- Make this year great!
- Noted Bible teacher, Howard Hendricks tells about the most exciting lay teacher he
had ever been exposed to, a woman 86 years old.
ACMC mobilizes churches for world missions
- The people have a heart for world evangelism; the church has a large number
of supplies in books and Bibles; the congregation is faithful to tithe; now, how can
these resources be used to contribute to a powerful missions ministry?
Plenty of controversy for Council
- A full plate of controversy awaits Fayetteville City
Council as the group sits down for its first meeting of 1999 Monday night.
The Second Chance
- In the "Signs of The Times Encyclopedia," it states that in the "1929 Rose
Bowl football game, football's 'wrongest run' occurred." California was leading
Georgia Tech 7-6 when Roy Riegels took the ball.
New priest teaches parishioners to experience truth through faith
- A former mission church, The Catholic Church of Saint
Gabriel officially arrived in 1987.