Floor sags under man’s wheelchair; he seeks help

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 4:23pm
By: Ben Nelms

Floor sags under man’s wheelchair; he seeks help

What is needed is a hand up, not a hand out. And for north Fayette resident Larry Wicker and his family, that hand would be especially meaningful.

Put simply, the Wicker’s home in Four Seasons Mobile Home Park is in need of repairs that the family cannot accomplish without help. A particular hazard is the flooring, which sags in places under the weight of his wheelchair.

As residents of Four Seasons for the past eight years, the family has done much of the repair work on the 30-year-old mobile home themselves. But there is a limit, both with the expertise needed to accomplish the more difficult repairs and the funds necessary to meet the expense.

As much as anything, Larry faces the physical challenges of major plumbing work and the need to replace a large amount of flooring due to the limitations imposed by a congenital condition known as arthrogryposis.

He gets along as well as many people, considering that the contracted joints in his wrists keep his hands permanently folded under.

Larry negotiates his wheelchair handily through the 900-square-foot residence. The chair is a necessity since his legs were amputated at age 9.

And even some of the work the 48-year-old was previously able to do on his own is now hampered by the degenerating disks in his upper spine and the creeping scoliosis that affects his back.

Realistically, the family does not have the funds to pay for the work. Larry has no current employment due to the conditions that affect his body and the family’s sole source of income comes from his wife Rachael’s job in Fayetteville.

Faced with similar challenges, many people resign themselves to an outlook devoid of optimism or hope. But not Larry. He is a bit different. Larry writes and worked on small woodworking projects before his condition worsened.

He improvises needed areas of the home environment, even using his hands to fashion a shaving apparatus by using a wooden stirring spoon from the kitchen.

But Larry Wicker is also willing to see the bright side of adversity, even with the amputations he experienced as a child.

“At 9 years old they amputated my legs, which was great for me,” he said with a chuckle. “They were folded like an Indian would sit, all the time, they never moved. And when they were amputated I doubled in size within a year. It was pretty amazing.”

With a single wage earner in the family and two children and plenty of bills to pay, Larry agreed that a helping hand would be a blessing.

“You can only fix 30-year-old pipes so much. It seems like every time you fix one part of the pipe something on the other side of the house will start leaking,” Larry explained, pointing into the kitchen where sheets of plywood cover the weak areas that make standing or moving a wheelchair nothing short of precarious.

“And I guess about half the house needs the floor replaced. But the thing is, we don’t want a handout. We just need help fixing things. It gets pretty weird going down the hall and having your wheelchair teetering on places that are going to give way. And I don’t want my children to get hurt either.”

Larry Wicker is a man who laughs easily. And he is a man who needs a helping hand to meet some of the needs that are out of his control. Anyone with a hand to lend can contact Larry Wicker at 770-783-2829.

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Submitted by Puja on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 12:42pm.

***I have much hatred toward people who would destroy, denegrate, corrupt and victimize innocent people***

How exactly does Mr Wicker's writing destroy, denegrate, corrupt or victimise innocent people?


Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 12:48pm.

How exactly does Mr Wicker's writing destroy, denegrate, corrupt or victimise innocent people?

If you can't figure that one out then your cognitive abilities are truly shot.

Submitted by Puja on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 1:04pm.

***If you can't figure that one out then your cognitive abilities are truly shot.***

Ah, the response of the man who has no debating skills. I'm actually curious as to your thinking here. What makes stories about two people having sex, which have no involvement with children whatsoever, destroy, denegrate, corrupt or victimise innocents? I'd like to hear your answer.


Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 3:36pm.

Your children may not be 16, but some are. Therefore, Larry's lustful writings about a father having sex with his 16 year old daughter disgusts 'most' of 'us'. Typically, people with sexual deviency seek to justify their behavior, Pornographic material is the preferred method since they are able to (literaly) see that 'others' share the same fantasy or participate in the same behavior and therefore feel more 'normal' and acceptable (desensitization). Since we clearly do not have time to enlighten you to this phenomenon, we assume you are at least rational enough to be able to use inference and logic to understand that pornography victimizes and exploits thus the statement from Git_Real. Clearly, your biblical references and your lack of cognitive ability are preventing your 'church' from being able to effectively reach out to those in need of your help. We were hoping you might be able to direct them in a more worthwhile endevour- that of PREVENTION rather than REACTION. In addition, you will have to excuse our ignorance and un-christian like behavior, you see most of us attempt to help the victim before we defend the perp. I can see in your case, you and your 'church' don't believe that pornography hurts anyone and therefore should be vigerously defended under the constitutional rights granted by our government, the same government that restricts it by making much of the pornography you support illegal. Your 'church' has stumbled on to an interesting concept I must admit. It's a bit like defending a rapist and attacking the intended victim because the victim didn't perform in a manner consistant with a succesful rape. Your logic would require that we say the charges were false because the rape never occurred and the potential rapist was the victim for be catagorized a rapist when he was not successful. We all stand in awe of your enlightenment and intellectual superiority.
Now, as someone that IS from our community - why don't you go finish tearing your community down by supporting your local 'church' and deviates and leave our's to us.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 1:42pm.

I love the way you take the sick and evil conduct of incest and attempt to equate it to a normal relationship between a man and a woman. Based on that premise what is there to debate?

It's funny. You and your other brother Larry condone and participate in either the activity of or the writing of incest and relationships with children and you try to deem me the sick one for finding your lifestyle, thought processes and perversions as unacceptable and evil.

