Wednesday, September 1, 1999
Public education is rewarded by gullible parents for undereducating kids

1993 was a seminal year. A womanizing, corrupt, traitor was sworn into the office of President of the United States.

His Marxist-Socialist comrade was made an unofficial “Co-President.” Liberals, socialists and communists were ecstatic. Soviet agents, sleeper agents and other leftist covert agents felt safe enough to really reveal their true agendas without fear.

Massive transfers of sensitive technology, money and food would be sent to China, North Korea, Russia and former members of the Soviet Empire. Destruction of America's military and intelligence capabilities would be top priorities of this Clinton-Quisling Presidency. Decades of work were bearing fruit. Happy Days for American Socialism!

In the summer of 1993, one happy grandmother, a National Education Association bureaucrat, advised me, “America's children must be destroyed — Not because we want to (We're not monsters); but, because we have to. The destruction of U.S. capitalism is our goal; and, unfortunately, the easiest and fastest way is to destroy kids (via education)....”

How do you wake up America and stop idealistic, socialist grandmas and others from destroying this wonderful (not perfect) country of ours?

About 10 years ago I developed two presentations which tested the American public. The first: “Let's Play Jeopardy with the Environment!” tested people's knowledge of the environment, your world and whether people were stupid or ignorant. I found that most people were extremely ignorant; but, they were not stupid.

What was the primary reason for the massive ignorance of the American populace? Answer: Government-public education. Could government-public education be reformed? Answer: No! The government-public school system is rewarded for miseducating or poorly educating children under their control!

Think it through. If you, as a government teacher or bureaucrat, get $8,000 per student per year to poorly teach a child versus $4000 per student per year to give that child an empowering, practical, mind-expanding education in a private or parochial school system, what school system would you choose?

Right! Most people in control, most Democrats and, sadly, many Republicans, nationwide and here in Fayette County (Dr. Bob Todd, Greg Powers, Mickey Littlefield, etc.) choose the money. It doesn't matter what rationalizations Mr. Powers, Mr. Littlefield, et al., give us to oppose quality education for Fayette County kids, the ultimate result is the same as the Marxist-socialists: Poor math skills, poor communication skills, poor knowledge of U.S. history and most important, poor critical thinking skills.

Let's start the process in Fayette County where our kids can have an Olympic-quality education at Wal-Mart prices.

Let's begin the process to stop this madness and cruelty directed at our kids by refusing to give more money to the Fayette government-school oligarchy.

Save kids, save money and save this country! Reject SPLOST!

Bill Bryan
Peachtree City

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