The Fayette Citizen-News Page
Sunday, April 4, 1999
"Easter People"

Religion Columnist

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"I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die." John 11:25-26


Please stop.

Stop what you're doing.

Whether you're in the kitchen, or the family room, or the living room, or the bedroom, maybe even outside.

Stop for just a minute.

Take a deep breath. And cleanse your mind from your "fast-lane" lifestyle.

Just stop.

Now, go back and read again the Bible verse printed above. Go ahead, read it again...then come back here to read on...

It's Jesus speaking. Speaking to Martha in the Bible. Her brother has just died. Friends have gathered. It's the typical scene after the death in the family. A lot of activity. Some talking. But, then again, not a lot of talking. Folks just don't know what to say.

But Jesus knows what to say. And He's not just speaking to Martha. He's speaking to the friends and family. He's speaking to the centuries of people long past. He's speaking to the centuries of people long in the future. He's speaking to the Church. He's speaking to the unchurched. He's speaking to those whom you know and love. And, yes, He's speaking to you!

And, oh, what a message it is! In fact, it's the best message there is! It's the best message ever! Jesus proclaims that HE is the "resurrection and the life." HE has conquered death by being raised from death. He has established life by rising to life!

That is probably the most bold claim ever by anyone...BUT IT'S TRUE! And because it's true of HIM, He has the authority to claim that it is true for those who believe in Him and His resurrection.And what does all of this really mean for us? It means that we can live our lives in joy and freedom because we're not crippled by the fear of death. It's not that we want to "hurry up and die."

Of course not. Instead, since we know that our death is NOT "The End," we can enjoy life and it's purpose and all it's blessings and opportunities! AND we can survive all it's sorrows and setbacks.

In the resurrection of Jesus, your life and mine have been changed. Easter is not just an event, it is "a people". WE are "Easter People"! Alive. Energized. Fortified. Joy-filled. And that calls for a celebration! And a celebration is what awaits us in a special way this Easter Sunday morning in the churches right here in our own community!

Easter People will have decorated. Easter People will have rehearsed. Easter People will sing and play and shout and even dance in some cases. Easter People will preach and pray, declaring a Risen Savior. In ancient and modern ways Easter People will worship the Risen One and declare His Victory as our victory. The victory of Easter People!

And Easter People want nothing more than for people to be Easter People and join in the great Party of Life in the Name of Christ! So EVERYONE is invited to Easter People churches. Young and old. Rich and poor. "Regulars" and Guests!! Come! Come!! There's no better time to experience the reality of being Easter People than right now!

So, if you're one of the Easter People who worships every Sunday, this will be the highlight of your year. And if you have recently been "busy" and absent from worship more than you'd like, take this opportunity to return and be refreshed, renewed, and inspired. And, if you never go to church and hadn't even planned to go this Sunday, decide today to find a church near you and show up! You'll be amazed at how welcomed and alive the Easter People will make you feel!!

Thanks for "stopping".

"See you in church!"

With all the Easter People we say, "Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!"

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