Wednesday, March 31, 1999 |
Home & Garden
The following is a brief list of plants you might want to include in a butterfly garden. Your garden center or landscape professional can suggest other varieties appropriate to your climate.
Nectar Plants
Annuals Cosmos/Cosmos sulphreus French Marigold/ Tagetes patula Impatiens/Impatiens wallerana Moss verbena/Verbena tenuisecta Zinnia/Zinnia elegans
New England aster/Aster novae-angliae Pineapple sage/Salvia rutilans Purple Coneflower/Echinacea purpurea Vervain/Verbena bonariensis
Azalea/Rhododendron spp. Butterfly bush/Buddleia davidii Glossy abelia/Abelia x Grandiflora
Host Plants
Butterflyweed/Asclepius tuberosa attracts monarchs Parsley/Petroselinum crispum attracts black swallowtail Dill/Anethum graveolens attracts black swallowtail Blue Passionflower/Passiflora caerulea attracts gulf fritillary Spicebush/Lindera benzoin attracts spicebush swallowtail Tulip Tree/Liriodendron tulipifera attracts eastern tiger swallowtail Would you like to tell us what you think of this story?