Joshua Hickman: Be an American

It’s time for us to stop being Republicans and Democrats, and start being Americans. There are faults in both parties. In 1994 the Democratic lead Congress’ disapproval was 75%. Now, just 12 years later, the Republican lead Congress’ disproval is 75%. There are many conclusions that can be drawn from those numbers, and equally as many excuses made. The bottom line is that our party blindness has put in this situation. People aren’t good or bad because they are Republican, neither are they good or bad because they are Democrat. It’s time for us to be true patriots and take a moment to learn about the candidates and educate ourselves on the issues. True Americans are willing to split their ticket on Election Day. I’m the Vice Chair of the Coweta County Democratic Party. I’m voting for a Republican or two, so can you vote for some of each. On November 7th, vote for the person not the party.

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