Appalled by School Board’s ‘ignorance or incompetence,’ a candidate is born

Tue, 11/21/2006 - 4:16pm
By: Letters to the ...

From what I can tell the situation is as simple as this: the Board of Education built a middle school that we do not need, in a location where it is not needed, and they are trying to fill it up to justify the irresponsible decisions that were made to build it in the first place.

I am sincerely appalled at the board’s actions and struggling to determine whether they are the result of ignorance or incompetence. As if the board needed another reason to demonstrate this, after the rushed vote on boundaries, they immediately turned their attention to building more schools, again without any due diligence or analysis. This must be an embarrassment for the state school superintendent who is also from this community.

Do you really like to redraw school boundaries every five years? Mark my word, that’s exactly what you will be doing by not performing some simple analysis of student demographics over the next three, five and 10 years.

After observing the board’s actions over the last few weeks, I am sure that my words and the concerns of the citizens in this part of the county are falling on deaf ears. I realize that the citizens of Peachtree City do not have a voice on the Fayette County Board of Education; therefore, I will be submitting my name to run for the school board and I suspect there will be many neighbors of mine do the same.

Dave Houston
Peachtree City, Ga.

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