Wednesday, August 4, 1999
Congress msut investigate Chinese spying

The Congress should take immediate action to investigate the Clinton-Gore administration's relationship to the Communist Chinese government.

These are very distressing times, with our nation devoid of moral or honest leadership and our national interests being sold down the river to a country which believes we are its primary enemy.

It is difficult to understand how the Congress of the United States could allow: the sale of sensitive U.S. military-related technology to the Communist Chinese for campaign contributions and an ensuring cover-up led by Sen. John Glenn, who was rewarded with a space ride for his collusion; the bungling of the ensuing investigation and that of Chinese spying by the Justice Department so that everyone is now blameless; the direction of these cases to judges that would give free passes to the accused; the payoff of over $700,000 for no work accomplished to Webster Hubbell; and now the disavowal of Taiwan, a traditional ally, to those same enemies from Communist China.

It further appears that the only one going to jail could be Linda Tripp, whose motive was an attempt to see justice done in the White House!

What a dismal legacy the Clinton-Gore Administration will have left us. What a dismal legacy this Congress will leave us if it does not rally to tell the American people the true story of the sordid, immoral, and treasonous Clinton-Gore administration.

William H. Fielder
Peachtree City

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