You can spin this one however you want but no matter how you boil it down your justification of your pornographic perversion is nothing more than a reflection of your soul. How many lives have you negatively impacted there Puja. How many young boys and girls have victimized either physically or via the writings you so staunchly defend.

I'll close with this. I'd rather be accused of hating the likes of Puja and Larry boy rather than being accused of proliferating the sick and perverted pornographic incestial writings that you guys live off of.

Submitted by Lawicker on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:40pm.

yup, I wrote a bunch of my 'perverted' friends for bacup. Pretty cool huh? They know what free speech is!

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 7:24pm.

To come fix your trailer.

Submitted by blabbermouth on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 7:28pm.

I tried that earlier. Evidently his back up band isn't interested in fixing the man's floor or plumbing.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 7:39pm.

Ha! Now that's funny!

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:48pm.

Well, we should, shouldn't we?

Kathleen: May I recommend trying another flavor of Christianity besides Southern Baptist? The fire and brimstone spiel gets a little old.

Thanks the gods above and below that I had enough sense to walk out when I did, and never look back.

I could have been you.

masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:26pm.

for posting what most of us really feel like saying but haven't said in just those words. I second her post.

masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:22pm.

If you could only see the Myspace page you would understand. Too bad it has been deleted, then we could all be proven wrong. HA! It would be the judge and jury for lawicker. That's why he deleted it.

Did anyone capture it before he deleted it?

Submitted by DixieGirl06 on Sun, 10/15/2006 - 10:38pm.

Ya I got it the myspace page but ummm I ain't giving it to you..HA!

Submitted by aprilw on Sun, 10/15/2006 - 11:54pm.

Dear DixieGirl,
I don't know exactly how old you are, but I think I read in one of the other blogs you are grown. If that is the case why don't you help your daddy fix his trailer. You do not have to be a carpenter or a big strong man to do so. Just get some nails and wood and do a little at the time. I am not being sarcastic. There are things that people with no carpentry skills can do to fix things in a home. I assume since you are grown you are working. Take a little money each paycheck and do a little work on the home at a time. Maybe you have a boyfriend or friends who could help. Maybe if you go to church you can ask your fellow church members to help. Have a "barn raising" party so to speak. Invite your friends over and work together to help fix your dad's trailer. If you are still living at home and are grown there is no reason for you not to help out with expenses and stuff.

I think I read in one of the blogs you and your sisters have no children. If you have no children then you must focus on making a better life for yourself. There is no excuse not to. You can go to college and get a degree or diploma of some type. Did you know that here in Georgia you can go to school just about for free with all the various financial aid programs out there. (For examples: the Hope Grant, the Hope Scholarship, and the Federal Pell Grant, just to name a few) You may qualify for some of those programs. You can go to college with a High School Diploma or a GED. There are even some programs for job training that do not require a Diploma/GED.

I don't know if you have gone to college or not, but if you haven't you might want to check these things out. You are young and you have no children, so now is the time to go for it and make your life's dreams come true. You can do it!

I am going to list some websites for you to check out. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying!

You will feel so much better about yourself if you improve your knowledge and skills and take care of yourself. Take all the opportunities out there and use them. You do not have to be rich to go to school to get job training/skills to improve your life. There are all kinds of programs out there. Just think of what you are interested in and what you would like to do with your life or what you would like to accomplish, and find out what you need to do to reach those goals.


Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:18pm.

Edited and Banned for obscene language.

Submitted by snitch on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:22pm.


Submitted by Puja on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:22pm.


I'm fairly certain that he's not keen on bearing false witness either. Accusing him of hurting children is a heck of a big call without any evidence to back it up.

Sorry to post twice in as many minutes, but I'm amazed at the intolerance in some of these comments. I very much doubt that Jesus would approve of yelling abuse and spreading unsupported accusations and I very much doubt that he's looking down on you right now with any respect.


masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:00pm.

You say you are game for hiring an attorney?? Better watch what you wish for.

masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:46pm.

LA Wicker: No matter what name you use or who you get to defend you (whatever the case may be) there are plenty of us who saw exactly who and what you are. You other newbies/pen names can make fools of yourselves if you want, by defending a pervert, I will stick with the FACTS that I have seen for myself.

Submitted by Puja on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:18pm.

I've just read through all of the comments here and I can't believe some of the things that are being said. I'm hearing the words 'child molester' flung about without any kind of backing, which is certainly not winning me over to your side of the debate.

I've only had a quick look at Mr Wicker's stories, but as far as I can see there's no children on that website or referenced anywhere in his stories. If you can direct me to any material featuring persons of under eighteen years of age, then do tell me, but I think it's a little silly to be throwing accusations of paedophilia around.

All I saw were a set of fictional stories. Granted, they may not be to everyone's taste, but God didn't make everyone the same. He gave us all wonderful variety so that something which one person likes may not appeal to someone else.

I don't see any problem with writing fiction that clearly doesn't involve children in any way, and I think it's terrible that certain people seem intent on forming a lynch mob fuelled by rumour and hyperbole. Intolerance and muck-slinging are not virtuous characteristics and I have to say that I'm appalled by some of the behaviour on here.

If anyone can show me evidence of something that Mr Wicker has done that is not a private, legal and safe use of his time, then I will be interested to hear and will reconsider my position. As it stands, I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves.


Submitted by Lawicker on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 5:02pm.

Thank you. Maybe someone will open their eyes.

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 5:13pm.

Some may be able to shake it off and realize that there's more than one issue here, but some won't.

My only issue here is the claim that you were writing child pornography and posting it on Lit. I chose Lit for the exact purpose of how comepletely rabid the Mods are about certain types of stories- underaged sex, bestiality, true rape stories, etc- and how diligently they kept their site clean.

