joedurden@minds...: West Fayetteville bypass - unfair

I am a property and home owner in Fayette County. The county is proposing to take some of our property for the West Fayetteville bypass. This bypass will only save about a half a mile, will cost millions of dollars and disrupt the lives of a number of taxpayers and businesses making the property they have their homes on just about worthless. Meetings with Fayette County officials have been useless. Fayette County employees have resorted to lying to citizens and taxpayers of Fayette County when asked to seek alternatives before any staking of property is begun. These strong arm tactics can not continue. If anybody is thinking to moving to Fayette County to live or starting a business here, think twice. Fayette County officials are resorting to socialistic tactics to make a case for a project that will spend a huge amount of resources for a small benefit.

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