Wednesday, October 20, 1999
Flogging nonvoters: Back off, Mayor Bob


Peachtree City Mayor Bob Lenox — a well-off entrepreneur — has a few good ideas. And a lot of bad ones.

One of his worst recently has to do with the mayor's frustration with the low voter turnout in the defeated SPLOST balloting. His Honor pledged to obtain a list of people who voted in recent elections, keep it in front of him during city council meetings, and confront any speaker with his or her voting record or lack thereof.

“If you didn't vote, you don't count,” Lenox is reported to have said in open session. As for what any nonvoting citizen speaker has to say, the mayor asserts, “We'll listen, but not very carefully.”

Hizzoner's frustration is understandable, but his solution — make that, his retribution — is outrageous.

One who doesn't vote doesn't count? We'll listen, but with a yawn and a snicker?

What's the next royal decree from His Regalness: Public caning for voters missing three elections in a row?

We guess kids and infants are flat outta luck in the Lenox Domain. And the infirm, and the sick, and the hospital-bound.

Maybe the mayor will accept doctor's excuses.

Maybe the mayor ought to get a grip.

As we have reminded Hizzoner on other outrageous occasions in the past, we elected him mayor, not king.

As the Georgia Constitution reminds those who would read it, “All government, of right, originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole. Public officers are the trustees and servants of the people and are at all times amenable to them.” Paragraph I, Section II, Origin and Structure of Government.

Hizzoner, despite his royal leanings, is just a servant of the people — and not just the people who voted. And he is amenable — answerable — to them, whether they voted for him or not, whether they voted at all or not.

Back off, Bob. You are not authorized to be the public poll monitor, and that's not what you were elected for. Be an humble public servant, grateful to be afforded the honor of serving ALL the people of Peachtree City. Take care of city business, and leave the people's business — including their voting records — up to them.

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