I don't know anything about your MySpace account, or what you did or did not have on it. I imagine I'd be roasted just as bad if it was my role-playing group's MySpace account they had latched onto, lol, that thing is a sheer work of artifice and dark humor. Even my regular MySpace account has it's fair share of dirty jokes, insanity, and half my students are continually sending me the latest batch of off-color games making the rounds of the middle and high school sets.

MySpace, like so much of the Net, is a murky little underworld that allows kids to feel like they're flirting with danger from the safety of their own homes. It is an entirely separate and disjointed ssue from where I stand.

Some of them, you can talk until you're blue in the face, and not make an impression on- they see what they want to see, which in this case is filth. Muddle seems to have a decent head on his shoulders, as do some of the others. Some are simply hysterical lunatics with fire and brimstone in their veins.

I hope this gets sorted for you, darling. I'll be around, but my hands are starting to play the crab-game on me, and getting too difficult to force into typing. A couple hours, and I should be able to get them re-limbered.

Submitted by KatamariRoller on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:39pm.

You guys need to use your brain for more than preaching the good Lord's teachings. And what kind of Christian goes around judging people and insulting them, and calling them deviants? You are supposed to offer your help, NOT put yourselves above people and humiliating them into submitting to your morals.

Wicker already has a hard enough time without some intolerant asses telling him how horrible it is for him to have sexual fantasies (which EVERYBODY HAS, YOU GENIUSES). If he feels better after writing them, then it is GOOD, because he is writing them, not living them out! And it is incredible that you guys think that he could do something like that with his physical condition as it is.

I am actually surprised people like you still exist in places you can access the Internet from. Ever heard of Freedom of Speech?

It goes something along the lines of "I am entitled to speak my mind about any topic", not "I am entitled to speak my mind about any topic as long as some guy over in Nicaragua doesn't feel offended by my words".

Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:58pm.

This is either LA Wicker using another name or one of his friends. We don't care what you say. We care about the children this man comes in contact with!!!

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:55pm.

You wrote,

"It goes something along the lines of "I am entitled to speak my mind about any topic", not "I am entitled to speak my mind about any topic as long as some guy over in Nicaragua doesn't feel offended by my words".

Several have spoken their minds.

And your problem is....?


Original Photo: Urinal, The Eagle & Child, Oxford, UK, circa 1952 (Lewis and Tolkien no doubt stood here, elbow-to-elbow and talked philosophy and literature)

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:56pm.

and whole-heartedly agreed with, Katamari.

Submitted by NinaLynn on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 10:47am.

Question for you...has anyone notified the Sheriff's Dept. about this or is everyone waiting for someone else to do so ? ? ? ? Man, I can't stop thinking about this. G R O S S ............

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 7:31pm.

Don't worry HolJen. Our buddies at the FCSO and FPD are on it. Those guys read and post on here often and if I were a betting man I'd bet your socks that this clown has been "red flagged".

Kick back a bit Kathleen. We want you around for awhile. Remember that last night this sick individual was on here pleading his innocence unceasingly and now he's on here confessing his perversions. Our community has gotten a real heads up on this degenerate and rest assured he'll be watched. Thank goodness the families in the trailer park he lives in have a head-up on him.

Don't buy the loving daughter bit for a second. Remember it's very easy to create multiple identities on here. And I wouldn't worry about his sagging floor. With an income of $60K - 75K I'm sure he can scrounge up a few bucks to replace that floor himself.

KraftyFla's picture
Submitted by KraftyFla on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 7:47pm.

Our company will be pleased to repair Mr. Wicker's floor.

C4 Construction Company Innovations, Inc.

"We do a bang-up job."

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 7:51pm.

now the question is, are you going to charge him a flat fee or are you going after a percentage of the royalties from his next story?

Submitted by freespeech4ever on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:11pm.

This man has done NOTHING illegal whatsoever. Nothing. The stories that you are raving about are fantasy stories posted on an ADULT website, written FOR adults, depicting acts done BY adults (18+). The man said he didn't write stories about CHILDREN. He is correct. He does not. He has not lied.

He is, in fact, the victim here. He truly could have used some real christian charity, given his situation. Instead, he gets attacked by a crazy mob of prudish psychopaths who have decided that what they think SHOULD be illegal, is in fact the case.

Stories about sex are not illegal. Stories about incest or even rape are not illegal. Just because you believe something is "sick," doesn't make it illegal.

THERE ARE NO CHILDREN IN DANGER HERE. You are working yourselves into a laughable frenzy, and those who are reading this are shaking their heads in disgust--not about this poor man, who simply humbled himself to ask for help--but at YOU, the people posting here who are attacking him.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves, and I hope you are. Your behavior has been far more reprehensible than ANYTHING this man has done or written. Every single one of you owe him a retraction and an apology.

Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:05pm.

Did you see that and the picture of children on it? Who are they? Are they safe? Who is helping them? Did you read the vile comments he made to them? You are as reprehensible as he is!!

Submitted by DixieGirl06 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 6:06pm.

First off thats me & my FATHER when I was little. On his myspace page. I have the same picture! He never touched Me Nor my 2 sister's so BACK OFF!

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 7:30pm.

Get a hammer, some wood, and some glue and nails and get to work on your dad's floor if you are so concerned about him. You are not even old enough to read what I saw on your fathers web page before he deleted it. Just fix the trailer girl!

Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:03pm.

Real Christians would not give this man charity. They would protect his children and any children he comes in contact with. Don't use that "good Chrisitan" crap here. I know what this man is all about!

Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:00pm.

