Traffic calming: the next great issue in PTC

While traffic has always been a concern in PTC as it is elsewhere, with the advent of the TDK Highway turning our city into merely a place to be passed through for tens of thousands of people from somewhere else, I predict that within 10 years, traffic calming will become THE political issue in PTC. If you live here in 10 years, here is a menu of the many things you will see our political leaders considering. Google them...get to know them..they are our future.

Speed Humps (will be very common)
Traffic Circles
Speed Tables
Center Island Narrowings
Raised Crosswalks
Raised Intersections
Realigned Intersections
Textured Pavements
Full Closures (some neighborhhods will fight to be turned into a cul-de-sac)Half Closures
Diagonal Diverters
Median Barriers

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