The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page
Wednesday, March 31, 1999
After Kosovo, it's all downhill from here

Letters from Our Readers

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Well, Bill Clinton has finally got himself a real war, the final outcome of which is seriously in doubt, and certainly its lingering repercussions are even more ominous. But, Brodderick and Chinagate are off the headlines, the economy is good, so what is the beef.

However, he is setting the stage for Al Gore to be the last Democratic president, and possibly the last president as we know it.

Oh, there is no doubt the Al Gore will be the next president, either to fill the unexpired term of Bill Clinton, or be elected in his own right in the upcoming year 2000 election. He will be a shoo-in, if he can defeat Bill Bradley in the Democratic Primary, but I believe that will be a gimme, with his ability to tap Hollywood money. However, it won't make that much difference, because there is very little difference in the character and political socialism between the two.

Gore will have a large majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate, so he will have Gephardt as Speaker of the House and Daschle as the Majority Leader in the Senate. If Hillary isn't indicted, she will have taken a demotion from being Co-President with Clinton to being Vice President, thereby giving her the Chair in the Senate, and the leading advisor to Gore.

The Republicans, who have shown that they do not have the guts to use their majority while in power for the last eight years will have forfeited their leadership to become the "back benchers" in which capacity they served for the previous 40 years, and to which they become so inured.

You see, when Clinton and his henchman, Tony Blair, the Laborite Prime Minister of Great Britain, prevailed upon the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, to interfere into a civil war in Serbia, a new type of adventure was undertaken.

The origin of NATO arose in 1949 when the World War II Allies formed a defense pact against the rising aggressions and actions of the Soviet Union, the beginning of the Cold War. It was composed of the following nations: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France (who under DeGaulle withdrew), Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxumburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and the United States. It was a defense pact in every respect, requiring all signatories to assist in the defense of all of the other parties.

But after the complete failure of Communism and its front, the Soviet Union, the reason for the continuation of NATO ceased, but, since it had become a vast bureaucracy, and bureaucracies are almost impossible to eradicate. It changed its purpose, and enlarged itself to reach not only Atlantic states, but deep into central Europe, and placed itself right up against Russia itself.

It added to its purposes, besides defense, that of keeping the peace in Europe, with of course, American soldiers, planes, ships and rockets.

Thus, when a province of Serbia, Kosovo, occupied by "ethnic Albanians" who decided they wanted the province for themselves, and started a civil war to achieve that purpose, the government of Serbia began attacking the separatists. Now, this has been going on, off and on, for 600 years, but NATO hasn't been around that long.

So NATO, for the first time in its 50-year existence, demanded of a sovereign nation that the government of Serbia release the Province of Kosovo to the ethnic Albanians and if it did not do so, NATO would make it do so, if it took the killing of all Serbs and destruction of Serbia to accomplish it.

And the Serbs refused, and the United States started firing tons and tons of explosives all around Serbia delivered by missiles costing over $1 million per missile, and flying $2 billion aircraft from the United States to Serbia to deliver "smart bombs." Where was NATO when Sherman burned his way from Atlanta to Savannah in another Civil War?

In the second term of Gore, the lesson of the invasion of a sovereign Country during a Civil War will have been learned by the ethnic Cubans in Florida, and the ethnic Mexicans in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. They will therefore declare themselves independent states and demand their rights as such.

Thereupon, Gore, as did Lincoln, will dispatch what few troops he still has in the United States - most of his troops will be in Kosovo, Bosnia, Haiti, Korea, Albania, Macedonia, Japan, Germany, and Brussels - whereupon, Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy et al will demand that the United State cede those parts of the states occupied by ethnic Cubans and ethnic Mexicans to the occupants, or they will bomb Washington.

Problem: with all his troops overseas (and the indebtedness of the United State having been tripled to 12 trillion dollars by the expansion of every Governmental bureaucracy, the growing reluctance of the people to support the spending spree of the unfettered Democratic government on welfare, governmental complete control of every school, socialized medicine, global warming, clean air, water, governmental control of television and radio, environmentalists determining every plant or fertilizer accessible to grow food, and what food could be grown and sold and how many roads they will allow, and when and where we can travel, protecting endangered species like mosquitoes, fire ants, ragweed, and crab grass, and grants to college professors to determine what bicycles turn over and the closing of power plants to save the ozone hole over the South Pole), if he resists, he will have to call out all the reserves and the National Guards, those who are not already overseas.

Dare he reinstitute the draft? With the pardons back in the '60s having the effect to let each draftee determine the morality of the war, a new draft would not be feasible. Thus, Gore would capitulate, and resign.

NATO could then take over, set up the ethnic Cubans in Florida and the ethnic Mexicans in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California, and may or may not let Hillary become president. I could add something to that, but I want.

I hope I am not a good prognosticator.

William H. Cooper, Jr.
Peachtree City

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