Rapson: ‘Brown not why I lost election’

Tue, 11/15/2005 - 5:28pm
By: Letters to the ...

I need to set the record straight regarding comments reported in the local press following the results of last week’s election. It has been reported that I said that I lost the election “because of Steve Brown.”

I lost the election because more people voted for Stephen Boone than voted for me. Steve Brown did not cost me the election. It certainly wasn’t Steve Brown’s fault. It was mine. I remain continually amazed at everything the mayor is blamed for in this city and I regret that my response further contributed to this.

When asked by a reporter to speculate on the reasons why I lost, I responded quickly and did not elaborate upon my answers.

What I said was that I believe the citizens of Peachtree City are sick and tired of the ongoing negativity surrounding Peachtree City politics.

I also referred to voter apathy when addressing why more than 500 voters stood at the voting machine and yet didn’t cast a vote in either City Council Post 3 or City Council Post 4.

During my four years of service on the City Council of Peachtree City we accomplished a lot of good for this city. I’m proud of the contributions that I made, especially that the library expansion bond referendum passed in 2002 and that we now have a beautiful and well-designed library that is quickly becoming a community centerpiece.

I’m proud of my vote against a rezoning to allow a Walgreen’s at the northwest corner of the Peachtree Parkway and Ga. Highway 54 intersection.

I am proud to have been a part of a progressive council that supported the development of Mayor Brown’s LCI plan. The city will benefit from this innovative design for many years to come.

I’m also proud that I took a stand against a high-density annexation that I think would have been detrimental to the citizens of our city.

And I’m proud that our city took the lead in working with local businesses to craft a smoking ordinance for our public restaurants that influenced the state legislature at long last to enact a smoking ban state-wide.

I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to meet with citizens and work together to find mutually agreeable solutions to seemingly impossible impasses. Through a spirit of cooperation, the city has flourished, as evidenced by Money magazine’s designation of Peachtree City as one of the best places in the country.

Mayor Brown was the right mayor for this city at the right time. He shone a spotlight upon the previous administration’s way of doing business, which was often in private. He insisted upon open meetings and open discussions.

He ruffled many feathers but in the process the city grew from a developer-dominated town to one that is governed for and by the people.

I have not always agreed with Mayor Brown’s approach to solving issues, but I respect his tenaciousness and the strength of his convictions. I consider him a friend and I apologize for my remarks.

I spoke with Mr. Boone following the election and he knows that I am 100 percent behind him. He is a good man and will do the city proud. I congratulate him on winning City Council Post 3.

It was an honor and a privilege to serve the citizens of Peachtree City and I thank my many supporters for voting for me in this last election.

I wish the city well.

Steve Rapson
Council Post 3
Peachtree City, Ga.

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