COH sets events for Reformation Sunday

Tue, 10/17/2006 - 3:19pm
By: The Citizen

Members of Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church on Ga. Hwy. 138 have several events planned for Reformation Sunday, Oct. 29.

Special worship services at both the 8:30 and 11 a.m. services will celebrate the joy of the reformation.

Following worship, members will have a potluck dinner and super sundaes for dessert.

A Music Extravaganza will follow dinner and dessert, featuring the musical talents of many members of Christ Our Hope.

The youth of the church will sell cakes, pies, and cookies, stepping stones and other items made by youth. Some items will be included in a silent auction. All proceeds go toward youth activities such as field trips and Lutheridge.

Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church is just over the Fayette County line on Ga. Hwy. 138, Riverdale.

For information or directions, call 770-997-7117.

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