Writing about sex with children is okay with you? People who have fantasies about sex with children want to act them out, they don't just write about it. Children have a right not to be touched by perverts like you!!!

Submitted by blabbermouth on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:21pm.

Are you going to fix the Wicker's house? I'm still waiting on someone that is coming to the man's defense to step up and say they're going to help him out around the house. Isn't that what he wants?

Submitted by Cloudy on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:27pm.

You people so busy throwing stones really need to look to your own glass houses first. There is absolutely nothing wrong with writing FICTION, and yes, it falls under free speech protection. What I'm seeing here is everything that is horrible about the South (and, yes, I live in the South, as well).

The man is writing fiction. Doesn't the bible say "Judge not, lest ye be judged."? What I'm seeing isn't a group of concerned citizens, but rather a group of people ruled by mob hysteria. Live what you preach.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 7:32pm.

Hiding behind the bible?? LOL Cloudy - does that refer to your thought process?

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:56pm.

Regardless of recent disagreements, it's always lovely to see your refreshing "cut-the-crap" responses to mass idiocy. (And, to clear the record, I probably deserved most of the smacks I got the other day, lol) It's amazing what a lynch mob in full cry can come up with, isn't it?

I would consider migrating northward, but they aren't much better. How does Hong Kong strike you?

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:30pm.

Cloudy, your name says it all!

Submitted by Lawicker on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 11:40am.

Ok people,
First thing. My kids are grown, one is married, the other lives here. She’s 20. If you think anything ever happened to her, I'd advise you 'NOT' to say it to her face. She may be small, but she's a wildcat! My kids were raised in a good 'safe' home. I'm very proud to say they both are over twenty and do not have any kids yet, never got into any kind of trouble and they know what I write. They are fine with it and know it's 'not' real. I'm a writer of 'FICTION'. Do you know what that means? It's not real! Stephen King writes of murder, is he a killer? Tom Clancy writes about spies, is he a spy? Anne Rice writes of vampires, should we go see if she's out sucking blood? And the first amendment says I'm free to write anything I want. Just as you people are putting me down. That's your freedom. It's all lies and nothing to any of it, but it's your right as an American.
Thank you for running away people that would have otherwise helped me. You guys really need to think about all the things you've written. Remember this: You get back anything you send out in three fold!
Thank you.

Submitted by DixieGirl06 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 6:10pm.

My Father is totally right about that. I Might be small & all But still don't say it to my face cause I'll hurt someone if anybody trys to hurt him or talks stuff about him. & he is all right what he said too. You people need to get a life!!!

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:05pm.

But I'm here.

To those lovely, upright citizens who are so busily trashing the writer for what he writes: Grow up. The Incest and Loving Wives categories of Lit are the two biggest reader bases- I wonder how many of those screaming about how "wrong" it is read them? They are fantasies, nothing more. Most men really don't want to watch their wife sleep around, most wives don't want to do it. Who really wants to sleep with their second cousin at a family reunion? It amuses me no end that you're all screaming "horror" when most of you are probably reading and wanking off to some of the stories on that site, maybe even L.A.'s.

I fully agree with this- are we going to start searching Stephen's King's house for bodies? How about Thomas Harris' place for roast Dave? Anne Rice's place for coffins?

We, as authors, write fantasy and fiction. We write murder, jealousy, adultery, tragedy, suicide, blasphemy, triumph, honor, perseverance and love. We write about the best and worst of human nature, as we see it. And you know what? It's the safest sex there is; everything is quietly contained in a private home with a person behind a keyboard reading or writing something that tickled the brain and possibly the libido. We aren't out there sleeping around and getting and passing along STDs, we aren't homeless pregnant women doing anything for ten dollars and dumping the results in a Dumpster. For the most part, we are average middle class citizens with average lives and active imaginations.

L.A. can write about the sexual relationship between a dandelion and a tiger lily if that's what makes him happy. One female voice is shrieking about young girls being on his MySpace account:

Where are their parents? Was he inviting them over to "hang out?" Was he asking for phone numbers, addresses, asking them to meet him? Or was he just talking to them? Let's see, the man is married, disabled, with grown children, and a limited ability to move about as he wants. Very dangerous. *nods* So dangerous, in fact, that he probably deserves to be treated like the scum of the earth?

Allow me to refresh your memory of the oldest incest stories on earth. That Bible you're thumping? Reread it. Most of the so-called "civilized" cultures on earth got that way by generation after generation of inbreeding to keep the proper "blood"-- and political ideals-- in power. *sighs* As for contacting "authorities," last I checked, Larry is quite free to write anything he likes. They are published on an ADULTS-ONLY website, clearly marked as such and with very strict guidelines. For those TRASHING Lit- the Mods don't approve ANYTHING with sex with children in it. If you even MENTION that your character had a sexual history before 18 you have to do it lightly and glossed over- no description. Before you start slamming down on a large group as a whole, you should at least research your facts.

FtF (and yes, this is my Lit username. Feel free to turn your narrow views on my work next.)

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:17pm.

Are you serious?

You write, "I wonder how many of those screaming about how "wrong" it is read them?" This is the standard stupid line that people urge in defense of sheer, unadulterated garbage. "Have you actually *read" it?"

Why the heck would any normal person have the slightest desire to "read them"? A third person description is all I need to know that the material is perverse.

You might as well have said, "I wonder how many people who are screaming about the bad smell at the hog farm have actually stuck their noses in the manure?"

And putting "wrong" in "scare quotes" speaks volumes about you. So, sex between a 40-year-old man and a nine-year-old girl is only "wrong"--not WRONG? And "wrong" means something like, "(merely) according to some-but-not-all people." Ah, all of this is relative! I see! Who's to say, after all, whether using children for one's own sexual pleasure is "wrong"?

