Vigil presides at inauguration

Tue, 09/26/2006 - 3:27pm
By: The Citizen

Allan Vigil, chair of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG) and trustee of the Clayton State University Foundation, presided over the inauguration of the University System of Georgia’s 11th Chancellor earlier this week. On the rostrum with Vigil were Georgia Governor Sonny Purdue and the Chancellor, Erroll B. Davis, Jr.

The ceremony took place in the House Chamber of the Georgia State Capitol with all due pomp and circumstance. Presidents from every college and university within the system along with student leaders of the USG were dressed in full regalia and preceded the platform party down the center isle of the chamber; an impressive sight from the gallery.

Ambience was provided by the Columbus State University Schwob School of Music’s “Chancellor’s Brass” performing music by Giovanni Gabrielli. The Georgia Tech Glee Club performed the Star Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful, and Kendria Bailey of Albany state University sang Amazing Grace. The Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Jazz Band entertained guests at a reception after the ceremony in the south wing of the second floor of the Capitol.

“Other than spreading the gospel, there is no greater calling than to educate others,” said David Ratcliff, chairman, president and CEO of the Southern Company and Valdosta State University alumnus speaking on the afternoon’s theme, The Value of Education. “We cannot afford to fail.”

Those words seem to set the tone for the occasion as speaker after speaker gave their elucidation on the value of higher education and the promise of the new Chancellor.

The Governor offered his remarks to the Chancellor and the entire Board of Regents saying, “I’m proud of the Regents. Were this an informal setting, I’d say (as Georgians do) ‘you done good!’ But since this is a formal event, I’ll be proper and say, ‘you’ve done exceedingly well.’”

Purdue went on to congratulate Davis. “I believe you show great promise and it’s my pleasure to install Georgia’s educational future with you today.”

At such time, the Governor and Vigil presented Davis with a medallion expressly designed for his formal investiture.

“Thank you [Board of Regents] for taking a risk [in me],” said Davis, the first chancellor in the position who is not an academician, but a business man. “We are here to celebrate the power and the value of education… and to remind ourselves of the responsibility we share.”

Davis’ priorities for the System’s future include the challenges of bringing higher education to all students.

“Excellence without access is a wasteful use of resources,” he said. “We must continue to look for and find options for more Georgia students to attend college.”

With that he announced the donation of $100,000 to the University System of Georgia Foundation to establish a financial seed fund in honor of his mother.

“We need to meet a need that is substantial, not just symbolic. We will use the power of leadership to transform lives and reach new levels of excellence. We must awaken and instill a passion for life-long learning,” he said.

Davis then addressed the Presidents of the universities present and the Board of Regents saying, “If I do succeed it’s because we all succeeded.”

Clayton State University, located in Morrow, is a state university of the University System of Georgia serving the Metro Atlanta region.

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