Democan and Republicrats Swap Seats.

mainframecpu's picture

Well, we had an election and it appears the House and Senate will change hands.

It seems that being in charge for 12 years has led to greed, waste, fraud, complacency, dishonesty and now job loss (theirs not ours this time). What a shock.

It is difficult to have any ‘compassion’ for a party who spends like drunken sailors (No child left behind, Prescription Drug benefit for seniors to compliment the free health care), interjects religion in to politics, and allows illegal immigrants to move the front of the preverbal immigration line.

All of this from a party that advertises itself as a less government, less spending, more privacy, more personal freedom group of politicians.

So now we will go back to the party of what? The Clintonistas? Is there anyone who actually believes that we will see a decrease in social spending, government programs, waste, fraud, corruption, taxes or an improvement in privacy?

The reality is, the illegal immigrants will be more affected by this election than you and me! Do you think things will REALLY change? tell me how.

Cameras are popping up faster than pimples during prom week. This is happening from Democan controlled cities like Atlanta to Republicrat cities like SanDiego . (Is it for Tax revenue? Invasion of privacy?)

I have leaned back and listened to you make your arguments for the ‘lesser of two evils’ for months, indeed years, all to no avail. Can I interest you in a third ‘lesser evil’?

I am now convinced that the two parties can only be separated in the following way: Personal and Social Values, but NOT in governing issues. Remember state’s rights? Who stands for them now?

When (not if) a Republicrat is caught with a hand in the cookie jar (be it a 17 year old page, a mistress, a bribe, or whatever) he quits. When (not if) a Democan is caught with a hand in the cookie jar they are re-elected.

Abortion, Religion, ‘Family Values’, Civil Unions, are all moral and social decisions. Doesn’t anyone care what the true role of government should be? Is there anyone who thinks the Democans are going to pull us out of Iraq any sooner than the Republicrats? If so, why, for Moral reasons?

The problem is that both Rebublicrats and Democans say they want the government out of private lives, that they want less intrusive government, so why do social values even interject themselves in to party politics much less control them?

It is time for a viable third party and you are the ones who can make it happen.

Excuse my rant - but I am frustrated. I guess the good news is, we doubled our seats in congress this election. Smiling

What say you?

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