Are you arguing that anything goes so long as it is understood as fantasy "Lit"? Are you kidding?

Even Stephen King, whose work is viewed as substandard by anyone who knows and appreciates good literature, does not write the sort of thing in which the *protagonist* is a child-molesting pervert.


Original Photo: Urinal, The Eagle & Child, Oxford, UK, circa 1952 (Lewis and Tolkien no doubt stood here, elbow-to-elbow and talked philosophy and literature)

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:32pm.

Another well-trained puppy.

Shall we talk *good* Literature? Socrates was leisurely enjoying a 14 year old boy as he pondered his philosophy. Oscar Wilde was corrupting young boys, including his beloved Duke's son, and drinking absinthe. Edgar Allan Poe was maried to his cousin when she was, I believe, 13 or 14. Hemingway was a raving alcoholic, Kerouac was simply raving. Alice Walker, who wrote "The Color Purple" writes graphic scenes of incest with a true child, about 9 or 10. So does Maya Angelou. (Last I checked, both are still commonly on required reading lists in middle and high schools.) Drug addicts, alcoholics, libertines, sexual deviants-- and they are praised for their brilliant work. I wouldn't know. Walker and Angelou make me ill to read them, Shaklespeare was a fraud, Hemingway and Kerouac aren't worth the paper they're written on in my opinion. I outgrew Poe at 13. I read Wilde for humor, not deep political thinking.

You, like the others, are barking up the wrong tree. There is no mention of sex with children in any of Wicker's work. Every character is over the age of majority for the US. So, that may make it disgusting on the basis of... "ewww, that's my sister, I would never look at her that way" but not from the view of "Oh sweet gods, he's raping a child."

Know what you're talking about BEFORE you speak.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:52pm.

Perhaps better trained than you know.

Since Plato's dialogs are a part of the truck and trade of what I do for a living, I suppose I should reply here.

Yes, I've noticed the references to young men in the dialogs. How is this relevant? Mark Foley might well have fit into 5th Century Greece. Ah, a man born out of time.

And, OK, so Oscar Wilde was a pervert. I think I knew that. Your point?

*My* point was not that no good literature includes salacious material. Nor was it that no good literature treats themes of incest or rape or even child molestation. Actually, I was onlysuggesting that Stephen King's work is not good literature. (Ever read his actual DIALOGS--rather than watching the movies?) And I was on my way to making other points.


Original Photo: Urinal, The Eagle & Child, Oxford, UK, circa 1952 (Lewis and Tolkien no doubt stood here, elbow-to-elbow and talked philosophy and literature)

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 5:04pm.

I’ve attempted to read King three or four times now and I just can’t get into his work.

Thank God for directors and special effects.

P.S. I’m an avid reader. I try and do a book a week, any subject.

You never know what you might learn by reading.

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 5:18pm.

I agree... King is a headache. He was decent up until he got swiped by the car, and after that...

The Dark Tower, Hearts in Atlantis, Insomnia... bleh.

But then again, the only movie of his I enjoyed was Rose Red.

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:05pm.

One book has sex, murder, incest, war, fratricide, human sacrifice, cataclysm and an entire chapter dedicated to sex and the erotic rendering thereof. It also has more readers than any other book on earth.

^.^ Do I need to tell you the title?

I noticed that you COMPLETELY ignore the irrefutable fact that you were wrong. There is NO ONE having sex with a CHILD in WICKER'S WORK. I hate resorting to raised voices, but maybe turning up the volume will clear up the confusion.


I will not argue about what is, or is not, good literature. Different people have different tastes-- I doubt you'd appreciate Poppy Z. Brite, and War and Peace put me to sleep. The issue here is that people are branding larry as a pervert and child molestor. "Pervert" on the Lit community is a bit of a running joke, and not in the least negative. "Molestor?"

Lit is a very large community. Despite that, we're a tightly knit bunch (as you can see by some of the defenders) and if there was a serious question of Larry being one of "those people," it gets around. I've been on Lit, under three separate names, for nearly four years. Not once have I heard a whisper about it. No one warned me that he was getting wehat he deserved, as they would have if he had that kind of rep.

Most authors write what they can sell. The stuff I write for myself is the epitome of purple prose and lyrical allusion, rather than graphic. You know what sells? Smut. I have no doubt that if Larry is a prolific writer, he's learned to cater to the buyer. Within the rules of Lit, he can write whatever the heck he likes. Outside of those rules, I will not defend him, but I can say with some degree of confidence that his work on Lit is ALWAYS about consenting adults. (Unless it's in NonConsent, but I don't read that cat, so I wouldn't knowif he has anything there or not.)

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:13pm.

You say that most authors write what will sell.


I'm a fairly widely published author myself. I've published not a few scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals, as well as chapters in edited books and more than a few essays in popular magazines. I have a book proposal underway for Oxford University Press, and expect that it will fly.

I write what I am *compelled* to write. Sometimes I make money on it; sometimes not.

A writer who writes "whatever sells" is the literary counterpart to a prostitute.


Original Photo: Urinal, The Eagle & Child, Oxford, UK, circa 1952 (Lewis and Tolkien no doubt stood here, elbow-to-elbow and talked philosophy and literature)

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:37pm.

Welcome to the world, darling, we're all whores.

What decides where you stand is the pimp you choose: money, power, fame, respect, love, security, admiration... the list goes on.

