit and need, but the experience is invaluable.

“‘Learning’ is not contained in the classroom setting here at IMPACT 360,” said Kelly Geer, associate director for student life. “Intentional programming has been created through a partnership between Academics and Student Life. … This programming allows learning to stretch beyond the traditional neatly packaged classroom setting of four walls, desks and climate control!”

One of the key aspects of IMPACT 360 is a focus on community. As a community, the program builds on a desire to “Know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served. Celebrate and mourn together. All of this, by His grace and for His glory.” The program is based on the belief that each individual has talents, gifts and abilities that make each person unique and necessary in the lives of others.

“We believe that we are called to live out His purpose for each of our lives,” Geer said.

“Learning is hands-on and sometimes messy, full of trial and error,” she said. “As a community, we live and learn together in tangible, experiential ways that allow us to translate head knowledge into actual experiences. … The outflow of who we are becomes more intentional as we grow in realization that each of us has great value in Kingdom work.”

“IMPACT 360 will guide students into the exciting discovery of the truth found in God’s Word, ground them with a Christian worldview, help them to discover their calling in the marketplace and challenge them to get out of their comfort zones through cross-cultural experiences,” Cox said.

The program is accepting applications for 30 student positions for the 2007-2008 year. To learn more about IMPACT 360, visit the Web site at

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