Friday, July 16, 2004
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Cain wins camp free throw contestHamilton J. Cain, a rising third-grader at Kedron Elementary participated in the Skip Prosser Wake Forest University Basketball Camp and won the free throw shooting championship for his age group (7-9) June 11. The camp was held at Wake Forest's campus in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Cain has played in the Peachtree City Youth Basketball Association league for the past two years and his team, the Seminoles, were runnerups in the second-grade boys tournament this past winter. In addition to participating in sports, he is also a straight A student and is part of Kedron's enrichment program. His brother, Grant, a rising first-grader at Kedron Elementary, also participated in the camp.ÊWhile he did not win any individual awards, he was the youngest player there, at 6, and his coach said that he had the most potential of any of the players on his team. Hamilton and Grant are the sons of Randell and Cynthia Cain of Peachtree City.
2004-Fayette Publishing, Inc.