My pimp is self-respect, which is why I sell nothing. When I can balance what I love with what others will love, then I can sell it. When I can say, I did my best to fix this, and maybe I failed, but I tried, then I can let it go. Until then, I work two jobs, go to school for my teaching degree, raise my kids and do a lot of laughing and living with my own mistakes.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 7:35pm.

I pray you never teach any of my children FallingToFly....to my (one) God and to your "gods aboove and below". You are certainly not the type of person we like to teach our children. Whore somewhere else.

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 8:27pm.

The sad part is, I probably already teach your children. Your children are probably the same ones who end up in my kitchen, drinking tea and crying while I bandage up yet another scrape or bruise, because no one was at home to pick them up. Your kids are probably the ones begging to be at my house on the weekends, even though I work them harder than day laborers, because at least I'm -there.- Your children are probably just like every other broken kid who comes through my doors, and finds safety. They're the ones in my garden, helping bed in the herbs, or in the stables, learning how to give both a starting weanling and themselves the confidence to succeed. They're my Grasshoppers, caravaning to the skate park or all ages concerts, well-groomed, well-mannered, and self-confident because they've learned to believe, not in me, or in you, but in themselves.

Everyone trades themselves, or a part of themselves, for something. That is the definition of prostituion, isn't it? Trading favors for something you want for someone else? I trade away the possibility of being part of the majority for my own self-respect and the respect of the kids I'm raising-- mine and everyone else's. I trade away my time and energy to sleep at night without worrying about which one of my "kids" is out running the streets. Mine don't-- they're too damn tired, because they have jobs and are trying to maintain honor roll grades.

By all means, call me a whore. I would rather see my kids; the ones I gave birth to, and the ones people like some of those on this comment board throw away; grow up to be my kind of "whore" than your kind of "moral, upstanding citizen."

Muddle, bad_ptc, thank you for having the manners, and common sense, not to go there. I say again, thank the gods, and all that lives and breathes, that I no longer try to live my life by such "standards."

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 5:23pm.

And anyone who thinks so is either a whore or needs assistance.


Original Photo: Urinal, The Eagle & Child, Oxford, UK, circa 1952 (Lewis and Tolkien no doubt stood here, elbow-to-elbow and talked philosophy and literature)

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 5:32pm.

From what I’ve read everyone, myself included, has great respect with what you share with us.

This topic has nowhere to go but down.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 6:13pm.

You're right.

I hope I wasn't misunderstood in the last post. The claim that "we're all whores" was a bit of absurd rhetoric, and I felt compelled to reply.

What could it mean? Is it that no one stands for anything as a matter of principle? Are we all playing to some pimp or other with whatever view we happen to hold and articulate? What a cynical and pessimistic view! And my suggestion is that anyone who really believes--or pretends to believe--such a thing needs a reality check. G.K. Chesterton once noted that some views are so crazy that they should not be argued with. Rather, they need to be snapped like a spell. And those holding such views need *fresh air* more than anything else.


Original Photo: Urinal, The Eagle & Child, Oxford, UK, circa 1952 (Lewis and Tolkien no doubt stood here, elbow-to-elbow and talked philosophy and literature)

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 8:42pm.

I'm a cynical idealist. (Yes, I know that's an oxymoron.) People usually value certain things inordinately. For some people, money is their ideal, and they will do whatever it takes to get it: lie, cheat, steal, betray. For some people, sacrifice is everything, and they become professional victims.

At the same time, I try to believe that people are mostly good, and sensible if given the chance. My job and my life experience tell me otherwise, but I can't give up that hope.

People will trade whatever they can to get what they want. Flattery for a promotion, their bodies for a sort of love, their morals and conscience for acceptance. I trade sleep and tears and more emotional exhaustion than I'd care to admit, for the ability to sleep at night.

Everyone trades something they have, for something they want. Hence the quote from earlier "we're all whores."

With my writing-- eventually I want to not HAVE to go out and deal with the general public. I don't mind their children-- children can be allowed a certain amount of leniency because they only can act the way they see others in their lives act-- but I have little to no use for adults. I trade silence in their company for being left alone by them. So with my writing I trade my own style and voice for the ability to make, not millions, but a comfortable living, and avoid having to deal with the outside world. I have my Grasshoppers and horses and garden, my house and my husband and my students, and that is more than enough.

I'll gladly trade what I have: pleasant fantasies and borrowed emotions for a reader, candy-coated and mass-produced for what I want: to be left alone to live and learn and love as I choose, not as they think I should. It's not the oldest profession in the world, but it's a nice little twist on the classic game.

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 5:30pm.

I think that's an attempt to cast suspicion on my virtue, but no matter.

Everyone has an opinion, and a philosophy on life. Mine and yours differ- congratulations. You managed to be like 90% of the people I meet in that respect.

Have a great night... goign to go unkink my poor fingers before I finish up some more of that evil old "smut" I write.

Submitted by freespeech4ever on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:29pm.

Lolita is a novel by Vladimir Nabokov, first published in 1955. The book's narrator and main character Humbert Humbert becomes sexually obsessed with a pubescent girl. It is considered "great literature."

THAT aside...


Again, I would be careful what you say and who you accuse. You had BETTER be sure that what you are saying is true. Are you? Have you checked your facts?

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:43pm.

I need not.

I'm not accusing anyone of anything. In fact, I was well beyond any details with Mr. Wicker, responding instead to what I perceived to be a defense of Just-About-Anything-In-The-Name-Of-"Lit".

What amazes me is that anyone would suppose that having objections to "literature" that smakcs of child pornography must have a "narrow view of the world" and is a member of the "religious right."

