Task force holds town hall meeting

Tue, 11/28/2006 - 4:27pm
By: The Citizen

The South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force will hold a Town Hall Meeting Tuesday December 5th at 7pm at Bethany United Methodist Church. This meeting will address the most recent episode of community illness. Government agencies will be there to inform the community on the health study linking their illness with toxic exposure. Also, an update from Fulton County will be given with regard to the non-renewal of the Pre-treatment Permit of PSC. The South Fulton and Fayette Community Task Force will be there to inform the community of ongoing activities to not only revive the community but to be a stellar example of one that makes a difference for all communities with regard to potential environmental hazards. For more information call (770) 314-6999 or visit http://communitytaskforce.org

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