City holds the line

Mon, 10/09/2006 - 8:40am
By: Ben Nelms

It was all over in a heartbeat as the Palmetto City Council Oct. 2 approved the millage rate, holding steady at 4.5 mills.

“Good money management by the city keeps services up and costs down,” said Mayor Clark Boddie.

While maintaining the same rate for a number of years, the 4.5 millage rate reflects an increase of 1.15 percent over last year. That increase, said Boddie, is a result of reassessments and new growth. None of the small handful in the audience voiced any opposition to the new rate.

Also at the meeting, the council agreed to a proposal from Palmetto Community Association to beautify some of the areas along U.S. Highway 29 between Harper and Vine streets, in the area near the old depot and at city hall. Councilman Greg Rusch said the association had $4,000 for the project and requested the city’s budgeted $2,400 designated for landscaping and grounds maintenance at city hall.

Rusch said the association would plant an assortment of perennials, shrubs and grasses as well as flowering and evergreen trees in the various areas. Along Hwy. 29, association volunteers will install the trees in island groupings surrounded by pine straw, Rusch said.

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