I also think that Princeton Professor Peter Singer is completely off his rocker in his recent defense of sex with animals. But I don't plan to show up at Joel Osteen's church on Sunday.


Original Photo: Urinal, The Eagle & Child, Oxford, UK, circa 1952 (Lewis and Tolkien no doubt stood here, elbow-to-elbow and talked philosophy and literature)

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:18pm.

The accusation, as it stands, made by other people on this comment board, is that Wicker writes child pornography. That he is a "abuser" and "molestor" of children.

Those statements have been shouted as the holy truth by several people who are obviously too ignorant and blinded by hysteria to see otherwise.

They are, in reference to the Literotica body of work, at least, completely FALSE. Literotica does not publish any story that describes sex with minors. No sixteen-year-olds having it off in the backseat, no 30 year old men with 17 years old girls.. nada. 18 and over applies, not just to readers and members, but to the characters in every story. Obviously, I will only vouch for the site which -I- belong to, and know the absolutes of.

What has me ever so royally irritated is that there are a bunch of hysterical biddies too crazy-blind with their own ideas to acknowledge the truth: They are completely, utterly and irrevocably incorrect in their assumptions.

(Now that I have a minute: shame! Why would you immediately assume that he was writing about sex with children when you found stories in the Incest/Taboo category? Do you want us to start looking in your closets? They say that one hates most in others what they fear in themselves. Is there something you want to tell Aunt Jane about that time you and Uncle John went swimming?

The shoe really smarts on the other foot.)

Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:25pm.


muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:25pm.

...contain sweaters that no longer fit me.

Anyone sufficently interested is free to look.

Actually, my interest in this debate transcends the details of Wicker's wacky works. I arrived too late to see firsthand what he pulled off of his website(s). So I am going on the testimony of others who claim that they saw it firsthand. My interest is in sparring with people inclined to defend Anything-Whatsoever" in the name of "literature" and "Free Speech." We can leave Wicker behind.


Original Photo: Urinal, The Eagle & Child, Oxford, UK, circa 1952 (Lewis and Tolkien no doubt stood here, elbow-to-elbow and talked philosophy and literature)

Submitted by blabbermouth on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:22pm.

wouldn't be caught dead having an article published in the paper, complete with his phone number, asking for help either.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:44pm.

Let me guess, you are another one of those great authors who have made millions from your book but you also need help with the holes in your floors...Give me a break!! No holes barred when it comes to kids!!They are innocent so someone needs to take up for them.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:42pm.

Let me guess, you are another one of those great authors who have made millions from your book but you also need help with the holes in your floors...Give me a break!! No holes barred when it comes to kids!!They are innocent so someone needs to take up for them.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:41pm.

Let me guess, you are another one of those great authors who have made millions from your book but you also need help with the holes in your floors...Give me a break!! No holes barred when it comes to kids!!They are innocent so someone needs to take up for them.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:40pm.

Let me guess, you are another one of those great authors who have made millions from your book but you also need help with the holes in your floors...Give me a break!! No holes barred when it comes to kids!!They are innocent so someone needs to take up for them.

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:50pm.

I haven't had the good fortune to sell anything yet-- I'm still honing my skills on the training ground of Lit before I start getting serious.

And my husband and I do our own carpentry work, tyvm. If you had read my post fully, you would see that there IS no way that L.A. can write about sex with children-- Lit wouldn't publish it. What he writes-- what we all write-- is a fantasy, between adults. Sorry if that was unclear to you, but as you know nothing about it, it seemed kinder to tell you gently than to phrase it another way.

Since that obviously failed, allow me to phrase it more bluntly for you: you've a case of tunnel vision to match your narrow view of the world. My condolences, and please, see a doctor. That sort of disease is rather like herpes-- highly contagious.

Submitted by blabbermouth on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:01pm.

Just what the man needs. A carpenter. Go fix his floor before he falls thru it. And if you need help, I'm sure you can round up some more of your friends.

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:09pm.

Considering I blessedly have escaped that particular area of the South. Not that Florida is so much better, but at least it's familiar. I rather think that Larry will be quite all right. There are still enough calm, intelligent people left in the world to laugh at the nose-led sheep and move on with the Golden Rule.

Rather offhand, of course-- I wonder why no one has bothered to think that, out of all the "Larry Wicker" responses to Google, concernedcitizen homed in on the erotica? Why, bless my soul... could it be that CC already knew, and carried a grudge, against Wicker's works? Wait... an original thought process...

Well, it's okay to ignore those. After all, they aren't in the Bible, are they?

ETA: There are @889,000 responses for a general search of Larry Wicker. For a specific search "Larry Wicker" there are 462. For the search criteria of "L.A. Wicker" there are 957. CC knew exactly which ones to pull up and go for. You've all been used, in a personal vendetta.

Historically speaking: that makes CC the equivalent of Hitler, Larry the Jews, and you barking Rottweilers the Gestapo.

Who says that World History isn't useful in day-to-day life?

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:49pm.

We were all probably trying to send a nasty reply at the same time.

Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 12:48pm.

The other night you said you did not write what we said you wrote, and now you are claiming free speech. Get your lies straight before you come on here again.

Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 12:31pm.

What do you say to Concernedmom61 who says you have said inappropriate things to young girls who visited you? Apparently they were friends with your children? So are you lying about having children in your house? Does your wife or dughter have young children there in the house with you? Did you say sexual things to kids who came to your home?

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 12:20pm.

I would love to come kick the spokes out of your wheelchair but then you wouldn't have a leg to stand on. You are right about what comes around goes around and you will get yours first!!!

Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 12:17pm.

If you got free speech to write about sex with children and incest than I sure as heck got free speech to write about you.

