The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page
Wednesday, December 22, 1999
The most important things are Y2K compatible

With all the hype about Y2K compatibility I thought I would throw in my two cents; actually maybe it's closer to one cent.

Practically all the talk has been about what is not compatible; whereas, we see practically nothing about all the facets of our lives that are compatible. Let's look at a few examples.

Topping the list has got to be love. I mean real love, not erotic “love.” I don't even think the two words go together - erotic and love. It seems to me that love is completely Y2K compatible. When we cross over to the new millennium, I doubt if there will be any cases of real love failing. In fact, it seems that it might strengthen love, if anything.

Following on the theme of love are relationships. It seems to me that all relationships are Y2K compatible, or at least they should be. True relationships are built on love, trust and confidence, not on time or calendars. Whatever talents God has given us will be just as good Jan. 1 as before. We cannot add to them although we can choose not to use them, making them incompatible with reality.

If I'm not mistaken, all our fresh food is Y2K compatible. Buying apples and bananas should give us no concern that the fruit will still be as good Jan. 1 as it was Dec. 31; if fact, it may ripen more and taste better. If it becomes rotten, it's our fault, not the fruit's fault, but there's very little we can do to make it ripen well. It requires nature and time.

Is weather Y2K compatible? It seems completely compatible. Nature has seen many new millennia come and go. Year 2000 is just one more millennium in a series of countless ones. There will still be clear, beautiful days followed by cloudy, stormy days. Oceans, rivers, mountains, deserts, etc., and all of nature are Y2K compatible. None of nature will change with the year 2000.

Water is Y2K compatible. There will still be as much water after Dec. 31 as there is before. It's the availability of water that seems to cause concern. The availability is the problem not the water.

All the joys and gifts of life are Y2K compatible, i.e., if we treat them properly and appreciate them as gifts of God. We need to consider the trials of life as gifts also. If properly dealt with, they contribute toward our personal growth, growth that might be impossible to achieve otherwise. Unfortunately, our troubles and pains are Y2K compatible also; they will still be with us in January, unless we decide to conquer them and not let them conquer us.

I'm sure you can think of other examples of Y2K compatibility.

Notice the commonality of Y2K compatibility - all the important things in life are under the control of God, and completely Y2K compatible. Also notice that all the things we suspect as not being Y2K compatible are man-made.

God made the Y2K compatible components that we use to make the computer circuits and programs that eventually turned up not being compatible. In other words, we really control nothing. All we have are choices. God really controls everything.

We can either use nature well or not. We cannot change nature. If you look at man's meager attempts to “change” nature, they usually end up at least inadequate and in some cases quite detrimental. Therefore, we should rest content that the really important things in life are Y2K compatible and thank God that He designed a pretty good system. We need to take better care of it.

The question is, are we Y2K compatible? Are we ready for the Jubilee year?

Mike Landaiche
Peachtree City

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