Wednesday, August 18, 1999
SPLOST supporter worries about BOE priorities

I would like to address my issues and concerns relating to the proposed SPLOST.

My family has lived in Fayette County for 13 years and we have daughters in the South Complex middle and high school. I support the concept of using a local option sales tax to fund education needs in Fayette County. This seems a fair and equitable manner to meet the education needs of this county.

My concern is a short-sighted and inequitable proposal for the spending of this tax money. One lesson I think we have all taken from our secondary education is that if we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

It appears to me that we are setting a course to continue making the same mistakes as previous boards of education. That is to propose to raise just enough funds to build what is needed to meet our current needs with no cushion for the inevitable cost overruns and future population growth of Fayette County. One example is the recent issue of the South Complex stadium project.

The board's estimate of $2 million to build a complete stadium project fell approximately $600,000 short of the lowest estimate. This meant scaling back the project, including eliminating visitors bleachers (a security issue), the field house (to be used by a middle school and high school), concessions and restrooms.

Now, this SPLOST is proposing $1.2 million to fund what should have been included in the first place for $600,000!

If we are to take into account this board's history lessons, we will get 30 percent less money than what is needed to complete the project or be forced to build less than what is needed to meet the needs of the South Complex. That will bring us all back here again before my seventh grader becomes a tenth grader to figure out how to meet our needs again at a much larger cost.

The second issue is the inequitable proposal for distribution of the funds. Almost as much money is proposed ($11.2 million, AJC 7/8/99) for McIntosh High School to build a physical education facility, field house, stadium repairs, other renovations and modifications as is proposed for technology items ($11.98 million) for the entire county.

Excuse me, but I am having a difficult time understanding how a school with a population decreased enough for them to be downgraded to a state AAA classification in sports justifies mostly athletic expenditures almost equal to the combined technology budget of the entire county school system!

A current best-selling author sold millions of books on a fairly simple precept on effective habits... ”begin with the end in mind.”

As our elected officials, we should expect the same from you or we will reflect otherwise at the polls. That would include support for this much needed SPLOST and in the future general elections for school board membership.

Mitch Coleman

Peachtree City

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