PTCMom: The truth concerning Coach Kidd

It absolutely made my blood boil to see Coach Steve Kidd trying to go out in some sort of "blaze of glory" after his 30 years of coaching at McIntosh. (I don't think it was an accident that his "resignation" got placed on page B7 of February 17th's WEEKEND Section.) Be assured, he did not go out voluntarily, but the new "powers that be" at McIntosh finally, after years of complaining about Coach Kidd by both parents and players, put a much needed end to his unsuccessful reign as the Head Varsity Girls Basketball Coach. He had even told his team this year (after a flurry of complaints) that he would never resign and never get fired! What arrogance! As the parent of a child he has coached, let me say "Hallelujah" that he won't be there any more to help his team find ways to lose games that they could easily win, that he won't be there to always blame every loss on the players, on their stupidity or lack of maturity, and that he won't be there next year to teach them the same ONE play that he has been running for years and that every opponent that McIntosh faces knows by heart before the game even starts. He did so much harm to the McIntosh Girls Basketball program that he could legitimately face legal charges that he kept many players from being considered for possible basketball scholarships. He took good players and turned them into bad players, year after year. He drove girls away from the basketball program in such numbers that by this last season, he could only field a team of 11 players. Many of those 11 had already decided that they would not play for him again if he was still here for the 2006-7 season. So, many thanks to those that finally got him to "resign". If only it had been sooner!

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