Clubs at local schools keep kids moving in the morning

Thu, 09/14/2006 - 1:09pm
By: Michael Boylan

It’s hard to imagine, but there a group of children at a number of local elementary schools who show up early to exercise. Running clubs have become increasingly popular, which is not surprising in an area well-known for its numerous runners and triathletes, but the numbers can be surprising.

Braelinn Elementary currently has 261 students in their running club and the students run laps starting at 7:20 a.m. Every seven laps constitutes a mile and every 25 miles equals a different prize for the students, everything from a pen or a key chain to a t-shirt or an appearance on the school’s morning announcements.

Of course, the real prize is an appreciation for good health and physical activity and the teachers probably love that some of the students are expending their seemingly boundless energy outdoors and not bouncing off the walls in the classroom.

The Peachtree City Running Club likes the program too, because they are hoping to create some more avid runners in the community. They also host monthly Grand Prix events at the schools and set financial rewards for the schools that bring the most involvement.
“The Grand Prix program is a win-win situation for all involved,” said Running Club President Bob Dalton. “The kids participate in a fitness program, the schools raise much needed money and the staff, faculty, and parents all get involved to produce a successful event.”

This trend of rewarding participation continues in the Peachtree City Running Club’s biggest race of the year, the Peachtree City Classic, and the school with the highest participation this year will get $500. Children who have run 25 miles by the date of the race (Saturday, Oct. 21 and still time to register) with their running club, will be able to run 1.2 miles of the Classic and receive a marathon t-shirt and medal.

The children run every day the temperature is above 40 degrees and not raining and the programs are supported by dedicated faculty members who serve as coaches and volunteer parents who help out in every way imaginable, from supervision and sticker giving to data entry and calculation.
For more information on the running clubs or the upcoming Peachtree City Classic, visit

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