The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page
Wednesday, May 5, 1999
Parents, help keep our schools safe

Letters from Our Readers

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In response to Steve Hester's letter on zero tolerance in our Fayette county schools [The Citizen, April 28], I agree!

Any hint of violence is totally unacceptable and should be dealt with swiftly and with extreme seriousness because we are talking about the lives of our children here, and there is no margin for error.

I am the mother of twin daughters at Fayette County High School. Like other parents I have been very concerned and would like to believe that my children can finish out these last five weeks of school in order to graduate.

As parents we tend to throw the majority of the responsibility of our children's safety on the schools, the school board, the local police department and the local sheriff's department. We expect them to "tighten up security" and keep our kids safe, but are we asking too much?

Not really, but in reality there are more of "us" (parents) than there are of "them" (law enforcement) and we have to take a stand to do something about it ourselves!

Friday at FCHS, I, along with approximately a dozen other parents, made ourselves available and volunteered our time to assist with the security measures being taken. We did this because we love our children and we want to do everything we can to prevent anything from happening.

So, if you want to ensure your child's safety, do something about it instead of jamming up the schools telephone lines and volunteer a little of your time.

And not just now since the Colorado tragedy; we should be doing this every school year from here on out.

Parents, let's bond together and refuse to allow our schools to be terrorized. Together we can make our schools safe again.

Barbie Dunn

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