Submitted by freespeech4ever on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:22pm.

While this man IS protected under the 1st amendment to write the stories you all have seen fit to lambaste... YOU, on the other hand, are under less protection. What you are doing now, what you have done here on this forum, could in fact be considered libel and defamation of character.

In law, defamation is a right of action for communicating statements that may harm an individual's reputation or character. The common law origins of defamation lie in slander (harmful statement in a transitory form, especially speech) and libel (harmful statement in a fixed medium, especially writing but also a picture, sign, or electronic broadcast), each of which gives a common law right of action.

I would be very, very careful about what you say. Your words may attract a benefactor for this man (and I hope it does) who takes offense to your particular brand of "religious RIGHT..." Perhaps they will not only fix his floor, but track each of you down through your ISPs through court order and prosecute you for defamation of character to the fullest extent of the law.

If I were you, I might think twice about what I wrote in a public forum against an individual. In fact, I might erase previous posts.

Just to be safe.

Submitted by Lawicker on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:51pm.

Do you know of a good Lawyer? I'm game

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 4:21pm.

You did intentionally mislead some of the posters when you denied you were the author in question.

Perhaps had you expressed yourself more clearly in the beginning you would have the floor fixed by now.

Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 12:09pm.

I saw your Myspace page!! How do you explain using that kind of vulgar, sexual language with those young girls? Who were those young girls? Are they related to you? Are you communicating with other people's children and they don't even know it? You just better stay off this site cause I swear I could come through this computer and ... Ugh, you are vile and disgusting. Please somebody in law enforcement look into this man's Myspace page and find out who those girls were and what is going on with them. PLEASE
It may be free speech to write what you write but it is against the law to molest children and have explicit converstaions with children!!! If the police can find out who those girls were on your myspace page I am sure they can charge you with something.
YOU say "we get back anything we send out in three fold", well mister then you better watch out, cause what your giving out is a heck of a lot worse!!! Every disgusitng comment you made to those young girls on your Myspace page and every improper picture on there is what you are "giving out"!!!

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 2:26pm.

Obviously not. Most kids these days know more about sex than I do-- and I write what most of you would consider "pornography." (Vocabulary correction: the correct term for written material of a sexual nature is erotica.) Thirteen year old girls are on birth control, and 11 year old boys are fathering babies. Parents too busy Goggling random names and slamming on comment boards across the Net, I suppose.

Do you have children? Mine are currently sitting here at my feet, watching Noggin on TV. The privacy screen is on my computer, because they have another ten years or so before they're mature enough to read what I write, and they're doing homework.

Where are yours?

secret squirrel's picture
Submitted by secret squirrel on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 12:08pm.

Indeed, you get back anything you send out three-fold. So far, you're only at one-fold. Two and three would be getting arrested and then getting the kind of treatment "short eyes" get in jail.

Please provide EVIDENCE of what you're calling a "lie" that you've been accused of. Was it not your MySpace page? Is there another LA Wicker who's been writing all these child-molestation stories on those various websites on the internet? Where's the lie? Rhetoric is meaningless without substance. So prove it. Have you informed your wife and children of your fine literary accomplishments? Bet they're so proud of you.

You're a pathetic excuse for a man. The fiction you're claiming you write is ABOUT INCEST AND CHILD MOLESTATION. The very idea that you would attempt to put the trash you write- and you certainly have a Constitutionally protected right to create it- in the same classification as any of the authors you cite is as absurd as it is laughable.

What is true is that you are not worth the trouble people have put into your miserable existence. Threatening you is as much as waste of time as helping you. Welcome to the life you've created. Enjoy.

Submitted by Kathleen on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 12:37pm.

He is not worth the trouble but those girls on his Myspace page are.

sweetpea8870's picture
Submitted by sweetpea8870 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 8:26am.

I read your sick stories last night and I am here to tell you that you are one sick man! I have 3 girls and the thought of people like you walking around (no pun intended) is the reason I don't let them go anywhere by themselves or even walk to the neighbors house without watching them to make sure they get there! I think the best place for you is in jail being Bubba's wife!

Submitted by NinaLynn on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 6:55am.

Okay guys...it is a sad situtation but he'll have to help himself out of this one. Thanks for shedding more light on it. Shocked)
Oh,Kathleen,thanks also for telling me about names and faces,never bothered to check that tab out.Sweet little girl. Hope to see you Friday!

Submitted by Kathleen on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 10:02pm.

Thank God for concerned citizen for bringing this to our attention. Could concerned citizen write a follow-up to this story. Maybe the newspaper should hire him to write it.

I wish the newspaper would print a retraction so others who don't use the paper's website, but read the print story will know to keep their children away from him.

Submitted by NinaLynn on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 8:02pm.

Oh man,come on guys,this all can't be true.Here I am reading what is going on in lovely Fayetteville and as I'm reading the story I felt so bad for Mr. Wicker. Then,I scroll down and read two pages in comments about his "other life". Are you guys all sure about this? I really wanted to suggest my church help him out and now I've got the chills after reading what you are all saying.

Submitted by freespeech4ever on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:26pm.

I would like to reiterate my point that anything said here in a PUBLIC FORUM is subject to legal scrutiny. What they are accusing this man of (being a sexual predator, publishing stories about children less than 18 years of age) HAD BETTER BE TRUE, or every person here who has said anything to that effect could be subject to a lawsuit.

Be careful what you say.

FallingToFly's picture
Submitted by FallingToFly on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 3:36pm.

I had forgotten that lovely little fact of law. I suppose Larry will want to do his own screen captures, won't he?

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