Friday, March 19, 1999 |
The Peachtree City Little League Baseball will be hosting
the nationally recognized Doyle Baseball School on April
9-11. America's #1 Baseball school will instruct baseball and
softball players between the ages of 6-16 in hitting, throwing and
fielding during the three day school. The school will be held from 6-9
p.m. on April 9, from 10-4 on April 10 and from 1-5 on April 11 at
the Baseball Complex on Hwy. 74 in Peachtree City.
Tuition for the Doyle School is $55 by April 9 and $75 after
April 9. To register for the school, either pick up a registration form
at the Kedron fieldhouse or call Terry White at 678-817-1623. For
a free Doyle baseball brochure, call 914-439-1000.